Normie roommate goes outside with his friends every night to smoke weed behind the dorm

>normie roommate goes outside with his friends every night to smoke weed behind the dorm
>comes back stinking every single night with bloodshot eyes and stupid
>it fucking stinks
>stoner friends keep coming around
>wait until he leaves for class
>go in his desk and see a bag of marijuana
>call campus security
>he gets kicked out of the dorms (but NOT out of school)
>everyone on the floor is pissed at me, blocked/unfriended me on all social media
>someone wrote "narc" on my the whiteboard on my door

How am I in the wrong? We shared a room and him having pot in there could get ME in trouble. Why should I take that risk just because he wants to get le epic high with his normie friends and roasties all the time? How do I convince people on our floor that I'm the good guy here?

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kys narc faggot

Wow you're a piece of shit rat.

Snitches get stitches

NARC bitch

dont let anyone tell you that this isnt based
your roommate would have planted it on you and got you kicked out if you had complained to him in person mister pasta 2 years ago

You are a terrible person, user. He was just living his life and he did not harm you.


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Try not being a loser nerd.

Fuck you rat


You should seriously kys

Not cool Australia.

You need to lose some teeth you fucking narc piece of shit

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What 3rd world school are you attending that has multi-residence dorm rooms?

A rat is a rat is a rat...

Contront people when you have an issue with them you pussy.

You're scum, dude. Snitches get stitches.

bitch move desu

I hope you get jumped you fucking snitch

>not just killing him in his sleep
You fucked up.

fucking rat, enjoy your ruined social life

Just wait till he snoops thru your shit and finds cp faggot

>blocked/unfriended by stoner faggots
I wouldn't be worried if I were you, who cares if the leftist degenerates who inhabit college campuses don't like you
>having a whiteboard on your door
either you're making this whole story up or you're a fucking female

Snitch rat

>carry a clean t-shirt with you when you go out
>go outside to smoke
>remove smoke-reeking shirt
>put on clean shirt
>walk back to dorm
Stoners don't realize how strong the smell is because they're smelling it all the time. In a way, you're right because he was breaking the rules; but you're also wrong because many people don't consider weed harmful or worthy of being banned.

Not going to lie user pretty shitty move , it's a really good way to lose friends. Narc is tantamount to traitor really

Lmao you should have gotten high. would have been fun

hey roastie, do you life in Miami, FL? I know that place mister pasta. wanna meet u

I have a license to grow 10,000 marijuana plants. I own three properties and employ 75 people. U Jelly?
OP is a retarded bitch

You did the morally upstanding thing user, don't bother with the degenerates ITT. Weed is for niggers, and you just got a nigger out of your life. Congrats lad

Why are you being indoctrinated by leftist ideology in the first place? Let alone paying for it. Get out now.

lmfao you weren't even cool enough to keep it together about your room mate smoking weed. rock bottom


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dont feel bad. i rat people out all the time at work and am a good goy to get promotions to work my way up. its how things work in the real world and not in best friend land that most people my age think the world is. they will turn on you in a second so if you have dirt on them use it. currently ratting out half my team for gaming on their computers during work instead of actually working and i have no shame. chances are i will get a pay bump when they fire them and suddenly need people to fill the space.

You could have talked to him, bootlivker

Do you play with legos,
While he bangs stoner chicks next to you?

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I need a job

I smoke pot and even I hate other potheads. I think they should all be gassed. Except for me of course. More for me.

you sound like a fucking gen-x-er
rope yourself.

hahaha stay mad faggots

wait hold on, what if his roomate is black?

Degenerate behavior should be condemned. Cleaning up the community is one's duty if you don't want niggers around

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I strongly dislike your actions and implore you to think about why what you did was the wrong thing to do.
A true gentleman would have at the very least discussed it with the man causing the problem and given him a chance before involving the authorities, no-one likes a grass.
You've done nothing but inconvenience someone and proven yourself to be of untrustworthy character.

>him having pot in there could get ME in trouble
stop being a silly little faggot

You are not the good guy. YOu are a rat fucking narc bitch. Bitches really should get stitches and I hope the whole fucking floor starts with you. You should just try some weed you giant fuckin loser. I hope you are such a pariah that you eventually drop out and become a homeless fucking bum. kys.

>How am I in the wrong?
You called cops on someone who you didn't want killed, thats a big no-no

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>wait until he leaves for class
Nobody appreciates cowardly behaviour user. You should either move or, if you've already made a name for yourself in your field, neck yourself for being a faggot

Lol youre a fucking faggot kid

drink battery acid and kill yourself retarded incel

Ask for a different room homo
I hope they bully you into killing yourself

A better approach would have been to request a room change/new roommate. There’s no reason to incriminate others for their bad hanits.

Some people medicate themselves because of past trauma/psychology. In situations like that, you’ve made things harder on the person by taddling on them.

You do you and try and be respectful of others and how they live their life. Deviating from this leads to war and conflict, which it sounds like you’ve learned the hard way

always kill a traitor before an enemy jimbo, and a rat is the greatest form of traitor

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Dude would’ve probably blamed you If you got caught,

And Plus weed has a trashy smell and I know that considering my neighors in my apartment smoke weed and it gets in here through the damn vents.

Why do you need approval from druggie normies and roasties who are too dumb to comprehend that you would’ve gotten In trouble if he got caught?

Just call them faggots and take down the whiteboard and thats it.

you narc rat

good argument, nice post

Snitches get stitches faggot


He's probably trolling but this is exactly something a 4channer would do.

Ooooooh wow it smelled

Light a fucking candle? You just fucked someone over.

>hey guys I'm a faggot piece of shit
>am I a faggot piece of shit?

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>all the angry replies in this thread
it only makes sense that Jow Forums is full of drug-using under-achievers, so they come to Jow Forums to find an ideology that allows them to blame others for why their lives are shit

fucking rat

if you do stuff like that, make sure that you get away with it, otherwise you're just a rat

virgin rat is mad that other people are having fun

You’re a faggot bitch
I hope they beat your stupid ass down

Cry harder nigger

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Dey is bitches who end up in ditches. Yo, check it.

Your just a jealous piece of shit and scumbag for going through somebody’s private stuff and also a little bitch ass tattle tale.... KILL YOURSELF FAG...

If things started going missing or violence occured etc... all in your residence why bother to involve criminal proceedings? You're a fucking jobsworth.

>Incel Diaries: The Post

faggot snitch, get fucked.

kys faggot, and you wonder why you have no friends ...

fucking noncecase

You did nothing wrong, degenerates are just petty.
Don't need wastes of oxygen like that in your life anyway

You ever tried not ratting on your friends? Might go a long way in convincing people you're the good guy

>falling for this ancient bait

Not wrong. Dont be upset when all the non human brainwashed cattle get mad because you threatened theirsoma. Their consciousness is weak, just like their will, pain tolerance, and discipline. They did you a favor.

t. Retard that wants a plant banned

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Still working on those community service hours, dirtbag faggot? I hope you die in prison.


You're the fucking normy you skanky arsed ass snitch grass.

>running to muh authorities

I cannot express how deeply I hold you in contempt.

Excellent bait. I expect nothing less from an Australian.

niggers, normies, weedfags, and "cool" guys
the absolute state of nu/pol/


Lol faggot
You should have talked to the regard first, going to the authorities should be the last and not the first step.

He acted like an honourless mongoloid, that his roomie was a degenerate won't change that.

snitches get stitches m8

i know this is a shitty b8 thread but on the off chance it isn't

>i sold out my colleagues cuz there was a stinky winky!
why would anyone want to be friends with an autistic rule obsessed tattle tale?

Cute hand post more + feet

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all i gotta say is there's a reason 99% of people on this thread are on my side

and it should go without saying Jow Forums isn't 99% normies or niggers

everyones pissed you did it, i'm pissed you were Jussie-level stupid about it. why did you do it in such a way that everyone knows you did it? moron.

I would beat your bitch ass if you did it to me.

>1 post by this ID
yea it's a b8 thread


>>tattle tale
gas yourself.

Fucking narc

You should be lynched up in front of your dorm

You're a bootlicking pig fucker, kys narc

Jow Forums has always been anti-drug war you baiting fuck

I hope your life ends the same way this rat faggots life ended.

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People who smoke weed deserve every misfortune imaginable.

you're a fucking narc and deserve to be hated. enjoy being a virgin throughout your college years.

>The amount of degenerates defending pot in this thread
>muh weed
>muh social anxiety
>muh can’t live sober
>muh drug addiction
>muh only liberal, Jewish states like California legalize the herbal Jew
>muh communists and nigger drug
>muh brain damage
>muh loss of REM sleep
>muh paranoid schizophrenia
>muh blaze it faggot
>muh I’m a libertarian bruh it ain’t hurting no one
>muh I gots ptsd
Drug are drugs. Quit all sugar, carbs, drug use, alcohol use, and seek out meditation, exercise, semen retention, and other forms of personal development that don’t require you turning into some degenerate weed smoking nigger who thinks pot is not harmful or beneficial for the body in any way.