What happens when you are too redpilled to have conversations with normies?

Every time I start talking about something I am reminded how much my view on the world is different than others. It hurts. What do I do?

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Be honest

Every time I will try to convince someone they are being pandered to through the media they just act smug like they know everything


It depends on your situation in your life. If you're job is dependent on towing the line, probably best not to sperg out.

If you are capable of doing so, live your life and speak your mind. I myself have told normies how without a white majority, America will cease to be a first world country. People can be more receptive than you think, also not giving a fuck helps.

Realize that this site isn't good for your mental health and a lot of the "redpill" bullshit pedalled here is only making your mental state worse and moving you further away from reality

Talk about classic art or modern animation techniques. Talk about gardenkng, bird watching, bowling, whatever. Get a non political hobby, decompress, discuss.

Jow ForumsGamersRiseUp

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It’s not even about race desu. It just seems like everyone is so brainwashed by the left it literally just hurts my soul. I think people are brainwashed and hypnotized. The right isn’t correct 100% either but it seems like everyone is so self righteous about hating the orange man

it's not good for your mental health because alot of it's true, get lost rabbi

>further away from reality

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I tune out over half the words I hear in day to day life
Ive been snapped at a few times for not paying attention
but I suppose its worth not having to listen to normie-speak

Meet polacks and hang out with them.
Unless of course you're a scared bitch and think everyone is a fed.

Take actual medication prescribed to you instead of redpills.

It's good for your mental health because it is, by its very structure, one of the freest and therefore least distorted forums of ideas currently available.

One must cultivate a social alibi. It is best to appear openminded but adamantly neutral and rational about politics and controversial issues. Feigning ignorance is sometimes sadly necessary, yet this enables one to establish a position from which it is possible to hint and suggest towards the unsaid, offensive truth.
Then again, every polack has social needs; everyone needs to have a laugh with people every now and then. It´s also necessary to really lay politics aside at times.

>What happens when you are too redpilled to have conversations with normies?
I understand, I was trying to convince my brother and his wife not to have their new baby vaccinated.

>hide from the truth guys
people waking up is your true fear

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This is probably true. I remember the look on Trump's face after that private meeting with Obama after Trump won the election. Obama probably asked Trump to have a seat, and then showed him a little film, of the Kennedy assassination from the point of view of the shooter. The secret documentary film made it very clear that Kennedy was a hit by the CIA because he got out of line. Obama said welcome to the club, Don. Bush was a figurehead, Clinton was a figurehead, I was a figurehead, and you are a figurehead. Don't ever mention this, or even think of defying the deep state. Do as you are told, keep your mouth shut about it, and you can pretend to be the president and remain alive. Congratulations on the win.

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

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funny thing is i knew this when i was a sophmore in highschool. I was big into conspiracies at the time (still am) and came to accept that there are forces and people more powerful than governments and YES, your vote doesn't matter, the person in office was chosen to win before the races even began. THIS is the thing that most people (even the ones here) will not wake up in time to see before it is too late. i voted for trump because i felt hope again, and in retrospect my younger self was right all along.

You begin the process of redpilling your family and friends. You can do it. 10 years ago, me, my family, and my friends were all libshits who watched Daily Show as a source of news. Today, talking with my family is exactly like posting on Jow Forums and my friends are at the stage where they're starting to experience cognitive dissonance between their normie ideals and reality. They're close.

I always draw parallels to nature
Man is the top of the food chain everywhere he is, and he's semi-confined to his habitat (Nation)
When you have different species of predatory animals, like Wolfs and Bears, or Lions and Hyenas in the same territory, it will come to conflict between them
Same goes for mankind
In the case you are discribing it is very hard to convince them, but there's a clip on youtube where all big news stations of the US literally all read the same script
It would be easier for you to discredit all media instead of what only he consumes in order to convince him

>It’s not even about race desu
It really is, at it's core. Demography is destiny.

But yeah there's all sorts of angles you can go about your cause.

I think love is important.

Honesty is good, but you shouldn't bludgeon people with truth. You need to have tact and discernment to wield the sword properly.

Dating in the worst. I spent weeks trying to explain anti-white propaganda to a girl I know. Just asked her what movie she just saw:
>Green Book
Thought it was great. Maybe Anglin is right and women don't have souls.

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you have no idea how lucky you are, all my attempts at redpilling have cost me my closest friends and necessary relationships at school, thankfully my family however still loves me. this is why family is so invaluable

Make new friends through hunting, shooting ranges, gyms, wood carving, maybe a book club. Actively look for right winged peeps or you'll go nuts eventually. Meditation also helps.

normies are just a product you can make money off or fuck their women, that's it.

But there is nothing untouched by "politics".
We are in the midst of an all-encompassing ideological war between broadly speaking Liberalism, R-selection and Naturalism, k-selection, or Reaction, or Tradition, whatever you want to call this current that we here are intuitively aligned with. This collision is ultimately about determining the rules by which future human evolution is to pocceed, that's what's at stake.
How does one ignore such a massive, ubiquitous war? And why should we ignore it? Seems absurd.

Don't try to convince anyone of anything, that's an aggressive approach and will result in pushback.
Just state your point of view and why you hold it, while understanding why people don't share the same outlook.


We need less cope and more rope.

>fuck their women
all women are normies

>coworkers are just getting into entry level shit like jordan peterson and ben shapiro meanwhile I'm already on esoteric hitlerism

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They don't believe me, but something is going on. They've been trying to break me down. For the longest time I thought it had to be Nazis, but I think that it might be worse than that. What are they doing? Who is really in control?

Some people need to be broken and brought to logic's heel so they can scrape themselves together again. Otherwise they'll ignore or forget the truth, let it fade into the background. Honestly I've given up on anything but spamming facebook + twatter with easily digestible data. People are too trusting, especially libshits. They judge every kike and nigger by the good ones they meet, think that's the 'default' and all others were just raised wrong... even though culture is as deeply entrenched as genetics in most cases.

You have to understand, libshits know the world is fucked. They see it, broadly, but blame whites + the past. They think infinitely more trust + the next generation of nog / illegal kids will be perfect little angels, so long as the school's are "good."

As far as I'm concerned the future is looking pretty bleak so there's no reason for me not to spread the truth. I'm likely gonna be ostracized either way so I might as well upset the ignorant and accelerate the process.

They are in my mind, they are in my head, they have control of my body.

This. Too many people are wage-slaved and risk losing their jobs/ability to survive if they get caught speaking truth on the job. If you're self-employed like myself, or simply don't give a fuck, then you can get away with it.
Easier said than done, but a good strategy. I employ it with people I don't know very well. but it's hard for me to "lie" like that to friends or people I generally trust or know well.
It's great for your mental health and personal path towards enlightenment, but it's terrible for your mental health as it relates to the mentally ill population at large that we are forced to deal with.

>But there is nothing untouched by "politics".
Yes, there is. You can just smile at someone - it´s a simple interaction but a lot happens, and it´s necessary for a human being; some interactions need not be tainted by politics. The emotional, sub-mental level doesn´t care about nor understand ideas, but the emotional level does have needs too.

One does not ignore the war; but to operate effectively, one needs to take care of oneself, also socially. It´s necessary to choose one´s battles. It´s OK to allow oneself to go out and enjoy meeting people just for the fun of interacting with fellow human beings, and then later continuing the pursuit of whatever your personal highest ideal is.

I'm already getting Pentti Linkola pilled up in this motherfucker

Time for your medication, Rick

lmao what a pleb

At least they're at Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. That means your coworkers have at least begun to accept that they're responsible for their own stupid selves.

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>it's hard for me to "lie" like that to friends or people I generally trust or know well.
Can you truly trust people that are offended by truth? Is it the same to lie as to not talk about certain things one knows, because they would disturb the other person?

Whoever it is definitely owns the media
>pic related

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I’ll wait utill they ask my opinion on something and then I’ll ask them leading questions instead of answering. When they ask me what the answer to my question is I tell them to look it up and give them a source if I have one off the top off my head (like fbi crime stats, median income vs inflation/productivity, etc). I’d say 90% of the time nobody is going to look up shit because they’re fucking lazy but they’ll reject the answer being outright given to them 100% of the time because they’re literally brainwashed. The only way they’re going to break the conditioning is on their own with maybe a tiny nudge... otherwise they’ll write you off as a nut job. Rapidly unloading redpills on a normie is more about keeping your own sanity and a sign of rightful frustration than it is waking them up.

Suffer. Die. And then off to hell.

or like when normies say
>poverty causes crime
ok than what causes poverty?
they usually just say the government, or something just as stupid, ever think maybe its genetic? nooooo it couldn't be that different species of humans have different cognitive ability on average, could it? this is one of the hardest pills to swallow because telling anybody this is social suicide (even if they know it's true)

But it isn't "fun" forcibly interacting with them in an artificially carefree way. Like OP said, it's painful.
Are you really happy to go smiling at people who are on the other side of this war? I mean, the whole reason this collision has been rocking the foundation of our world for over 100 years now, is because it springs from a FUNDAMENTAL psychological divide. I don't want tk smile at a leftist or a feminist whore, I want them gone. I don't want to adjust to a brainwashed, dumbed-down normie.
In my experience, only with people brpadly on our "side" can one actually enjoy a relaxed evening with good vibes.

It´s just my experience that it gets very lonely and tiring to hate people around me. I think it´s possible to see the reasons behind their state (conditioning via media and eduaction) and not blame the person for not having broken their conditioning. The only way to really help is not to fight against something, but for something. Be the manifestation of your ideal, and don´t hate your enemies.

>Be the manifestation of your ideal, and don´t hate your enemies.
this, although there's nothing wrong with hating your enemies as long as you're not consumed by it

If you're smart and patient enough to use the Socratic method, you can redpill normies very well 1 on 1. Especially since the "radicalization assembly line" is all set up, all you really need to get them to is Molyneux, perhaps BPS tier, and a year or two down the likely they're likely to join your wavelength.
Not women though. Women simply follow the ideology of the dick that fucks them best at any given moment, and revert to whore vaginal utopianism when left to their own devices.

I mostly agree with this but I gravitated toward asian kids growing up because they weren't total retard douchebags like all the idiot white kids. But yeah I'll take dumbass white kids over anything but Asians any day.

so in order to find reality everyone first needs to be brainwashed?

Im guessing someone in your immediate family has a surname ending in (((berg)))

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Oh god, the truth, it hurts

Brainwashing is inherently dehumanizing. Do you even see them as fully "people" as you watch them follow externally programmed scripts, behaviors and dialogue?
Red and black pills make it hard to empathize with normies, except perhaps other disposessed dudes that you can easily see opening their eyes with a bit of the right information.
This shit is quite frustrating, but the OP's question remains. Obviously we're permanently changed, so how does one feel joy again in this new, bitter, aware state?

>Do you even see them as fully "people" as you watch them follow externally programmed scripts, behaviors and dialogue?
Few people are "fully" people, I think. To fully incarnate the human spirit is quite a feat. Obviously it´s more interesting to interact with people that are more - however way you want to put it - redpilled, awakened, conscious, enlightened; yet we´re all people, just at different stages of the process.
>how does one feel joy again in this new, bitter, aware state?
Maybe there´s a spiritual tradition that you connect with? Inner strength and joy is there but it needs to be tapped into. Then again, the truth isn´t bitter. Bitterness is caused by resentment and anger, my dude. Don´t fill your head entirely with the evils of the world, but focus on cultivating good things - fine arts, maybe a garden, philosophy, playing an instrument, science and all that.
"You are the light of this world"

But what if I felt more at ease cultivating a more aerodynamic cruise missile or a newer better wheat fertilizer?

> t. Objectivist
Agreed. Have intense disdain for incompetence. Let the weak struggle and fail without your help. Let the leftists destroy themselves. Be Howard Roark.

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Find mature enough smart people that do not refer to intelligent conversation as "red pilled"

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>mature smart people

So not you. I mean, a smart person would understand that it's a placeholder term for truth-seeking tendencies but a dumb one would try nitpicking like you.


I'd never noticed before, but was Jackie O holding him close, like one final embrace, before the shot?

All US presidents should be shot in the head t b h

Cultivate that shit.
Etymological fun fact; the word "culture" means "that which is cultivated". Cultivate, bro.

Looks like mommylady opened a Budweiser right in his face so hard it blew his face off!
Mystery: solved.
Conspiracy: debunked.

I remember that meeting too. Trump cam out like he had seen a dead and Obama was suddenly his best friends
whatever it was said or saw that looked like it shook him to his core

the only kind of social interactions i have had for years revolve around posting on Jow Forums

i hate normies so much ive gotten to the point where id rather not even attempt to save them from the kike mind control

>that pic
My dad's been saying this to me forever.

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An intelligent person knows enough vocabulary and is capable of expressing himself without trite references from a tranny created franchise made by jews.

>placeholder term
NPC level intelligence.

I like you finnbro, lately I've been acting more and more like a nice light breeze +5 mood enhancer around people, it's been much more enjoyable to live this way. Most people aern't inherently bad/stupid/evil, but their programming sure brings out the worst in many people. It is the belief, the spirit, that we can fix the ills of humanity which will keep us going, I think. Hate can be useful, but getting mad because some retarded 100 iq idiot made a mistake doesn't make your day or the idiot's day better.

whoah bro

Is there a video of this moment? I can't find it anywhere.

Idk dude I redpilled myself on the holohoax when I was 15 more than a decade ago. I've been hiding some part of me for half my life. I don't think it is a healthy way to go through life. I often find myself resenting the people around me simply for not being as well-read as me, for their ignorance, their gullibility, their willingness and ability to be totally open about themselves in the workplace for instance. I've been honest with a number of people on most things, sometimes it turns out well sometimes it backfires. It is truly amazing how many more White men in the last 2 or 3 years I have known who dogwhistle their wokeness on race and the JQ unawares to normies and maybe even themselves.

Yea it's the one where he has a really sexually attractive wife

it's fucking ridiculous

This board is all about the memes. They massively accelerate the communication of complex multilayered ideas and the history associated with them.

You're a sophist nitpicking fag and I'm done with you.


Get creative fuckstain. Ask them questions that force them to confront their own hypocrisy. It's super easy.

For example, they're talking about hating trump, you could say..
"I hate Trump more than the GOP hated Obama."

I will filter all Canadian flags in the future.
Go suck your Muslim mayor's cut cock, Calgary

Yeah it's encouraging.
Basically the majority of strong, smart and non-hipster white dudes are on board if you talk to them about it over a pint.
But the weak, the stupid and the trendy tend to be a different story. Physiognomy, it's real my nigga


Same here. All of my friends are die-hard Trump-loving conservatives. I'm trying to redpill them, it wasn't too hard to show them the truth on Israel. You just have to start with the small pills and work your way up, I guess. I'm hoping that soon I will be able to talk to them about the holohoax, because they already believed in the deep state.

Nice & purile. Have you considered a career in journalism?

Hm, Trump does seem concerned. I wish we had a lip-reading of what Obama yells him as he gestures towards the car.

Maybe he told Trump that there have been several extraterrestrial encounters and Xcom is real. Who the fuck knows.

Ha ha, always funny to see some n00b VPN-burger get run train on by a rake. Classic.

>Hm, Trump does seem concerned.
dude he look almost disconnected there's something off ..

Yeah he forgets to salute the guards and almost seems to stumble around.
How long was this meeting?

Jesus this shit is creepy.
There is absolutely something off.

Maybe the Guards are a bunch of communist twits

you sound just as retarded as he does.
I hope intelligent life from beyond does not select your post as the search for intelligent life...they will conclude that the earth is populated by shit for brains

it took 90 mins

even the way he come out and Obama talk to him to direct him to the limousine something look off

You have to go back, buck-o.

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you should crawl back into the very damp and moldy cave you were hatched in after detaching from your mother's egg sack.
Licking fungus from rocks for sustenance was probably the highlight of your life.

Had your ilk not emerged from your rocky dungeon we would probably be free of /ptg/ on Jow Forums