Roasties BTFO
Roasties BTFO
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This is way too sad to be true
Cocksucker has life figured out hasn't he
Think I'd rather wait for this desu
Why can't he just have a VRChat Wedding like a normal person?
and they wonder why their women fuck white guys
The future looks bright.
based ikoma-user
This is pretty much how negroes and white women see you.
>Niggers fuck the white woman
>White guys fuck the asian woman
>Asian guys marry anime waifus
>Black woman is "strong and independent and need no man"
>Jews watch from afar while counting their money
That is a level of depressing that I just can't accept.
If I were ever that lonely I would fucking shoot myself
Do Japanese anons pay less tax when they larp as married men?
my heart was stolen by cutest girl but seeing ikoma is always a pleasure to my eyes.
nuclear explosions are very bright user
This is a dark world.
what an incel
all incels should be required to pass psychological exams every week for the rest of they're lives and never be allowed to touch a gun ever
i wont rest until all u Jow Forums incels are in prison
I remember several years ago getting married to someone on WoW. This takes it to a whole nother level.
But on the bright he doesn't have to worry about divorce and alimony.
he doesn't look sad to me
two nukes weren't enough
this, trumpcucks should be gassed
based and sadpilled Igor
It's fucking pathetic. I wonder (((who))) pushes this shit on zipperheads.
He said it was sad, not that the guy looked sad, retard
>women have become so insufferable that men marry fictional characters
the state of the modern world
generational collapse here we go
Japan is such a joke.
Reminder for you white nationalist morons, Japan has the most racially homogenous population ever, and they also have the LOWEST birth rates.
I'll marry a cardboard to get tax breaks and benefits. plus she can't leave and take half of my shit in divorce. Ever wonder why everyone is interested in your marital status, banks, work, school, hospitals..?
>t. coping nigger
> Japan has the most racially homogenous population ever, and they also have the LOWEST birth rates.
Their birth rate is irrelevant. What's important is that they're still Japanese. And their culture is still theirs to do with as they will.
Not so for the white man.