Explain this Jow Forums

Explain this Jow Forums

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Its called starve the beast. You cut taxes and leave a deficit in order to stop new spending. Cant spend what you dont have.

Cuckservatives don't repeal the spending, only the taxes.
They're ascared of losing their immaculate-white collar jobs.

>Explain this Jow Forums
Well it looks like that faggot OP posted his gay bait again

>Blaming the president for power of the purse
Focus on fixing your own country, Mohammad

Solar Warden is expensive


Replace "Fiscal Conservative" with Neoconservative" and you have your answer.

Attached: Ron Paul vs neocon.gif (224x200, 2.01M)

he sold the most weapons out of all presidents combined to questionable groups and countries

It's called being a fiscal conservative. Cut taxes and keep spending. It will all just trickle down, don't worry goy.

Attached: us debt redpill.png (927x6648, 1.17M)

Who controlled Congress and more specifically the House during those presidents terms?


Pass the balanced budget amendment.

The Internet + .com. Done.

Your gay (((cartoon))) ends before we elected a nigger and gave him a credit card.

The dot com boom, the soon to fade cocaine like high of exporting manufacuring to chyna

According to my commie mate, money isn't real so you can spend it endlessly and never pay it back because of how FIAT currency works.

It was republicans at the time not clinton, but also financial deregulation

I think that image missed one...
>FY 2010 - Obama's first budget created a $1.294 trillion deficit.

It is all bullshit DC accounting. Really doesn't mean shit and they can paint it any way they want. Not to mention Bill happened to be president during the largest shift in mankind since the industrial revolution. Didn't have anything to do with it, just benefited from it happening in the US to be frank.

This. All Democrats.

those faggots cared more about bombing the middle east for israel and controlling what plant we smoke than being fiscal conservative.

Bill Clinton was a huge faggot who swiped social security to leave that surplus and it doesn't matter when the debt is so insanely huge.

democrats tax and spend republicans borrow and spend. Everyone knows this.

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Where is the meme that a democrat cuts spending and increases the budget coming from? What world do these people live in, where they can make such blatant notoriously easy to disprove, lies like this?

the dot.com


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LMAO this is pure lies...there was no surplus they revised it...also when Reagan took over the deficit was far larger, the 90's were a horrible time of white genocide economic destruction, a fake "tech bubble" that crashed massively...

BTW the national debt went up that year, if their truly was a 200 billion "surplus" the National Debt would not have gone up 1 trillion and over "officially" under Clinton btw Rubin was falsifying the books it was more like 9 trillion...it went up by 28 billion from 99-2000...which in today's money is at least 250-500 billion dollars of purchasing power...90's equivalent of 28 B-2 Bombers which back then is literally an insane amount of money

Once you learn the math is off and the system is fake, you realized the Clitnon false claim of "surplus" is horseshit, and thats based on their own proven and admitted two books fake statistics

the dot com bubble

jewish democrats and jewish republicans....Welfare state enacted its effects, long term effect of muh policies....House GOP and Traficant waging war day by day....the tech bubble burst....

Clinton lied, the economy die.

how to be enslaved 101

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I guess multiple rapes improves the economy... who’d a thought?

anyone who bought into trickle down economics was/is a retard or an already wealthy person because greed prevents it from actually working

>Doesn’t mean shit.
Thanks. I hate how people use the term deficit to mean national debt. Our government spending is absolutely full of waste and fraud. Our national debt has gone up a trillilion dollars a year since 2008. It’s not pretty folks. If you want to sit around and play the Democrats versus Republicans game on this one, let me share a secret with you:

You are the problem. A reason that we can’t correct shared problems.

You can have a surplus if you budget for taking debt that year.

Money is debt.

it's that simple.

Kek. Underrated post. Fiat money. Have to quantify.

Reaganomics at work still destroying the country 50 years later

Tax cuts & massive military spending all pay for themselves 3 times now ... Reagan ..Bush Jr.. trump

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Fascinating read, thank you

You are part of the problem. Dem or Repub doesn’t matter.

>If we go back on the Gold standard, it will force the goobermit to stop spending so much

Government always wants to get larger. During Clinton's second term the Congress was Republican. Both sides wanted to spend more, but neither side wanted to help eachother, which meant that whilst taxes rose to the economic boom, spending wasn't able to match it.

Also Jews.

it matters more who held the House

Democrats are brainlets that don't understand national debt

>but you can't just print more money
You literally can because most of the U.S's owed debt is to itself and so long as Americans pay taxes the U.S dollar is worth something.

Does the president make the budget? Or does Congress?
Who controlled the congress when Bill Clinton was president?

Crumbling infrastructure and military.
Note Obama not shown.

I've read this one before.
user treats his political party, the GOP, like he treats a sports team. It takes a lot of cognitive dissonance to imply
>We have no freedom
>The second largest party is on your side

It’s the senate you dork

Excuse me?? If Democrats want to spend they raise taxes

If Republicans want to spend they pass the biggest tax cut ever on top of it ...

You would of thought this image was true btw but somehow we got Reagan part 3

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>11 year old cartoon
>obvious bait
>1 post
>still gets replies

Cartoon was created in 2008. It’s a misleading cartoon. Very disingenuous at best. Funny thing is that I wish we had Reagan back.

I notice they left Obama off of it

All anti-white traitors

>Explain this Jow Forums
Bill didn't have time to put the country into debt.
that said, Obama liberal government debt just WOW

Attached: sarah.silver.jpg (1246x1900, 484K)

And Clintons wage decisions resulted in the 2007 recession

House controls the purse

No excuse me needed. I meant what I said. People that go all Democrats versus Republicans are the problem and the reason nothing will be fixed. There are major problems, but as long as the other party is blamed they can continue with their bullshit maneuvers.

Government spending is full of abuse and fraud. National debt has gone up a trillion dollars a year since 2008. It now exceeds our GDP. We have serious issues going on. It needs attention. This is a people versus government situation.

Comic was from 2008

>calling it trickle down economics

you do know that that is a libtard label that the media pushed onto an economic idea, and nothing about is is actually about "trickling down"... meanwhile the government is supposed to make the wealth "trickle down" according to faggots like you, since that totally has happened.


Eexcept that that isnt what the 1933 banking act says. I went and looked it up. There are a ton of tin foil shills quoting the word bankruptcy, which does not appear anywhere in the text of the document.
Idiots somewheere willl believe it, and it doesnt make what happened riht, but historical revisionism like that is we wuz kangz level garbage and you should be ashamed for posting

I’d like to add that I think very positively of the Reagan era. At least for the most part. I lived through the Carter era too. That was really bad.

The Clinton era did put the nation further into debt. The country was also in a recession when he left office.

Am I the only one to read it like “maximumthot”?

>meanwhile the government is supposed to make the wealth "trickle down" according to faggots like you, since that totally has happened.
Not a problem in itself, the problem is that it trickles down to the most useless members of society, instead of those with potential.

What?? Republicans just spent all of 2017 saying the tax curs will magically pay for themselves and everyone will get a 5k raise (the trickle down)

Attached: trickle-down-piss.jpg (440x304, 33K)

Pretty sure Congress plans the budget and the President is blamed for it.

Why didn’t you put Obama on the info graph? Is that because he spent more than all of them combined?

>a president who rode the dot com boom and inherited a decade and a half of wise fiscal policies had a bigger budget surplus than the presidents who had to deal with the consequences of Democrat tax-and-spend policies

Wow. Who woulda thunk it?

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Solar Warden is fiscally independent, it gets its own budget from abducting people and selling them to ayys as slaves.

Democrats controlled the Senate for 20 years from the end of Vietnam til 1994

None of those people are conservatives

Reagan was a zionist, bush was a zionist

Huge deficits were racked up under FDR and Woodrow Wilson's creation of the Federal reserve. The leftists Jew bankers created this problem and zionist neocons perpetuated it.

She is one of those juden whores the Bible warns us about.

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The redder the Senate, the smaller the deficit.

Has nothing to do with the President or the House.

Israel needs more aid goy, and also consider the idea that boycotts of Israel are illegal and the US should cover the losses incurred by Israel should boycotts economically damage Israel.

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Read it however you want wiTh those digits

>Huge deficits were racked up under FDR

DEBT was going down until Reagan got in and set America on this Reaganomics path of free tax curs and massive spending that Republicans won't give up

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Reagan rocked! Holy shit did he rock. American’s were crashing financially, getting gasoline was a chore. Will never forget those gas lines. The Middle East was falling apart. All thanks to Carter and his colluding with Russia. Now here comes the Gipper! Yeah baby, the country starts getting on track. No wars to really speak of. Fuck, the country was united and people were happy. Kids knew they could have a future if they worked hard. Opportunity was there.

I would take the Reagan era again in a heartbeat. The national debt growth in your graph isn’t insane between 1980 and 1988.

The President is not the only person and branch involved with budget creation.

Reagan was also big on cutting spending. Some of the programs to do this were pretty awesome.

Enjoy your arguments and finger pointing. It does nothing good for anyone. Thanks for helping fuck up my country you half informed faggot.

>tfw spbp but it went completely ignored
It's depressing to see all the sheep in this thread who think that anything other than greed and cowardice is responsible for these cuckservative failures. They're too enmeshed in the swamp to actually cut spending. The Democrats at least admit they want to raise taxes. Republicans just act like they're deficit hawks and then don't follow through. I was extremely disappointed when Trump turned out the same way.

They sure like to spend. Look at all the fraud, abuse, and nepotism in government spending. Hey, need a wood hammer for the military? That will be five hundred dollars please. Just ignore the company who is getting the money to. Medicare fraud? Welfare fraud? You betcha. How about a five million dollar grant to study and prove gays like anal sex?

Our government has gotten worse and worse every year. That damn other party did it.

They take enough in taxes and don’t do shit with it. It’s free money to them.

The debt is so astronomical we may as well be talking about fantasy money. Is anyone actually worried about what will happen if we add another couple trillion onto the national debt?


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Good thing we have a real fiscal conservative in the white house now.

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Bush had a GOP Congress when he pissed away the Clinton surplus and Trump had a GOP Congress when he jacked up the deficit to a trillion

Attached: goptaxcuts.jpg (906x630, 275K)

cringy boomer posting

just die already

The financial illuminati fudges the numbers during democrat years to make people want socialism, then they can take all the money away.

Dims actually believe this!

best edit

Hey, it's Obamaleaf.

Also, that graph seems to imply correlation = causation.

based trump
the economy needs to crash

Show all of Obama's deficit.

and the difference from Bush to Obama.


You do understand they are all part of the same group right? Its all a show.