The most important thread in the Catalog

Why is this thread so important? Because it gives a way to fight back against (((subversive))) politicians in a manner that is *NOT* anti-Semitic, and which gives a springboard into exposing corruption.

Dual-Citizenship of Public Officials Creates Conflicts of Interest
> Whereas dual citizenship introduces the possibility of divided loyalties we request that the citizenship statuses, current and past, of all Legislators, Executive Appointees, and Federal Judges be made public — all of whom are public officials, and whose day-to-day duties impact the People of the United States and all corporations in the United States.
> Moreover, the “Emoluments Clause” (Art 1, Sec 9, Cl 8) clearly prohibits acceptance of presents or emoluments by foreign states to Officers of Profit or Trust, which all the aforementioned are, and the advantages conferred by foreign citizenship may well violate this clause, the purpose of which is clearly anti-corruption, and therefore should be available to public scrutiny to ensure such corruption does not exist.

If we can get the 100k signatures, there's three possible results:
(1) They don't give a statement: we can ask normies "Why wouldn't they honor their commitment? Everything in the petition is really reasonable, don't you think?"
(2) The whitehouse gives a mealymouthed non-answer statement: "See, look at how compromised they are, they can't even give a straight answer to a reasonable request."
(3) They actually give a good answer: "Holy Shit! Did you see this statement on [link]"

Prevent more vid-related.

Attached: Dual-Citizenship.png (1263x629, 139K)

>sign the (((petition))) goy
>it's effective activism

Yes, keep up your demoralization.

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“5 replies” wouldn’t want to miss out on those bait threads eh?

Wanted to keep it from getting slid out.

Can non american sign this because America have control many countries meaning these traitors who swear oathes to their hoooknosed masters have no care for america or the countries america controls.

They must be treated as the traitors they are and executed to protect our children!

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Yep; all you need to sign is an e-mail, and to click the confirmation-link in the e-mail they send.

Need to promote it under guise of "russian dual citizens" in left leaning spaces.

I get ya the people on this board don’t actually care about fixing anything they just want yous. Literally slightly less cancerous reddit. Oh I signed this weeks ago op.

>Oh I signed this weeks ago op.
Thank you.

Attached: Already Fren.png (640x480, 132K)




Cmon faggots bamp

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Attached: Russian Dual Citizens.jpg (600x450, 181K)

These aren't mine but i had laughs

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I'm going to have to go to bed soon.


Huh, nobody cares?

Attached: 7 stages of jewish denial.jpg (537x720, 100K)

Lots of people care, but lots of people also know that everything you do is tracked, and signing a petition against israel, in an ever increasing world on a non-stop ride to hell, isnt the best idea.

the thing is, 99% of the population doesnt care, will not care unless they lose their non-stop entertainment.

so why put yourself at risk for something that wont change a damn thing?

we have seen it all, leaks of all sort, scandals and actual crimes being committed with proof.

people do not care. this is why the petition is not being signed, this is why this is going no where.

apologies for the blackpill.

basically, the people who arent MIGApedes, and pay attention to threads like these, and actually understand the reason for the petition, are also smart enough to surmise that nothing short of a full scale pitchfork viva le frenchion and g-otines will change anything.

so people who care about this are pretty much on autopilot watching it all burn.

people who care about this stuff, cared about it a lot longer than this petition, and people who care about this stuff tried to tell people where everything was going years ago.

but alas, people who care about this stuff saw what happens when they tried to change things, it fell on deaf ears, and the people they tried to help continued sniffing their shitgas and being lazy retarded fucks,

so people who care about this stuff have accepted the fact that the general population are anesthetized cattle, for whatever reason. and they deserve whatever they willingly and ignorantly oblige.

*pops monster can*


Attached: SAKO.gif (697x400, 628K)

Omg, 13 Russian dual citizens?

How many Israeli?

Elegantly and basedly put, medpack.

Nervermind, I'm dumb

And that's exactly why you should spread those images around like the fucking plague.

think about what you are doing, you are essentially having to convince someone to become a spreader of a "forced meme"

what is a forced meme?

something that has no intrinsic interest to the masses, and doesn't catch on.

what does this tell you about your forced meme (which isn't a meme, its legitimate information i know)

it tells you that the masses have no interest in self preservation, or even being in the loop at all.

you are trying to save a country of severely mentally diminished, low IQ, and 100% commuted to being slaves.

If the people cared, they would already care. put simply.

But I do wish you luck, but I think you will not have it.

in order for the people to care, they must lose what they currently care about. food/entertainment/basic needs.

until then, you are asking them to bite the hand that feeds them their high fructose corn syrup. and even worse, you are asking them to do icky reading and learning.

this is a plan set up to fail.

you see, nothing will change while the bread and circus is in town.

see pic related for more information on the your target audience, sir.

with respect.

Attached: lemmingsdotpng.png (1468x7317, 792K)

>on the your
and its time for bed. its been fun, best of luck and dont try to churn shit into butter too hard, its hard on the elbows.

If it works even for a second on people here it's liable to to work on the more left leaning of the human cattle for whom russiagate is their religion. Spread it around in hopes it reaches a few pieces of corn in the societal shit. Blackpill is a cucked mindset. The bread and circuses always run out eventually. Try not to lie down and die before they do.

none of this matters. nothing matters.

last post,

do what you believe is best for whatever your heart desires, young sir. just know it will be in vain.

my reply,

it does matter, but does that matter?

now i take rest and dream of the void.

>7 days left
>not even 800 signatures

Absolutely demoralizing.

This is legit illegal in Australia. You can't have dual citizenship. Law.


No wonder there's so many issues. Gotta renounce your old shit.

wouldnt anyone who signs this go to jail for being antisemetic? I am pretty sure not allowing your governments leaders to all hold citizenship to the same foreign country is illegal or they could make that a law since thats what they do right?

Muh russia's the way to get the left to help us with that.

I'd like to see that hit the news cycle.

welcome to reality.

I skimmed that but yeah, this is why I mock 2aers. I know they will never do anything.

Attached: _l-keep-screaming-but-god-doesnt-hear-me-24436840.png (500x422, 96K)

This must be bait
>1 post by this ID
It is

This isn't a forced meme, like not in the least. In truth its good, as it take on the narrative that the ''russians'' are behind it but anyone who'd look into it would be surprised to find out that they ain't from Russia.

Yep. It's still young, but it's been catching on a bit here and has been well received, just hasn't made it into the normiesphere yet.

Wow, the left really can't meme.