>B-but she doesn’t know anything ab-b-b-bout economics

>Nobel prize winner in the field agrees with all of her policies.

Attached: 20192284-3448-4083-B0E4-AE7C41CA3682.jpg (749x840, 154K)

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No he doesn't. She believes in MMT and he doesn't.


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Paul Krugman is a dipshit of the highest order.

Dumb cuckie Krugman predicted Trump winning would crash the economy. He took #1 place in the fake news awards for that whopper.

if I ever listened to paul Krugman I would be living on the streets, just like he wants

Attached: krugs.jpg (900x900, 160K)

>fake jew award jew winner agrees with jew puppets socialist views

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>AOC Derangement syndrome

Time and time again, I am shown that the left truly cannot meme, but only steal and co-opt

A Jewish Marxist professor agrees with her, I'm in.