
You spawn on it's roof

wut do?

Attached: jamalkhashoggimecca.jpg (1239x826, 203K)

God does it for us. Every year millions die in Mecca due to cranes falling ect

epic and based post

Grief the spawn point

Attached: Cagando-de-pie_zps46a830cd.gif (400x207, 1.65M)


Pull my shirt over my head, act devout and shit, slip away, lase the box and JDAM the motherfucker.

realize i'm dead
they will kill a white man for being in mecca

Considering it’s in the middle of the fucking desert, and probably 300° up there, I immediately fry up some bacon to share with my new undoubtedly tolerant and accepting friends

I'd get down on me knees, and wave with one hand and pull the stomach off meself with the other while they're all going round waving back at me

Scream allaha ackbar then giggle while detonating suicide nuke.

If you sped up live coverage of them walking around the building and set the footage to "Yakkity Sax," I'm sure that they would get more converts.

>throw down controller and do chores

Lay down in shaded part, wait for nightfall and escape to forest.

Attached: 1539874430184.png (750x807, 739K)

Eat some ribs and throw the bones at bystanders

cool, it's a Saturn worshiping party

Attached: the-black-cube-of-saturn.jpg (640x442, 86K)


>in Mecca


take your pills


Dead muslims make better neighbors than live ones

Bump stock

We should bomb it.

Scream death to Israel to the crowd

claim to be mohammad reborn, make a bunch of new rules up to fuck with muslims, ultimately say Christians are right

Impulse 101

The outside looks a lot better than the inside. I think it's about as hype-worthy as the Plymouth Rock.

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Shit on it

> not pooing in loo
Flag does not check out.


spam nades