The final nail in the coffin for climate change deniers

The final nail in the coffin for climate change deniers

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cool and good

I don't care if coastal faggots get killed as massive hurricanes ravage their homes and niggers steal their shit. In fact, I fully support global warming for this reason.


when do we just start killing deniers?

That depends, is it headed west or east?

This is merely justice, your Babylon is built on prostitution, theft and lies.


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>and that's a good thing

>may soon
false flag in may

If only New York City would break off

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NYC is actually pretty small, it is only about 300 sqmi
Antarctica is 5.4M sqmi....
So basically it really isn't that much.

You're welcome to try any time tough guy

I'm just hoping to get slightly less shit weather up here.

Based and flat earth pilled.

Even if it does break off then it will barely have an impact since most of the ice is displacing the water already
The only major changes from Antarctica will be if all the ice on the landmass itself melts, which is almost impossible since the average temperature is something stupid like -40 Celsius

Why does it matter if the sea levels rise? Can't we just dig artificial lakes and canals to prevent this?

Sound the alarms! Some ice is breaking off again! Turn in your cars, turn in your cows, AOC is the boss now

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No, you have to build dikes. I'll show you later.

>May soon
Okay faggots, god everything is speculation and no show.

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literally no one denies climate change, what is disputed is trying to say humans are the cause and paper money is the fix

Where’s the chopper?

pieces that size break off on the reg.

taking the picture...

I thought it was called global warming?

Deniers are fucking retarded like anti-vac dumb fucks.

>May soon break off
Wow, it’s almost like when we may have all died in December 2012. Sensationalism at its finest being paved with “maybe”s

>The final nail in the coffin for climate change deniers
..There is someone actually saying the climate isn't changing? Global average has already risen +6c since bottoming during last glaciation period.. And 1.5c is supposed to be world-ending??

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Every glacier in the world only makes up 3% of the ice on Earth. 90% is located in Antarctica. I think we'll be fine with this little amount in our water.

I have come to accept that 99.8% of people are dumb fucks and humanity would benefit from a cull.

proof of climate change

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>Deniers are fucking retarded like anti-vac dumb fucks.
Using the word denier makes you a shill

The earth is becoming GREENER thanks to increased CO2 emissions. This is what NASA's satellites show. Pic related.

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You don't know shit, you're the blackest retard gorilla nigger on the board.

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>Snowfall is at an all time high.
>Sunspots havent been seen for over a month.
>Warmist are spinning propaganda machine about a regular calving event.

Geee, it's almost as if everything in the news is fake.

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remind me again how much coastline we have lost due to oceans rising in the past 20 years

Good, it'll cool off the ocean a bit.

Check and mate, atheists

Kek boi

Wow and it just so happens the only solution is to financially punish and enslave white people and only white people.

You must be 18 years old to post on this website.

There are lost of redddit niggers on Jow Forums today. What brings you goddamn faggots to Jow Forums?

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Why would it matter that 97% of ice is sea ice?

Climate change denial has been dead for a long time. It's not the early 2000s anymore. Courts are already finding for plaintiffs in lawsuits against companies that do not address climate change risks. Governments all over the world are taking meaningful and substantive (even if insufficient) action to address it. Yes, even countries like China and India.

Climate change denial is a thoroughly US phenomenon, and even there it is in steady retreat as it has been for years.

Climate change deniers are a small enough minority that they no longer need to be taken seriously. All the rational ones have been convinced, and the ones that remain have no power anymore.

>climate change deniers
It is called meteo and yes the Earth changes, look at the Grand Canyon's rock for the Earth history.
Why don't you ask Chinks and Poos to stop polluting and importing third world scum to buys pickup trucks one they are here?
You should have been a stain on bed drapes instead of one of this board

>97% say it is happening
>Conveniently ignoring the 3% proving the 97% wrong
>Never provided substantial proofs and ignoring the Medieval's age climate in comparison
>Coping this hard you want to kill people for not adhering to your fear and guilt mongering Green Cult
How's the weather in Tel-Aviv?

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This is all trunbfs fault >:(

Christ who cares. The earth changes all the time. You're either a shill or retarded

Can someone please explain what I'm looking at and why I should be spooped? isn't that just a huge glacier/continent/ice(((berg)))? It doesn't look like a wall it looks like a large frozen land mass.


The only reason it's warming is because man is become more industrial. More industries mean more cities. And cities are known to be much hotter than the surrounding areas. Man is causing it but not the way we think.

>Yes, even countries like China and India.

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I final fuck you from Boomers. When they finally die and "go to heaven", not only will the white population drop but the planet will begin its transition into Venus.

> hurr durr climate change is fake hur dur Drumpf totally knows what hes talking about

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SAGE for good measure, do it anons and ignore the eternal leaf

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Has anyone done a picture of cavemen looking at a patch of grass and panicking that the ice is melting?

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That must be true then....

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So what would happen if the chopper carries on flying beyond the wall? It's suddenly flying in space?

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>hide more land
I knew it, these damn libtards don't want me to live a rural life growing tomatoes in Antarctica!

>you're at the center of the universe
This is true, but more of a technical point than an objective one. Since the universe has no visible end, literally any spot could be the center because the universe is theoretically infinite.

womp womp

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Who denies the climate changes? The Sahara used to be tropical. The issue is how much man is accelerating this, if at all.

>earth formation changes over years
>fucking nazis

90% is locked up in the ice sheets of Antarctica. There are glaciers much larger than new York City and every single one only makes 3%. The point is that this isn't very much ice.

>twice the size of new york city
omg!!!! nobody honestly knows how large this estimate is

Climate alarmists love to use this strawman, so we get no where. Hell, the earth usually doesn't have ice caps.

They want you to think the earth is round because that would mean there are limited resources. The earth is flat and there is unlimited resources, over the arctic wall is another society that wants us to get rid of nukes and fight over the limited land so only the strongest society whose consciousness is open enough to transcend good and evil comes out on top to join the ice wall society.


Admiral Byrd, Antarctic Treaty, Nazi bases in Antarctictica, fucked up flight paths, Navy missile lasers staying level on water for over 100 miles, NASA fakery.

The sun and Moon are exactly the same size. Tides do not correspond to any model of gravity currently on the table. We only ever see one face of the moon. THERE IS NO SOUTHERN POLE STAR. THE STARS SWEEP ACROSS THE SKY. GOD IS REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!! SPREAD LOVE!!
>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

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Yes, even countries like China and India.

>Despite the return to increasing emissions in 2017, China’s top climate official, Xie Zhenhua, has announced that China met its 2020 carbon intensity target in 2017, three years ahead of schedule. CAT analysis based on official Chinese GDP data confirms this. If China maintains this intensity level (or lowers it) over the next three years, it will achieve the intensity element of its 2020 pledge. Under current policies, China is also likely to achieve its (more stringent) 2020 target to limit fossil fuels, but neither of these targets are compatible with limiting global temperature increase to 1.5°C.

>Given that China is on track to achieve or overachieve its climate targets, its next step as a global climate leader could be to set an example by submitting a strengthened NDC to the Paris Agreement by 2020. (For details on China’s NDC, see “pledges and targets” section).

Keep me updated when California finally breaks off from the United States and floats away.

Present it

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>a chunk of Antarctica may soon break off
>momma may soon be underwater
>polar bears may soon be extinct
>the polar ice caps may soon disappear
Or, most u likely of all
>some of (((our))) doomsday predictions may soon actually happening
"ban cows"

Nope. You're just a bluepilled tard who doesn't understand why climate change deniers exist at all. Its purely due to the fake news of CNN and other mainstream sources. They've misrepresented science in all fields at one point or another while seeming like the most biased vile manipulators on the planet. THEY have caused the rapid growth of anti vaxxers, climate change denial and every other psuedoscience. Every one of you faggots who care about these things are marching in the wrong direction, the target should be the people who failed to be a source of information. When you hear about an outbreak of something preventable, remember who caused it, not people who distrust mainstream sources but the sources who are so absolutely unforgivably untrustworthy.

I'd be willing to purchase beach front property in Costa del Lex.


Fucking leafs

You know, most of the time this planet doesn't have ice caps. Right now we have two, we can't have an ice age forever.

this. to (((them))) its not enough adknowledge a shift in climate, you have to as also take the blame for it so that they can tax you.

>The final nail in the coffin for climate change deniers

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Schizo squad reporting in! Ebil nazis want us out of Antarctica, Alex Jones told me so!

>evil nazis
Prepare for Israels death.

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>Climate change denial is a thoroughly US phenomenon, and even there it is in steady retreat as it has been for years.

But they have a government that has a stated mission to increase CO2 emissions as much as possible just to stick it to Europe and Chayna.

Cutting emissions is pointless because any gram of CO2 we cut America will emit for us.
Climate change will happen anyways and America is to blame for it all, so no need to feel guilty.
Just live life to the max and let the next generation deal with it.

Being chill!

How do China's targets compare to those of the US or EU?


>muh carbon
>muh global temperature
Because fuck nature and earth with toxic lakes and (nano-)plastics amirite.

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OY VEY, the great wall of Pepe is coming!

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The climate changes every day, nobody cares. Everything is fine.