Americans taking the DNA test

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> German airhead takes the DNA test
> finds out she's part German, American and Russian
> still doesn't connect the dots

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so her grandmother was raped by a russian soldier?

Gonna post this now. America is more white than Jow Forums often claims. Yeah, our overall percentage of whites is less. But go anywhere in rural America, or any nice restaurant or brewery in a city, and most people there will be white as snow.

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That's the implication, one of her grandmothers was raped by a Russian soldier, the other by a GI.

having eastern european admixture is not foreign to germany, especially for ex-prussian germans or baltic germans. also, germans from the northwest are similiar to anglos/american whites. In 23andme for example east germans get maybe ~10% "german" on average.

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>Good goy! Thanks for the data!

How did you comprehend she's part American and Russian? To be accurate she says her ancestry results are similar to a group that migrated to America. She also says she's German, expect for a grandfather that is Polish. Are French this bad at English?

She's obviously saving face, you monster.

> The president of FamilyTreeDNA, one of the country’s largest at-home genetic testing companies, has apologized to its users for failing to disclose that it was sharing DNA data with federal investigators working to solve violent crimes.
This too.

Jebus, what a cast of pampered, morbidly obese, low IQ shitskin ogres. This is the great filter, j*ws replacing the people who figured out physics and math with the people that didn't figured out the wheel or the sail. It's all over.

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Sharing DNA to catch a criminal is bad now?

Look how fucking ugly they all are.

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Don't ever take these tests. They're just using the DNA to make clones out of us. They are replacing us with clones!

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At least she is a kind of a white mutt.

even the Brazilian missing link guy isn't as much of a freak show as this sorry menstrual refuse of a people.

At this point the people they chose to air are literally the fruit that one would pick out of a fruit cake.

>feds need warrant for DNA
>come up with a new way to get it for free
>idiots willingly give it up along with all their info on fb

Why are people so stupid?

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