Trump announcing an executive order for free speech on campuses after Zachary (((Greenberg))) assaulted that TPUSA kid
Trump announcing an executive order for free speech on campuses after Zachary (((Greenberg))) assaulted that TPUSA kid
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conservative ideology is hate speech and must be stopped, by force if necessary (preferably by force)
do we know what the details of the order are?
>Free speech on campus
Watching Kekistanis getting slapped around is the best part about protesting these days. Bike lock hero mode even more so. That no one thinks it’s a crime is even funnier.
stop funding schools that don't allow free speech
Let me guess, this is now what the Trumpshills are clinging onto? Trump doesn't give a fuck about free speech. Did he say anything about the MAJORITY OF AMERICA being under an unconstitutional law forcing American citizens to pledge not to boycott Israel or support those boycotts?
they've already done their work on campus. the students with any sense left are such a minority, and the infiltration of graduate and professorial class so complete, this law is literally nothing but an easy way to chill out all the faggot antifascists that are bad optics.
meanwhile, speech on the internet still under assault, as it's the actual battlefield, and trump is still silent.
(((free speech)))
Fuck off, redditor.
So easy to spot delusional califags
Trump is basically a fucking 90s Democrat or something jesus christ.
What is this even implying? Are you against free speech?
these mother fuckers doint know what free speech is and next thing you know theyll be deciding whats free and not making up rules like no saying that jews suck, like didnt he already make that a federal law so now it will just apply more to campuses or was he not able to get anybody to give 1 fuck about jews
>im gonna say it was the later
What will be the penalty for violating this Executive Order?
This. This doesn't mean shit to me if the government says what counts as free speech.
Looks like we are headed for some
EPIC salt mining, Lads!
I personally can't wait for the ACLU, SPLC, and the like to sue Trump over his EO of protecting free speech on college campuses.
Too bad you're a leaf, otherwise your opinion might actually matter. Or maybe that's a good thing
The salt started flowing before I even posted that.
like jannies, you guys do it for free
Delicious SALT!
>1 post by this ID
Those comments are salty.
My goodness your second post was even more faggy than your first. Good job as that's hard to accomplish when you set such a high shit bar with post 1.
This is going to be FUN!
God bless that kid that took it on the jaw for what is coming.
I wish there were kikes around here to punch..almost
Except for criticism of Israel of course, freedom of speech only matters when it views cuckservatives in a positive light.
Leaf the only thing you're punching is dog ass
i cant find it or remember much either but this bullshit started with that newsreporter who got threatened recording some rally on some campus somewhere. and they came up and told someone to beat him up or something a teacher did that. thats what it was. still cant find teh story tho.
but starte their and those stupid 99% shit also was stupid and made a bunch of fake protesters now these idiots moo to the next grazing place from one to the other
their stupid
>>im gonna say it was the later
and based on the way you greentext im gonna say you're new
mmmmmm salty Libshit tears.
shut up you dirty israel slave
Haven't you guys seen the videos of antifa getting turned into vegetables in one punch? That antifa kid who got knocked out in 2017 had to learn how to talk again... Violence isn't the lefts strong point...
Socialist deflection to a "kike" boogie man.
Na, it's all (you).
>Trump announcing that his executive order will be made null and void by the 9th circuit court because liberal traitors have usurped our constitution.
Go away and never post until there is a civil war.
ZION don
>9th circuit blocks your path
That looks like the Aussie guy.
Socialist BTFO.
MAGAtards are such fucking cancer
Yeah it's really funny.
Thank God for President Trump
What are those on the horizon? looks like - KILLER EGGS!
Cry more sand nigger
and chuckled. That never gets old.
15 minutes in the oven
Socialist are actually Cancer that will eventually kill the Host if they are not removed.
>Israeli dual-citizens in the senate passing off some shit about how it constitutes an anti-semitic hate crime to criticize Israel
>Trump uses an Executive Order to protect free speech
>libtard kids who constantly bash Israel are not bashing Trump whose EO is what lets them continue to bash Israel
Master Chess.
>sue Trump
>over his EO of protecting free speech
Because this is actually a likely turn of events in this world we currently inhabit, I offer you this honk honk.
>fag had to learn to talk again
Kek, sauce?
Hey man us califags aren't even that bad.
are you a drumphkin trying to tell me about hosts and parasites
>[Distant Honking]
Anytime you got the balls I invite you take a swing you pencil wristed bitch
>he thinks I''m a leftist because I'm not on board with the kosher puppet
He thinks you're a leftist because you live in a country where the average person can't afford to eat meat more than once a month
These 9th circus fags need to get thrown out of choppers
not just that, it's going to be used to enforce a mandatory equal time law for "free speech" from corporate capitalists and neocons. That guy who got punched was a member of TPUSA, they're going to use this as an excuse to require that all campuses allow promotion of corporate-backed propaganda groups.
mark my words
>Kike sucker punches someone in the face
>Still can't drop them
>Shills act like he's super tough
Why are leftists only brave when they sucker punch or have a huge numerical advantage?
PR stunt. soggy
>Campus assaults are on the rise
Hence why Trump made this executive order. Niggers really do perceive a different reality
no doubt if we were to give 48 billion to israel I would surely starve
That dude was twice the size of the magapede and still waiting until he looked down to sucker punch him the second time.
Post the link so she can at least be ratiod faggot
good he deserved it.
Lol you won’t do shit you silly little faggot.
Kek. I can't wait for Israel to go to war so all these fucking shills get conscripted and die. The US isn't protecting that illegitimate terrorist nation anymore.
He said “be careful” to the online censorfags. Does this mean he has something planned? No. But is he looking into what he can do? Almost definitely. He might be using his son as a mouthpiece on this for the time being. He probably has almost no allies in the GOP on this. They’re all bought and paid for. Not a dictator etc etc. he has to figure it out.
May not be 10D chess but he wouldnt show his hand right now anyway. He knows the election is fucked if he doesnt act.
If not, him. Nobody.
If you beleive this, you'd also have to accept a bullet to your face. It's non-negotiable.
TRUMP 2020
Kill yourself leaf-tard