AOC found thru Casting Call! 5 Dems recruited-Political equivalent of Spice Girls!!!

Straight from the Horses Mouth!!
>inb4 kike channel

just watch her admit she is a puppet

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Other urls found in this thread:


link to her casting couch video

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This will get shut down
Op is not faggot for once

There was a video from the Justice Democrats guy himself admitting he called her and asked out of the blue if she wanted to run for congress. He even admits they called a bunch of other people, young crazy liberal AOC is just one of them.

Was SHE running this casting call?

What’s the CIA’s endgame?

To make the world safe for Yankee carpetbaggers.

This does not prove that OP is not a complete and total faggot, but this is most certainly not a gay thread. Have a bump cock sucker.

This being slide in force

Fucking hilarious! I wonder who funds and organizes this casting group?

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Its a real (((mystery))) user.

Meanwhile, what do we do to get /ourguys/ elected?

imagine my shock


Saddest part is she was the best option out of 10,000 applicants
You can’t make this shit up

I got 5 shekels on SOROS.

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I don't have a pepe clownish enough for this. I hope this comes close.

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Did they find an RBG double yet?

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Qrd on this pic

OP and the channel he linked are kikes.

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Sez the Socialist Shill.

It’s not really that hard to imagine.
>10,000 applicants
>dumber than a box of rocks
If not her they would have found another

This is the only important question.

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As soon as they found her, they yanked her out of the gates community she grew up in, and had her get a job as a local bar fly in The Ghetto.
"Look, she's 'One Of You'!"

Slide not working so here come the shills

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Why don't we do something similar but with our guys instead of globo homo? I mean the idea wouldn't be to try and get wig nats elected, but to fund raise, recruit, and campaign for people that are at the very edge of the overton window. Ie supports a halt to immigration, making English the national language, tough on crime, get faggotry and degeneracy out of schools, no more wars for Israel. I feel like alot of the ideas pushed by the alt right are very close to what a huge section of the population believes, but they get scared away by all the Nazi stuff. And yes, Hitler did nothing wrong, but if the Swastika were politically disadvantageous, Uncle Adolf would drop it in a second and not think twice about it.
Cenk Uygur and Kyle Kulinski , Saikat Chakrabarti, and fundraiser Zack Exley

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They have deep pockets and the entire msm backing them

Quit watching at Bernstein

So this is a clever scheme to fracture the Democratic Party right? Better be careful of unintended consequences.

You can do grass roots fund raising. I mean if there were an organization that tried to get actual right wing candidates elected, wouldn't you send them money? I would.

Local politics.
It's going to end up as the Feds pushing #Diversity and local communities saying "fuck off."
I think that's where the real rebellion will begin.
#Diversity will chase you down and hunt you while you sleep.
A stand must be taken and I think it'll be communities that actively don't want to be demographically replaced doing the real "fighting."
Hopefully it'll all be something that happens in court.
Though it could go kinetic in a worst case scenario.

Not gay and fake, a first.

Yes but there’s not

>”Oy vey this goy is a shill (pls click link to my jewish channel)”
Are you kikes even trying anymore?

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Just don't so any of your fundraising using:
Also, keep a large cash fund for when ADL / SPLC starts with the lawfare.
They'll file superfluous suits to drain your money and energy.
Other than that, there's nothing stopping us.

Obama is a reptilian.

Initial reaction: pic related
I swear I'll watch it all tho

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Just skip to 2:45 and watch aoc

bump for content

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What is reptilian? Slang for nigger?

didnt cenk resigned because of his sexist posts from the past?

Yea, I don't think there will be any large scale violence or secession unless things are allowed to get super bad. Like of Kamala Harris got elected. But there will probably be more small scale violent clashes like Charlottesville. And like you said, it's gonna take local politicians bucking the fed.

Such a Debby Downer man.

So are most of the natsoc shills on Jow Forums.

So they made a documentary about buying politicians, something that's been happening for decades already.

THE JEW lists a bunch of jewish horseshit....Hizbollah aren't terrorists they are freedom fighter Hamas is a mossad op...Isis doesn't exist and the jew run alciada

>criticizing AIPAC is antisemitism by definition
let me stop you right there friend

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Annnnnnnnd..... this is why she made the comment the other day about other dems going on a list. This bitch is as stupid as she is fucking evil. She needs to go to jail for her funneling money to her boyfriend.

Brock who is radical jewish zionist and cointelpro pedophile also a child fucker

gas yourself juden

>orignal source

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jewish groomed mossad larpers nice hegelianism

What does it matter?

She's a member of Justice Democrats. Of course they're going to try and find their best candidate.

an ugly sephardic jewess from texas...who is related to Echevarria jewish cuban crime family of the JFK assassination


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Uhm, I don't think it's in any way legal to audition people for congress and then implement them into congress to mess with congress and the American system and rule of law. but that's just my two cents. I might be wrong and apparently congress is the next America's got talent freak show. It would be sad if it were.

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>people complain forever about politicians having no qualifications
>job interview essentially held, political party picks best candidate among recruitees

sounds based to me

Thanks user

Truth is that these 4 girls are the only BASED politicians in Washington. They rest are Zionist shills.

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>I don't think it's in any way legal to audition people for congress and then implement them into congress to mess with congress
I think you'll have trouble finding a law against that.

she's not wrong

Interesting but I'll keep my skepticism

MoveOn is Soros



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I thought this was public knowledge.
You guys didn't know this?

Yes, she was run by the Justice Democrats.
Which was founded by Cenk Uygur and Kyle Kulinkski.

What's the big news here?

CIA runs squares like McMuffin. AOC is a kike psyop as is 99% of the opposition to her. They’re left wing Trumps. Distractions from taking the initiative in RAHOWA

Hshahahahaaa it's real!!

The forms she had to sign probably have a clause that say she has to be running on her own volition.

>Kyle Kulinkski.
who isn't even part of the group anymore lol

good question

How do we make this spread? I don't have social media, but I want to help expose this waitress bartender fraud. You wouldn't hire a plumber to fix your car, so why are we trusting our country with incompetent people? She feels whatever she is told to feel. I am scared for our future. pol right again.

Hey kike, stop posting your shitty videos here. Isreals time is up.

>What's the big news here?
Some kike needed to get a few clickshekels shilling his kosher nationalist channel

Cenk is known intelligence asset. Which means AOC has a handler in the deep state while she LARPs as an outsider / rebel.

skip to the 2:45 mark, if it weren't on video, you would think Pol made this up

It has been a high school popularity contest for years, since at least Kennedy.

>running on her own volition
I'm sure she wasn't forced.
People encourage others to run every day.
There's nothing illegal about it.

Say goodbye to your channel kike!

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I saw it and am impressed and disgusted in equal portions. It's about how I normally feel. I wish I expected something better

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AOC fags are as bad as kikes

news to me
popped up on my recommend today,( vid is 2 weeks old)
she's got people running around screaming the world is ending and we need her new green deal, that the big news

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its funny because the GOP would win elections at the house level if they ran the same strategy and tried to find asians blacks and hispanics

not my channel

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slightly less quick rd please

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ok, but the weird thing is people in this thread are acting like they just uncovered some big secret, while it's just public knowledge
I don't understand how you can follow politics and not know about this

Good lad.

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this is proof sortition is better than democracy

I don't follow TYT and it is a secret that nobody talks about. This was never mentioned in any google searches or articles I came across. Instead of acting like a superior asshole, why don't you show us where to find more. This is a discussion board after all. You don't have to be a bitter cocksucker ALL the time.

This is a nothing. I thought it was obvious she's being controlled by commies. The Justice Democrats are part of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

whatcha are you doing rabbi