Richard Spencer Starting to Glow

I respect Richard Spencer's positions on many levels, but some of the statements he agrees with are retarded or completely counteractive to white people's interests. Take for example Andrew Yang and his call for "universal basic income." Please explain how the fuck basic universal income benefits white people? Who do you think is going to pay for all the niggers, spics, illegal spics, and other degenerate shit skins? The answer is white people. Unironically supporting universal basic income means whites subsidize shit skin endeavors, effectively weakening our own position. Richard could you glow anymore?

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>Richard Spencer Starting to Glow
>starting to

Everyone glows. Final redpill. Literally everyone. Even me.

UBI means that instead of money just going to blacks and Hispanics on welfare, it goes to lower middle class and middle class whites too.

A lot of what he says make sense but then some things are completely off the way and not in white's best interest.

You know that the kikes are desperate when it's 2019 and they're still trying to keep this loser relevant by posting him here.

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You're already paying for blacks and Mexicans.
Ubi achieves two things.
It gives wypipo much needed cash.
It wrecks the economy in the long run so no more free money for Tyrone and Miguel.
Fuck the usa!

>he actually believes this

I think you need to recalculate your privilege points

Expect middle and upper middle class taxes rise and that means whites, who have to most, pay for most of it

It could easily be done by only raising taxes on the most wealthy. That would include practically all of the Jews.


87% of federal taxes are paid by people making over $150k a year. Funding it wouldn't need to come from the middle class, just the upper middle and upper.

You fail to realize something- yes, taxing the wealthy jews is good, but many hard working whites make 400k and get included in the "top 1%"

Everyone on Jow Forums is cia except for op

So it is ok to tax those whites make 200k?

I don't keep up with this dude but i think he embraced his meme status.
I respect that

You sound like a fucking kike raising taxes

Yeah, its Like he is trying to sabotage shit.


you fucking retards call everyone that does anything glowing, dumbass idiots wont achieve anything. it serves the common interest to assist in the fight yet u attack people who could be our allies for no reason other then ur stupid purity reasons

i support anything that the country cannot afford. The only way white people will ever be free again is to collapse the US Dollar and the Federal Reserve. THAT is the jews power over us.

Once the dollar collapses, the free ride for shitskins is over and they will leave. Also once white people hit rock bottom and have nothing to lose, only then will they arm up and fight for their country.

Collapse this shithole instead of [rolonging our extinction so far down the road that there wont be enough whites to win the war.

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>assiting niggers and shit skins
Yeah a true ally. Go suck his dick m8

also, spencer is a cia controlled opposition.

fucktard take your UBI, which will allow you to quit your job and move to an all white state full of your people. This is how you escape!

>assiting niggers and shit skins

so agree with him on the ethno nationalism issue and disagree with him on that. fucking hell just get divided and conquered easier why don't you

either way universal basic income in an ethno state obviously wont go to minorities who aren't even inside the ethnostate?

Yes goy take the UBI, become lazy and complacent. Wouldn't you like that rabbi?

Spencer is a NatSoc. None of his ideas would be intolerable in a White country, but this ain't a White country so NatSoc isn't an option. Ignore dickie.

Fuck you whining passive geeky fucking fags. I guarantee Spencer has had a greater effect than all you fag critiqueurs on here.

Are you literally retarded? Seriously man. We dont live in an ethnostate so that point is completely irrevelant. Yea, UBI would work great in an ethnostate but that is not our reality

Get on your knees for him why dont you. You sound like the equivalent of MIGA for Trump

Magatards deserve to be hog tied and thrown in a river of feces.

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only nigger jews and low life abos like you don't want to work and make a better life. you get to stay with the morons and pot head libtards - we will escape and build a gated community away from your greedy pro zionist ass. you get to stay a slave to the jew you worthless POS -

Did you even read what I wrote?

You're totally the jew if you want UBI. That is what makes people lazy.

no I don't support the UBI, do I fucking care? no. Im not gonna get riled up because old dickie spencer thinks that the new ethno police should have blue and gold lapels instead of gold and blue. its so irrelevant to the point that i would rather argue for that in an ethnostate then what we have now and dismiss him for such a trivial thing

so sick of white people selling white people out for greedy fucking jew bankers and endless wars for Israel - take the money and run! if you stay behind and do nothing, but smoke your fucking brains out and watch porn WE DON'T WANT YOU! don't breed, die out, we don't need or want your genes and if you are a fucking loser that can't think, like so many in this thread who believe bailing out banks and not their own people is fine FUCK ALL Y'AL! We are packed and ready to go. we got the plans and strength, the WILL to get away.

i'm supposed to give a shit that some 400k/yr functionary for the technocracy is going to have to part with more of his bezos jizz at the end of the year

Martin Sellner is glowing too

Sounds like a rabbi


Anyone who didn't realize this fuckhead was FBI from the beginning has no brain.

you are already LAZY especially in your mind low IQ runt of the litter! GOD, you're so stupid you keep working for banks and jews and demand NOTHING in returns, not even a fair wage for your labor./ You DESERVE TO BE A SLAVE SO FUCK OFF we don't need you breeding with our people, your genes are defective. You can't already see you are a slave, you don't even want a chance to escape

if not STFU!

>hurr durr is Richard Spencer controlled opposition?
Well OP let's think about it
>constantly on CNN
>attended Harvard with Ben "Oy Vey" Shapiro
>picks an intentionally stupid haircut to alienate normies
>in general embraces iconography that makes his cause look stupid/evil
>repeats whatever the going narrative about Trump supporters and nazis is
>his events are either honeypots or traps for antifa to attack people

Dude chill the fuck out. You sound like a schizo

Uni is just a way to make (((activism))) an even more plausible way for the proletariat to waste their lives

if the left wing was pro white, Spencer would be the worlds biggest leftist

whites are already paying for non-whites' welfares, with ubi whites get some of that money back. spencer isn't just about white nationalism you know, he's interested in other issues as well

really getting sick of this shit, it's an obvious d&c method

>Who do you think is going to pay for all the niggers, spics, illegal spics, and other degenerate shit skins
That's the current system. Literally. UBI extends the benefits they already recieve and applies it to white people as well. If the proposal is adopted as is then the amount of money those assorted 3rd world savages get is going to come down on average.

Richy Spencepublicly gave the seig heil sign and said "Hail Trump" into a microphone at a podium on purpose. If that's not controlled opposition, then cutting off your cock makes you a woman. Spence is a CIA asset.

Wrong. UBI would apply on top of entitlements, food stamps, and health insurance that would grossly benefit nonwhites

No he didn't fag, he raised his whiskey glass while saying hail trump to be an edgelord, and a couple of literal jews in the audience threw up a roman salute

you sounds like a slave. there is no free market MORON!
the wars are endless, the politicians,media and banks are all owned by Jews and you want to kill the one thing that could get so many white people away from them - you 're a fucking the kike! you want to keep white people as pets and slave to your jew cabal. fucking shit even black people aren't as stupid or diabolical as you are -

Nigger, I literally agree with everything you say but you have to be realistic. Even in european society pre-jewish influence people worked for pay.

No, the proposal is that your benefits will be 1k. But regardless, even if what you say is true then it will bankrupt everything that much faster. Its win/win.

Tbh I think UBI would benefit huwhites more. Huwhites would invest that money to make more, whereas the apes would just put it all on jordans and hennessy. Spics would just give it to their children. Have some faith in yourselves, you fags.

how so?
where are the nonwhites going to spend that money?

remember money trickles up far better than it trickles down.

Charles Murray made a great case for UBI & I support it so long as it's replacing welfare.

>Tfw the original inhabitants of Jow Forums have left and everyone left/ is now either a shill or glow nigger constantly shilling against each other because they think they are NatSoc's.

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OP proves yet again that some people simply grasp things slower. Is ok, lads. Better late than never.

Based parasitical whites being welfare queens and leeching off other whites

> so long as it's replacing welfare
only problem is that the brown babies are going to piss their pants and starve at the end of the month and white cucks will cave and keep providing benefits for the chilrens

WRONG UBI replaces entitlements, except divisibility, couldn't get around that one, you Moronic jackass! 2/3s of the cost of UBI comes from ending welfare. 1/3 comes from a value added tax on automation and a greed tax. More than 90% of UBI goes right back into the economy you stupid fucking idiots. It pays down debt, buys your kid a pair of shoes, allows working white mothers the opportunity to stay home, raise and have MORE white kids. Test cases showed the only people who stopped working were moms and the elderly. 1/3 of the people in all the test the programs started their own business. Are you all niggers who can't think yourselves out of a paper bag - or have white people just gotten as fucking STUPID?

people don't quit their jobs unless they are stupid jobs where they can do better, honestly, you are too stupid to bother with.

this is what makes me conflicted about ubi, on some level liberals know that blacks do not have enough agency or self control to manage money so we'll end up with welfare plus half-assed and the whole thing will fail

half-assed ubi

you can give your $1000 away to them then, but what this will do is push blacks to the SW to live with their own people. how can this be a bad thing?

I meant to saw SE for blacks SW for Spanish

No proof provided.

i would love to end welfare, food stamps, and all other benefits in exchange for a universal wealth transfer. what i'm saying is that it seems politically impossible, on a practical level, because there are too many faggots to take a hard line on ending those programs

Post evidence or you are a shill. Don't fall for this divide and conquer bull-shit anons.


literally whom?

Just look at his twitter?

basically it's another "in the ethnostate" pipe dream like everything else spencer thinks up. there may be other valid wn arguments for supporting ubi, in an accelerationist sense - if the corpse of the west is going to be picked clean then poor whites at least need to redirect some resources their way to be better positioned for the fall. but idk

I believe that the government handouts an individual currently receives would be deducted from the 1,000 dollars. This of course means that non whites would not actually receive much of the UBI but whites would instead disproportionately be the benefactors of Yang's UBI policy. I completely understand why Richard Spencer supports this.

>Please explain how the fuck basic universal income benefits white people?
A modern society has no other choice but to subsidise a large part of the population because there is no need for their work any more and they couldn't make a living. It is completely disconnected from the question of race. "we cannot do X because it could benefit niggers" is a defeatist attitude that has already made its peace with the status quo. Instead of complaining about universal basic income you should be complaining about niggers. First things first.

>>attended Harvard with Ben "Oy Vey" Shapiro
Spencer was pursuing a Ph.D. at Duke while Stephen Miller was getting his BA there, you've confused Miller and Shapiro.

If you don't understand how UBI will help white people stop posting here. Your IQ is so fucking low no one is going to help you

You are the reason why the >mutt meme exists

Richard Spencer is a fucking libtard. Always has been.

>wrecks the economy in the long run
A bit late for that

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Anyone have a picture of this thicc ass wife?

yeah if you just figured this out you're hopeless

and you're a niggar and always have been.
see how that works moron?
yes, you are that too.

you have the FEDERAL RESERVE that keeps rich people rich and poor people poor. you have had over 100 years to get rid of it and all you've gotten is increased poverty, wars for jews and more crime from niggars, now you have mexicans and arabs invading the country with no way out and you say UBI is bad for whites - which ones? the ones like Trump who sold his kids to the jews for protection, money and power and won't even say the words white people?

>talks about how easy it is to explain
>can't explain it
Nigger faggot with two digit IQ

Why are you calling me a "niggar"? Because I said something you didn't like about some meme e-faggot? Fuck outta here!

He is a memeflaggot

This system will unironcally subsidize nigger breeding at the cost of whites resources.
But anyone who still thinks the system won't genocide whites wholesale is retarded. Extraconstitutional means are the only way forward

Makes sense.

>tfw Whites are looking for gibs.
All I hear is how much better whites are than other races. If we are so much better, why do we need UBI? This is just more commie bullshit to bring down the white race. Whites don't need UBI, we just need our own country with no niggers and spics.

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this is what I'm going to do with my UBI. I'm going to quit my job and become a full time activist to make rich greedy wealthy white people, hollywood jews and wall street bankers live next door and in the same building with diseased immigrants and refugees, ghetto niggers and M13 hispanics. who wants to join me in by noble cause?

Mutts talking about racial purity,


you can call people names, but no one can call you names back? how libtardie of you - snowflake

> Starting

>Who do you think is going to pay for all the niggers, spics, illegal spics, and other degenerate shit skins?
we already do. you can't get gibs + UBI, it's one or the other

... imo yeah
t. white

you have had so many chances to start one and you refuse to do it - now us little people STUCK cause of your lack of will will take the money and run! but please stay with all the diversity and white who think like you and fight the system. you can't come with us

Because it plunges the country into a state that has to acknowledge that whites are better off without nonwhites. People are going to look at the US and the Nordic countries and ask why socialism failed here. He's running circles around you retards.

I never said I gave a fuck. I was just a curious as to why you were so upset.