German-American Friendship Thread

There is no countries that are closer to each other than Germany and the United States.

They helped us after WW2 by giving us tremendous economical support that allowed us to quickly recover and become the economic powerhouse of Europe that we are nowadays.

White Americans have mostly German ancestry, we literally BUILT America.

There is not one country that is closer to us, and not one country that has helped us so much throughout our history.

FUCK Russia.

FUCK China.

FUCK Eastern Europe.

FUCK medniggers.

FUCK arabs and turks.

FUCK snowniggers.

FUCK anglos.

Germany + USA = future dominant powers of this planet

If only they would stop occupying us, we could unleash our true potential.

video to celebrate this occassion:

Attached: Download.jpg (300x168, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mein Freund!

Midwest German checking in


russian or arab rapebaby detected

I hope you get pushed under a train.

German was almost the official language here in the US with 2/3rds of the country speaking it before ww1

>the no German ancestry

Inb4 you have to go back

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Meine Freundin ist deutsch. Wie geht's Bruder?

They may call us mohammeds and we may call them mutts, but at the end of the day, the United States of America is our best fren.


Germany is now a country of quadroon North Africans. It isn’t a white country anymore.

friendly reminder that germany is still asia. also fuck jannies.


Attached: J1.4 p26.jpg (489x597, 45K)

No, my brother, we are still white, just like America still has a decent amount of truly white European people.

But you need to act if you want to keep it that way, just like we need to act.

you naive krauts forget that if or when the jew blows the whistle the USA will be bombing your cities again

Attached: Texas-Germany.png (368x335, 158K)

>Think of the negroes and leftists that might get bombed goy
The horror. Go ahead. Might in fact be good for us.

In the next breath, you'll call us mutts. Fuck off, we don't need you.

6/8 anglo 1/8 german 1/8 irish american

Muh hurutuge be half irish half german with a bit o' cherokee

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These are obvious spics, don't reply to them krauts.

for every american one bullet fuck those kike slaves

>Fuck russia
In all fields, CIA nigger. Raus aus meinem Land, du Husso.

Lmao try English, Irish and German. Spics aren't American, they're occupiers.

Pretty close!

Attached: anglokinda.png (1200x1247, 203K)

I'm sorry your country is in shambles

And your country is not?

Piss off Ivan

Russians are fucking subhuman niggers who should stay outta Europe.

>for every american one bullet fuck those kike slaves
we need only one ally, 'tis the best ally

Attached: symbolofhate.jpg (500x335, 28K)

Cos Ramstein.

Murica has to become Merica again.
Right now, Murica and Deutscheland are pretty very similar, which also means: Socialist shitholes.
Same propaganda, same topics, same indoctrination, mostly same problems.

I like almost every European nation, and we should increase ties with them. Germany and the USA have a lot of history due to Germans being our second largest ethnic group, I hope we can reverse the damage we did to German Americans culture in WW1.

OP is a weirdo