remember - you're not redpilled if you masturbate and watch pornography
post your motivational pics and webms
remember - you're not redpilled if you masturbate and watch pornography
post your motivational pics and webms
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thanks for the bump bro. what day and how are you holding up?
recently relapsed after 40 days, but I'll make this a nofap march and after that, I'll see how long i can go. I don't wanna obsess too much and guilt trip myself, but it's a definitive goal and every day you abstain you heal your mind. I see it as a journey: 20 days no fap-relapse; -10 days nofap-relapse; 40 days no fap-relapse.. so in the end i relapsed 3 times in 70 days. now all i have to do is make as few relapses as possible untill i get my shit together. it's substitute for the things we long for anyways. Good luck fren!
So are you not supposed to jerk off at all or just not watch porn? I have tried this before like 10 years ago when I was about 18. Did about 3 weeks a few times. The entire time I wouldnt allow myself to cum, but I did get insanely horny and did touch myself, just not to orgasm. I didn't watch porn but was thinking about sex all the time. How about having sex? I mean I fully understand that porn probably has very bad effects, but semen retention? Seems like we are not built to do that because it just makes me so horny that I can barely function. And what if my girlfriend comes over, I am not supposed to fuck her? What do I have a dick and balls for then?
There is any proofs of this?
I haven't wanked in a year lads. I can levitate and move shit with my mind.
nofap is a scam to empower roasties. I fap to hentai every day and I'm virtually immune to pussy power. nofap makes you desperate and liable to do stupid things for access to vagina.
no, it's utter nonsense
oh look ....another Jew thread shaming heterosexual men and telling them not to engage in self care.
Fucking NYS. The ovens are warming up.
How's this for motivation?
Hey, I know your new to Jow Forums and it's quite the learning curve jumping from discord to Jow Forums, but we're gonna need you to try a bit harder. Outing the discord trannies is a lot more fun when you give us a challenge! Try practicing with some more blacked threads, you're sure to get some jimmies rustled!
its ok to have sex and fap to imagination, only porn is the problem
thanks bro i needed this thread
only on day 6-7 and am so horny i started texting exes and fatties, but i will not fap to kike poison
im looking at these turbulent feelings as a drug and im intoxicated; its hard though because knowing one is drunk doesnt stop the effects of being drunk
I like to watch and masturbate on cocaine. But its okay I have a gf
good job bro if you relapse at least do it to your imagination without using Jewish pornography
semen retention is not a meme all the most influencial people who achieved something did it. sex is something you should be doing for procreation not for fun. I fugg my gf once a week and still get the benefits, btu who knows maybe I'm not getting ALL the benefits?
you stop flooding your brain with useless dopamine - answer it yourself
so far i'm only seeing that it clouds your mind and makes you ridiculously horny. Is there any shred of evidence, any proof at all, that famous inventors or pioneers of any field performed semen retention.
Im 62 days strong
I think im really gonna make it this time
no fap for the rest of my life!
im feeling negative effects because my brain and body is used to the jew poison; its like withdrawals from a drug, having withdrawals doesnt mean you are better served by using the drug.
Tesla and Isaac Newton and Alexander the Great are a few off the top of my head who commented on not jacking off, but given the private nature of jacking off i suspect there are many more examples that we will never know.
not to mention the occult teachings that are centuries old pic related
i should also mention that in an emergency sceanrio, for example if youre so hrony youre about to fuck a hog or call an ex you should jack off, but do not use porn, go in the bathroom and use your imagination; if imagination cant get you off, you dont need to get off
I was on a 35 days streak but relapsed from a nocturnal emission. Upset as I can tell it affected the benefits I was feeling but onwards and upwards. I think I relapsed because I had heavy sheets over me and was too toasty underneath.
i'm going to need sauce on those Tesla, Newton, and Alex the Great comments. Because that seems fleeting, and i don't believe some LARPing retard pol to be fully upfront with you.
fair enough, give me a second and ill find them for you because id rather spoonfeed a faggot than jack off to kike poison
imagine thinking all your problems would be solved by just not touching yourself and that all the benefits of self improvement would just happen.
i am going to give this a try
when i want to fap, i will find another physical activity
4 days in. Reject lust.
It's one thing to let a bird land on your and another to let it make a nest in your hair.
Tesla was asexual.
*land on your head
Don’t lie you jerk off on coke without a gf
Nobody cares what you believe and nobody is going to hold your hand and spend their time delivering knowledge to you. Research their loves if you like, don’t do any research if you like. Your “skepticism” about something you could easily prove or disprove to yourself by direct experience is fucking stupid. Your post is pointless and you should be on Reddit.
have a sincere thank you
by this argument most Asexuals would be pioneering fields and crafting cures to diseases and masters of their crafts wouldn't it???
Most Asexuals i know are total pussies
you're a bitter boy aren't you leaf
Man, I was almost at a mont on Thursday but my balls ached so fucking much. I've made it longer before, but this was different. I don't even feel like I gave in for other reasons, but ultimately I did. I wish I would have toughed it out longer and not relapsed. I feel stupid for it. Long story short - Don't jerk off and definitely don't watch porn.
It only really clouds your mind if you don't get the zinc, electrolytes, and branched-chain amino acids back into your system fast enough. It's basically impossible to do that if you're masturbating every day, multiple times a day, but if you eat right or supplement you should be fine otherwise. Jerking off more than once every few days does cause prolactin buildup, though, which causes minor mood imbalances that are only a problem if you're a complete bitch.
Quote by newton "The way to chastity is not to struggle directly with incontinent thoughts but to avert the thoughts by some imployment, or by reading, or meditating on other things, or by conversation."
Alex quote "Sex and sleep alone make me conscious that I am mortal"
tesla "Abstinence was not always to my liking but I find ample reward in the
agreeable experiences I am now making."
I got rid of my computer at my college apartment. Was a great decision. I now have a plan for the future and I can sleep at night without being depressed or disappointed that I did not waste the day jerking off and playing league.
I have read a book already and I am learning to play songs on the piano.
How is it that you cunts always make these threads on the days I relapse and never when I have a streak? Fuck you.
>masturbating by yourself in front of a computer screen to another man having sex is """self care"""
>not focusing your attention on getting a gf to reproduce with
>muh 1488
nice try shill but please leave
whoops this was for you
Today is day 30 for me. Its all real, the nofappers aren't lying.
More confidence, energy, alertness, focus on goals, sexier, chicks like me (for no observable reason).
Keep deluding yourself. The gene pool doesn't need your kind.
>7 days brain fog lifts
Ok how real is this, it's bothered me for decades. I remember way more clarity in my youth and lost it about the time I started now that I think about it.
pic related is going to help you because the withdrawals will sometimes feel like torture
"How to Resist Torture"
They aren't asexual they are just cowards most likely. They probably masturbate
relapsed then got a allergic reaction to something which is fucking up my skin. Cohencidence?
I’m not at all. I’m telling you the truth. Your knowledge and your life is your responsibility. You have to experience things in order to know them.
i know i'm being picky but these don't seem to corroborate with your claims. Besides, there seems to be this unspoken suggestion that those who don't waste their semen will become powerful men and out of these threads i've yet to see anything that suggests such results.
I've finally finished reading that gigantic ass paragraph picture you posted, and while there are certainly a ton of rough-citations and references, chasing all of those down myself seems to be like a red-herring of sorts.
hmmm good point. They're manlets too with glasses and the harry potter look.
i'm picking up on you being a believer of these things and a follower of the chastity practice.
Tell me of your experience brother. You are rude and brash and that speaks to your honesty if not just your temper.
Eva Braun says No!
its hard to pin down exactly what the masturbation habits of great men were because its not likely to be openly discussed therefore we have to read between the lines.
not jacking off to porn isnt going to make you great, but it is a foundation; for example lifting and getting huge like Arnold Schwarzenegger isnt going to make you accomplished, but it was the foundation of his accomplishments.
that being said, dont take our word for it. try it yourself and be mindful of how it effects you, if you cant last a week or two then the jews hooks are deep inside you.
is nofap the same as nofuck?
like will It be like hitting a reset button everytime I fuck my GF
>tell me your experience
It works the way people say it does. You can either try it for yourself or research some of the people who vouch for it. Napoleon Hill wrote a chapter on it in Think and Grow Rich.
Wondering the same. Isn't semen retention the goal of NoFap anyway?
personally I am doing a nofap for lent this year.
NOFAP NO FAP NOFAP NO FAP. everytime you touch your willy a jewess get a babyforeskin to munch
as to your first reddit sentence (chill i'm just ragging) there are reading between the lines and then there is projection and stretching. These comments you've linked-- you must concede at least an inch-- seem to be a bit of a stretch in accordance with your claims.
I've gone two weeks and blasted my nuts off like a hose and couldn't believe it. Felt great, but yknow sexually feeling good is apparently a devil of some sort. Anyways-- at the time i didn't feel any sense of clarity in the slightest. Every day was a struggle to maintain a clear and clean thought. How is it that this is supposed to help me when i have to sacrifice weeks if not months of time to this delirium??
hmm i'll look into Nap Hill's Fap quill then-- but i made it 2 weeks and it didn't seem to assist me any aside from making me devastatingly horny. I could get nothing done! Entire moments gone at waves of sexual fantasies washing over me.
wat is nys? is it reddit speak?
It's the hardest thing ever. Longest I've gone is 4 months but I relapsed and the most I've been able to do since is 3 weeks.
I am like 2 weeks in and my cock has been full of blood most of my waking hours. BUCKETS
i cant imagine newton tesla or alexander jacking it to porn for years, can you? well thats what we've done and here we are on a saturday night.
we've been exposed to porn for years and years, perhaps it will take more than the few weeks that i suggested to heal ourselves ill concede that to you.
porn is a hyper-stimulant; have you heard of the beetle that are being wiped out because they are humping discarded glass bottles that resemble over exaggerated female beetles? thats us.
just maybe
the solution is to get a gf and bang in moderation
well keep in mind the culture was more chaste especially in Tesla's time and there was a lack of porn available and the opinion of it was that it was unsuitable for any self-respecting person for the most part. So in that sense of course i can't picture that .
As for the rest of your comments I will suppose you are right, but really because i have no stick to shake at your beliefs other than the rather shrewd "i'm skeptical of this" one. Cool beetle tho.
Everyone else don't forget to rebuke and bind any spirits of temptation that would provoke you in the name of Yeshua. It sounds crazy but I watched some video by win Worley about binding and loosing spirits and I've quit smoking the tobacco jew and started a 10 day or so nofap I've lost track of how many days because there is near no temptation when it shows up I just rinse repeat bind and rebuke those fucking low level demon niggers out of me and the temptation leaves.
Pic related forgot it
do people not actually exclusively use their imagination to jack off? Porn is so unsatisfying and makes you feel like shit, imaging fucking the girl you like only hurts emotionally.
why do you guys try to emasculate yourselves
The only time I saved up that long was because I was getting laid. Afterwards, I went back to my usual degenerate self.
bump i haven't masturbated in a year and it's great
Mohammad Ali would no fap and no sex a minimum of 30 days before a fight, tesla was a known no fapper and there were some older Christian communities known for amazing crafts with weaving and wood works that used creative outlets as a form of release for sexual energy that pent up.
define "great"
I believe the goal is to boost confidence, energy, and the drive to SEEK women and potentially a GF. With increase in motivation to do the things you have to do as a man.
>implying masturbating isn't emasculating yourself
i'm not distracted, i don't waste time masturbating. i feel healthier. i feel more focused and less lazy. more energy, more desire to get married and make a big family.
>E Micheal Jones
what about edging?
I do, but I usually add a few extra things when I do lent, like not watching porn, or drinking.
Honestly the amount of incest and blacked porn that's flooded porn sites has turned me off from that shit.
Lent starts on Wednesday.
I recently went 2 weeks and failed. Sex with the wife is getting better again, and I'm starting to feel better about myself since I just got a major accreditation. I have no job. I have no home. My wife isn't pregnant yet.
I'm going to turn this ship in the right direction.