Blackpill: This will be European history

Type this in "history of European people" on Google. this is your history you will be erased from history for future generations too come all your greatness wasted because someone is going to go out of their way to remove you.

Attached: Mostaert-Portrait-of-a-Moor-unframed-710x1047.jpg (710x1047, 251K)

Moors in Europe

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To be fair, the bulk of "European" greatness did come from other cultures such as the arabs and moors.

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It was mostly the Greeks and Romans, by far more influential than the Arabs, Arabs were influenced by those to cultures themselves.

Look into the dark ages. That's where the pictures OP is posting came from, despite Europe trying to delete all of that history. All the important advances in science and art that you grow up learning about actually came from non-whites. Guys like Newton just said "I did this" after he was taught.

>dark ages
idiot, the paintings are post renaissance

Blacks were whitewashed from European history, it's time to make things right

they are utterly relevant to European history

I tried.

The original people of the UK were Black, they had dark skin, before the wh*toid invasion

learn from the Australians, the true masters of the shitpost

Europeans were dark-skinned until 8,000 years ago: Pale complexions were brought to Europe from the Near East, study claims

Niggers will be extinct by 2200.

"Arab innovation" was mostly came from old books and machines dug up from the greeks and persians. How'd that work out for them after the industrial era started?

>fake cheddar man meme
No they weren't, the first people in the UK came here from mainland Europe at the end of the last ice age, 10 thousand years ago, we are descended from those people, verifiable by DNA, why the fuck would ever imagine that this country would require skin designed to protect against blistering sunshine ? how often do you think the sun comes out here ? fucking never, that's why black people here get vitamin D deficiencies.

>8,000 years ago
The CURRENT indigenous people are descendent from those people you moron.

I'm not shitposting I just made a mistake. I should have also said that art that came in the renaissance was inspired by art that came from the dark ages. I'm a master of shitposting btw.

Dug up machines?

We wuz mohfuggin kangz n shit

According to the "Anatolian hypothesis", Indo-European languages were spread by the first farmers It has been at the root of division and persecution for centuries, but it seems that the white skin of most modern Europeans did not evolve in Europe at all.

Now genetic research has revealed that ancient European populations were dark skinned for far longer than had originally been thought.

Rather than lightening as early humans migrated north from Africa around 40,000 years ago due to lower levels of sunlight, these first Homo sapiens retained their dark skin colour.

>I'm not shitposting
that's more like it, denial makes the shitpost more convincing

Those are middle east refugees

These are funny

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Fuck off ape, niggers have never contributed a god damn thing to civilization. They still live like jungle monkeys to this day

How fucking backwards are you? Lol. Your stupid shilling doesn't work here. Only in "blacks are da reel jews" facebooks groups does your shit work.

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>40,000 years ago
Yeah so my people have been separated from Africans by 40 thousand years, and evolved into the current population, explain to me how that makes the UK belong to Somalians who's ancestors never left Africa ?

Where did it evolve?

Yep. Think windmills or distillation levels of tech, not lasers and ufos. Pretty similar to the european renaissance as people fleeing the arab conquests brought greek knowledge and books back into europe.

>Those are middle east refugees
utter rubbish, our DNA matches that of ice age bones, it matches that of the earliest settlers

The middle eastern 'refugees' only started coming here in the past 10 years.

i enjoy these nigger pretentions. Think of it kind of like a monkey doing random stupid to garner your attention and/or pretend to be smarter than it actually is

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actually it won't be. Europe is on the verge of a hell storm that will make non whites and liberals wish for the days of the Yellow Vests.
some will embrace the chaos but most will be absolutely horrified as civil society breaks down.

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Also, you obviously aren't black so drop the flag & quit larping like a faggot.

Wh*toids destroyed Europe, Pakistanis, Somalians, Turks, Jamaicans, Indians, Kenyans helped rebuild it. The UK has more in common with Pakistan than Europe. Commonwealth troops helped defend the UK

I wonder if it was the arabs/moors who originally created catapults and shit too. Or those airplane etc sketches that Leonardo drew that had conspiracy nuts glowing.

The hell are you talking about? That user didn't say a thing about Somalians.


though, someone i do wonder if there is an actual mentally handicapped negro typing all of these posts or a troll, hard to say really, but oh well, that's Poe's law for you

*sometimes i do wonder

That dude is talking about south Africa(ie pygmie and gorillas) not the northern half where the Moors, Timbuktu, and kangz were.

>b b but we have to let in a million more Somalians because the original Brits were pure breed sub Saharan Africans so really the country belongs to them, hur dur
You clearly don't understand the propaganda purpose of the cheddar man hoax

why are you bunching Moors who were north african berbers with negroes?

Das rite brotha! Another thing these cave dwellin' equestrian cucks need to realise is all those so called 'horse' depictions wuz actually giraffes! Horses were jealous of the giraffe's melanin patches and they erased their history and painted over them. Soon these equestrioids will realise the true ruminantia of Europe. Pic related giraffe in England

Attached: 800px-The_nubian_giraffe.jpg (800x1014, 238K)

Torsion catapults and ballistas are bronze age tech. Da Vinci probably came up with his own original inventions based on the designs of nature or "God" as he probably saw it.

I get that we're on Jow Forums but come on man. He was talking about DNA and history, and a corpse(fake or not) has literally no bearing on immigration. You don't have to wear the tin foil hat all the time either, there has been more than one negroid skeleton found north of Africa.

>no bearing on immigration
The cuck media are shilling cheddar man as a pretext for increasing 3rd world immigration.

I remember a BBC article saying how black chedder man made a woman feel more british

awww shiiiiet

That's funny but it doesn't change anything. The liberal brainwashing that went on decades ago allowed for it.

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indians and persians did contribute a lot to science but nothing like europeans.

>Guys like Newton just said "I did this" after he was taught.

absolute bullshit

i'd still rather be a viking

They are doing it is the most pathetic ways, first claiming that us white europeans donĀ“t exist, second claiming that it was non whites that did this and that.... it's a cultural battle against european countries history and identity,.

You know what to do.