Would you put your own life on the line to protect a girl you don't/barely know about?

Would you put your own life on the line to protect a girl you don't/barely know about?

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No, women aren't worth protecting anymore.


women are whats wrong with society, you are. "Damn that slut won't give me a blowie cause I protected her! UGH!"

Real men fight and live for honor.

most women are expendable

Of course not.
Realistically speaking, most men would probably have some sort of reaction out of instinct, but it's not really that hard to catch yourself and realize you'll be putting yourself in danger for some random slag whose life you have no stake in.

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Only if they were white

Get out jojofag

>Would you put your own life on the line to protect a girl you don't/barely know about?
Depends on situation. If it were some kinda disaster, yes. It'd be unlikely I'd know *anyone* in whatever place it happens in and while I don't consider myself brave at all Adrenaline does some WEIRD fucking shit to my brain whenever people are in danger.

In other words: Yes. Not because of any particular ideological or moral concerns but because the drugs would tell me to.

Yes, a girl, an old woman or a little boy, it dosn't matter, you have to do what is right.

Unless the girl in question is a nigger/sandnigger or her hairs are pink.

Lmfao! What?! "Honor" doesn't exist.


Fuck Fugo.

>Would you put your own life on the line to protect a girl you don't/barely know about

Lol no. Never.

I would
Then demand thank u sex

>demand thank u sex
das rape in 2019

would sooner die for my homies

As a man I will protect the weak if I am able.

That said, what do you think of my new meme? I call it Tim Groid. It's Tim Pool but he has a face made from that guy's crotch wound when he eunuched himself.

Attached: tim_groid.jpg (3088x2320, 1.97M)

And what would ensure their compliance? Otherwise your efforts would have been for naught.

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Women are pretentious whores who take away our freedoms. Ever since we gave them the right to vote, they've used it to whittle away our liberty. And there's more of them than there are of us, so it's easier for them to fuck shit up.

Now they're all female supremacists who thing "hello" is catcalling and an akward guy trying to flirt with them is sexual harassment and bad sex is "rape."

Virtually everyone has empathy for women, but not for men. Men are expendable. Mens lives have no value. Men always have to talk about the women in their lives to elicit any sympathy. Women are special and need protection but also unaccountable and yet still entitled to everything and more a man is. Women are 51% of our democracy. It's a gynocentric gynocracy. Women own men.

Well excuse me, princess!

Great question.

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Depends... If it's a natsoc qt wearing a hakenkreuz shirt about to be brutalized by niggers or wetbacks, or antifa, etc. Then yes; But the probability of this scenario ever happening is practically zero

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I would rape her while she was being attacked by a rabid wolf.

>walking to work one day
>dude at the convenience store i had just tried to buy energy drinks at tried to fight me
>so im in a bad mood already
>see some shabby looking nigger walk right up a white lady minding her own business
>nigger grabs her and spits right in her face
>flip out my pocket knife and march right up to the guy
>just start going ballistic yelling at him like my MTIs did during basic
>calling him a nigger, holding my knife
>im wearing all black with a big faux-fur hood covering my face
>he looks scared as fuck
>tell him better run you fucking nigger
>he tries to turn around and run but falls down
>he gets up and goes
>i start to be on my way
>some other light skinned black tells me i shouldnt use that word
>looks at me like he's expecting me to apologize
>say yeah whatever and walk off
does that count?

Came here to post this

I would potentially put my own life on the line to protect anybody.
I do not base anything that I do irl upon maymays from mongolian basket weaving sites

>I do not learn
>except it's mainstream media

>Would you put your own life on the line to protect a girl you don't/barely know about?

Little girl or boy? Yes
Grown woman or man? No

Honor is what killed the people who valued it. Congrats, youre now dead and the cowards get the females and have the kids. Fuck people, if I have mine I couldnt care less.