Is it better to lock down a young, cute, boring girl, or explore the world with adventurous, thoughtful girls? I don't think I'm Chad enough to do both at once.
Is it better to lock down a young, cute, boring girl, or explore the world with adventurous, thoughtful girls...
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>thoughtful girls
user, I...
Started dating a cute virgin cheerleader when I was 16. Twenty years later still with her, best decision i ever made. Wouldn't trade her for all of the pussy on Instagram.
Women are often times brain dead, and very rarely have anything of substance inside their heads. Plus to add insult to injury, they usually start nagging post Honey period. So if you're willing to settle down, make sure you're also ready for verbal abuse and beatings.
Love this. Congrats user.
I wonder if your looks criteria has anything to do with your marrigial success, speaking of which. Post your height and scale your sexual appeal on a 1-10 assessment famalam.
Thoughtful. You want to be attracted to her, but consider that one day you'll be old and probably not want to fuck four times a day. Thoughtful is how you stay interested in someone long term.
not politics.
sage and report
Fuck around until your in your late 20s then settle down. You will probably never pull a girl like the one in your picture tho.
women are shit for companionship and are only useful as mobile wombs and daycare providers.
Marriage is the foundation for a family, which in turn is also the foundation for a community and society at large. So it's related to politics.
Honeymoon period ended for me and this gurl after 8 weeks when she wanted all my passwords (phone, email, laptop, etc..) and unrestricted access to my internet browser history. Not even kidding. I broke up with her within days of that shit.
>She wanted personal info
Probably an emotional parasite fren, much is the same with most women sadly.
Over 6'3" tall, fat 280lb. I was fat in high school too, but I was a captain on the football team. Maybe a 5/10, that's pushing it. She was the skinny little cheerleader with no tits or ass, but blonde with blue eyes. We went to college together, it helped because we both worked. She's had four kids now and filled out. She's not fat, but she now has an ass and tits. Honestly she's way out of my league now, was then too really. All I'm saying is it's better to find one before she turns into a massive slut.
>Over 6'3
Is all I needed to hear, fucking Lol. Of course you'd succeed in your ability to maintain a mate for long durations of time. As you're in the upper class of men in the genetic pool, just by the virtue of your height. With that being said, I doubt your experience is going to translate well for the other men who weren't blessed during conception.
Manlets btfo, I am also 6'3" and sometimes I feel like it's the only reason girls find me attractive; the only thing pushing me from a no to a yes.
Yeah, I do kind of just want to put babies into a simple girl with good nurturing instincts. I'm chatting with a qt on okc who is a nurse aid and seems kind of dull/shy, the type of girl I would never really go for, but I'm getting to be that age...
>explore the world with adventurous, thoughtful girls
if you want a family, rootless women are not for you. typically a girl looking for adventure has serious daddy issues or something fucked up happened to her. they are best avoided.
it's all about being honest with yourself and what you want. there are girls for both
>It's the only reason women find me attractive
Your gut instinct isn't wrong, see pic related and:
It’s an either or proposition. I had to make that choice two decades ago. Good luck
Similar here. My wife and I have been together since high school, only ever had sex with each other and our relationship (including sex life) has only gotten better over 15 years. We're about to have our third kid and I couldn't be happier.
Promiscuity is a lie. It destroys your ability to form lasting relationships (moreso for women but still true to some extent for men).
Selling girlfriend.
Thoroughly red pilled.
Accepts the following:
>Race realism
>9/11 Truther
>Global Pedophile Order
>White genocide
Pure Scot/Irish.
~5'6", brother is 6'+.
pic not related
If you are a young man (under 30) you don't need to be in a hurry. If you find your soul mate early like I did, great. If you don't, just spend your 20s leveling yourself up in every way possible (career, useful skills, fitness, musical ability, get good at something). Then when you are 35 with a good income and at the peak of your attractiveness, find a cute 22 year who wants babies and marry her.
why are you letting go of her user
>explore the world with adventurous, thoughtful girls?
Every girl like that thinks she's this girl. NPC programming.
Master your skills to be good with women in general and then select among many the woman you want to marry.
Sell high
Buy low
Markets 101
>You will probably never pull a girl like the one in your picture tho.
That was a blackpill for me when I approached 30, reviewed my dating history and made a similar assumption. You need to be in top 5% of white males to date a 9-10/10 girl who knows how really desirable she is thanks to the social media and Tinder.
I'm settling down with a 7/10 trad cutie. It's time to stop chasing the dragon.
If you think adventurous world traveling girls are thoughtful and girls who stay home are boring you are too retarded to make any decisions. Stick with the world traveling thots and leave the "boring girl" for someone who deserves her.
>met a 20 year old cashier
boyos her age have no money and mommy still makes their meals
What was that retard doing with that knife, he was just wobbling it around. Can’t make this shit up
the prettier they are the more boring they are look for intelligence over beauty
You sound like you’ve been in some toxics relationships my dude. The relationship with my ex-wife of 10 plus years was horrific. Found an amazing girl who became my current wife and realized just how toxic it was. I thought the bad relationships ive had in the past we’re the norm and it’s really not. Finding a good woman also made me look at myself and realize how horrible i can be as well. These days when relationship issues and arguments arise it’s usually me causing the problem. I’m in my 30’s and I’ve finally become a man. Don’t make my mistake.
"boring girls" aren't boring! its a slur used by dumb asses and mean hos to make fun of you for just being genuine and sensible.
The great Bill Murray is quoted saying you should travel the world with the person you want to marry. If you're still in love with each other after the trip, then go for it.
I come from a muslim back ground, so I can't say I have as our women are taught to be submissive early on in their age. My proclamation btw is being drawn from a whole host of inferences I've made from personal observations of close friends, to online dating research and divorce related statistics. The rest of your post is also cope tier nonsense btw. Lmao, give it another five years and you'll be singing the same tune in your first mentioned story.
>Be the man
Bull shit, women should modulate themselves to suit your needs. Literally there's no point in submitting to an up tight cunt, at the cost of your innate expression.
What is girls?
that's such a joke, I'm 6'3 and nothing ever happens
Maybe some other variable can be accounted for, to clear up your inconsistent circumstance. So I guess elaborate on your condition, reveal some details about your race. And also add in anything relating to your facial structure.
Well, you're an angry little refugee aren't you? I've never once had to lay a hand on my wife, in over 20 years. If I give her a disapproving look she will spend the next two days apologizing. Why? Because she respects me, she has seen the way I carry myself and conduct business. I'm usually fair and respectful, I also put my family first before my own wants and needs. Most women are followers, if you lead by example they will follow, and worship the ground you walk on. I do agree with you that women look for good genetics as you said in other post, but do you not look for the same? Honestly if you are short, from Somalia, living in the UK, and hold on to your Muslim let's beat women mentality then I fully expect you to have a shit relationship with any woman you could possibly find.
Your mom always wants me to cum in her.
The first
>I never had to seduce my wife into submission
You literally never had a reason to, as your physiological characteristics did that for you free of conscious will power.
Nope, I'm pretty relaxed right now famalam.
>They will follow
If you exceed a specific looks criteria, see the substantiations in
it was a typo. i'm sure he meant thotful
>not enslaving and selling them as sex slaves
niggers are dumb
Option no.1
>If you are a young man (under 30) you don't need to be in a hurry. If you find your soul mate early like I did, great. If you don't, just spend your 20s leveling yourself up in every way possible (career, useful skills, fitness, musical ability, get good at something). Then when you are 35 with a good income and at the peak of your attractiveness, find a cute 22 year who wants babies and marry her.
This is my plan. I'm more of a late bloomer. I was a skinny kid in college who just played video games all night. I had no friends, I wasn't "socially cool", no interest from females, depressed, and anxious. Now as I get older I'm hitting the gym and starting to get a little bit more meat on my bones. I still might not be socially desirable but I have confidence that I no never had before and broke out of my depression. Men get more attractive as they age too. I'm constantly complimented about how I look young for my age, people don't believe me when I tell them my age. This will hopefully play into my late game strategy. I also feel like I've been blessed with a second chance career-wise. I'm putting in the effort and it's paying off. My plan is to find a nice young woman to fall in love with and marry and to start a family in my 30s when I'm established. I want to be a father.
>seeing this chick at work
>she's going on and on about this manlet flirting with her
>calls him a skinny little bitch
>I remark that I'm pretty skinny
>her reply verbatim is "yeah but you're tall"
You're not supposed to do both at once. You're supposed to do the second, then the first.
Do you look like quasimodo?
Is she still a virgin?
from someone who was sexually very successful ages 22-29 (I have settled down now):
Every one of these girls who "dates" older guys has a fuckbuddy her own age who she shares her money and gifts with, and they laugh at you behind you back. I have been that fuckbuddy to multiple women.
>casual relationship where a professor is chasing a 20 year old girl: I was that guy who was in one of his graduate level courses who she made fun of him with
>stripper being given money/being flown out places: I was that guy she used sugar daddy money to take out for drinks or nice meals with
>innocent 20 year old waiting tables at a hip cafe: I was her boyfriend and would watch and laugh when old guys fawned all over her, toched the small of her back, etc. At the end of the day I'm fucking her and she's giving me the money they give her.
You are just getting used dude. Don't delude yourself.
As someone who has done both, I highly recommend going for the normal girl
I’ll short story both
>be me, single, attractive white guy around 26 years old at the time, living with my roommate, friend in neighborhood brings us two very attractive german girls to meet who were passing through town, we go get drinks with them probably because I had the nicest vehicle and our friend wanted me to drive to impress them, both girls had same name, My roommate and I both hit it off with them instantly, both very intensely, I wound up spending the week with my new interest and was overwhelmed with how much we got along vs the girls I was chasing at the time, our final night we rode bikes around the hills overlooked a secluded marina, sat and watched sunset with a ton of fireflies, drank wine on an overlook and then I returned to work the next day - was completely enamoured with this girl
She leaves, we keep constant contact via whatsapp, a couple months go by and we rendezvous in Cali, we wind up traveling for half a month along the west coast - I chased it so long but could never get her in a spot that made sense for us to be in a relationship
It’s called mutual respect retard. When i put the ballgag in her mouth and strap her hands and feet to the four corners of the St. Andrew cross our eyes lock and there’s a deep feeling of safety and respect we have cultivated through-out the years. She loves being dominated and i love to dominate. What we’re you trolling about again? I kinda went off on a tangent haha anyways stay forever alone fag
>being part of a double cuck threesome
>it's ok guys, i wasnt taking it seriously with them
>i just laughed that my gf was getting felt up and paid like a whore by older dudes
>she loves being dominated and I love to dominate
Anyone else cringe when they here guys use this fetish lingo? It’s like dudes these days are so out of touch with natural behavior that “sexing life up” inevitably involves vocabulary from porn.
This weird intense fling? Continued but literally amounted to nothing other than sex, and endless WhatsApp FaceTime calls and my friends asking “when you guys going to run off together?” it was fucking shitty, there was no future visible with this person, only the right now and it kind of distorts your views of normal girls for a while, plus once I realized she was partying like crazy in Berlin I was able to just cut contact with her which helped me out
I’ll spare the story for how I met my wife but she is an extremely normal, beautiful, down to earth and financially secure mother of my children - life is anxiety free and we have a great home together. But I’ve never felt that fascination and connection I felt with the German thot, it was a fun experience/adventure - but do not do it if you’re not able to bounce off to another pretty girl
Depends on how old you are and how much your prospective partner is straddling the traditional and modern worlds.
I think a few springtimes of innocent fun is good.
But if you're over 25 and she's not a degenerate it's time to get serious.
if your girlfriend has ever worked at a restaurant, a cafe, or god forbid a bar I have some bad news for you about that. Hell, if she even has ever worked in sales or fucking academia, and she is even remotely fuckable, I guarantee you that she has smiled a put up with some things she would never fucking tell you about.
Oh shit
I been found out
10% off. Take it or leave it
>Every one of these girls who "dates" older guys has a fuckbuddy her own age who she shares her money and gifts with, and they laugh at you behind you back.
You're so full of shit and feminist. You want it to be true so bad.
also, these girls were never the only girl I was fucking.
This is the way the world is, user. Live with it and enjoy the ride until you're old enough to settle down and be responsible with the right person, with a wealth of experience as to how to take care of, tame, and master a woman, or die embittered and alone after your high school sweetheart divorces you at 35.
man that earlier about looking to trade up to a girl from a decent family wasn't just talk, huh
Did you compare a Jow Forums-user to Clooney?
Show dem titties
Just like new car, once you drive off lot, it loses half value. I can no show titties unless you buy gf.
After all the media attention just in 2016 do you still unironically view the chinz as some sort of secret club inhabited only by fat social rejects?
When did sex with ones wife become unnatural? I don’t watch porn and I wasn’t using some obscure BDSM terminology, I dominate my wife in every aspect of life because i am a man. Your diet consists of onions, rice and fish heads so i can sympathize with your low-test, beta existence.
sniff snifff........ hhhhhhhnnnnnnnngggggg
Yeah the moment she finds your ex-flings or other signs of past womanizing when she gets older and has your kids, your ass is on the chopping block too if she goes to the courts and alimony rapes you.
Be ever vigilent.
I consider myself boring, so I would want someone who is equally as boring
congrats anons, you both made it
> still looking for pic related
i look normal enough for people to think i have a girlfriend and be surprised that i never lost my virginity
i'm iberian
how much now
Two cows one chicken