Cap On Wealth?

What does Jow Forums think about a wealth cap of $2 million per household? Does anyone really need more money than that ever?

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I burn about $15000 a month.
I need way more than $2,000,000.00.

That's stupid. How are business owners going to invest in the businesses they own if there's a cap on how much money they can have?

Why not 100, 000?

>owner spends $2 million a year
>owner makes $2 million a year
>business keeps growing every year
>remaining profits keep getting reinvested in company
>more growth, more jobs, etc.
>bonuses to employees for profits owner can keep himself or reinvest in company
>win, win, win, win

Why not $2 million?

Maybe burn wood to keep warm instead of money?

Why cap it at all?

Why is the rich guy obligated to pay for their shit???

But what if they tax dragon dildos?

>invested so much money into company that im making 2 million dollars every day
>working every hour of the day to try and spend it all
>life becomes hell knowing that im giving away millions to poor blacks when the government takes it away
also what about the lottery faggot? what do you do when you win more than 2 million dollars?

To pay for all the shit like roads, bridges, healthcare, colleges, etc.

>a fucking leaf

>a fucking leaf
a beautiful demonstration of high level argumentative capabilities

The rich guy is rich because he lobbied the government and applied political pressure to enrich his own assets and properties. For example, who do you think was standing in the way of oil pipelines from Canada? Warren Buffet, who had a rail monopoly and was making $1 billion per year shipping oil down from Canada.

He used political pressure to block the pipeline. And even when the pipeline was being built, he drummed up left wing groups to go stand there with signs and chain themselves to trees and "block the pipeline".

This is how this shit works. If you're advocating for the interests of the rich at this point I don't know what to tell you.

>Cap On Wealth?
just do what we did during america's golden age...

make the tax on annual income earned greater than 1 million 99%

and tax 100% assets when people try to take the money out of the country

that way people can still be rich, 1 million a year a lot. but not obscenely rich.

also this applies to corporations too. profit over a million per year gets taxed 99%.

suddenly corporations everywhere hand out health insurance and living wages like candy because the alternative is to pay that money to the government as taxes.

and again... if rich kikes cant survive on 1 million a year they need the rope.

Dude, your entire post was hypothetical and garbage arguments. The fucking lottery? Who gives a fuck about that?

And what sort of problem is spending $2 million dollars in a day or year exactly? Oh what hardship!

Why not raise taxes/take loans as needed?
The fact that you placed the number you want to cap first, instead of the programs you want to fund, says that this isn't about the programs.

You know that greed and envy are destructive human behaviors right? Even if we don't look at this from a moral perspective (they're wrong), you're creating a very stifling society with this kind of thinking.

I’d like to be talking about a Jew cap. Preferably ZERO.

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>keeping your own money is 'getting free stuff'

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Nice mind reading, kike. No, see for why a wealth cap would be a good idea. Also, makes some great points.

you only spend 15000 a month because youre getting ripped off.

Instead of taxing income, tax wealth.

Taxing income is literally taxing labor. You're taxing people for working. But taxing wealth is taxing laziness, people literally just squatting on their money.

This means if a rich person wants to keep their money, they need to invest it productively in the economy instead of just squatting on it.

If you think about it, the income tax really is a way of preventing people climbing the ladder and accumulating wealth to challenge the old money types who already have their money made. This would flip the dynamic on it's head and reward the most productive people in society the very most.

Before you cry foul, remember that inflation is literally a wealth tax. And it's known to boost the economy precisely for the reasons stated above (encouraging investment)

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>Quotes himself
>The post I was responding to in the first place
>Guy he uses to back him up just explains how its done, doesn't give a reason why its good.
Listen, I hate Jews as much as the next guy, but what is wrong, in principle, with a person accumulating wealth?

How do you feel about Henry Ford?

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>The fucking lottery? Who gives a fuck about that?
everyone who works for lotteries and everyone who has won them
>And what sort of problem is spending $2 million dollars in a day or year exactly?
it will be a problem in the future due to inflation

also how would we even imploment this? we would have to get billionaires to spend all their money or else the government takes it away. i dont think its ever gonna happen

you've been talking out of your ass you fucking retard, lmao

2 million seems like an arbitrary number.
I personally think $500 should be the cap.
I mean who needs more the 5 benji's?

>Does anyone really need more money than that ever?
Yeah, every buy a house? Do you ever plan on retiring?

>inflation is literally a wealth tax
Paid to owners of central bank lmao. You're such a perfect goy.

See 's great analysis.

I need about $10 million then, wouldn't work ever again.

>all rich people got rich the corrupt way
Is that how you incels cope with your failures?

>also this applies to corporations too. profit over a million per year gets taxed 99%.
That's fucking retarded. You can make over a million with a McDonald's franchise.

>social shaming on an anonymous site

If richies didn't own so much land, investment properties, etc. housing would be more affordable. You don't need $2 million to retire, dumbass.

>doesn't give a reason why its good
this is good because it caused more money created in the economy to be naturally distributed towards the middle and working class. While still leaving the rich wealthier than anyone would ever realistically need to be.

and if you think making a cool million a year isnt enough then you need to be thrown off a cliff.

Is this what commies say instead of nigger?

>You can make over a million with a McDonald's franchise.
great, and any income earned (either personal or corporate) over a million in a year gets taxed at 99%. so either pay that money over 1 million in profit (net, not gross) towards investing in your buisness (driving down your taxable income) or raise wages at your franchise (also reducing net and therefore taxable income).

too bad most the retards on this web site are too stupid to understand any of this

Why $2M? Why not $1.5M? Why not $1M? Why not $750k?

all the billionaires certainly

Its nonsensical

You can't not have private property and then somehow keep all the good parts of capitalism that happen to like.

Such an idiotic idea, if implemented would lead to a short and miserable collapse of society and the end of western civilization

You literally have to such up capital to MAKE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS which INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY which RAISES STANDARDS OF LIVING of society.

If you want society to get rich you have to encourage SAVINGS.

SAVINGS are literally the first step of economic growth.

Politicians that tell you that spending somehow creates wealth are delusional and should be ignored (or shot).


Savings and under-consuming should be encouraged.

DID Jow Forums know that it is only MODERN ATHEISTS that try to explain to you that savings are DEAD MONEY not POTENTIAL ENERGY because they do no see that a society that had savings would be better equipped for disaster like earthquakes or other phenomenon - the ATHEIST does not accept that there are forces in the world more powerful than themselves.

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Ayy lmao nigger.

I'm not sure how often this has to be repeated, but the ultra rich do not have billions of dollars cash, and for most part they do not make millions a year cash. I'm sure Bezo's 135.5 billion is almost entirely equity and property.

If I make 2 million in profits and you want 1 million what stops me from buying more property for 1 million and calling it even? Cant take it out of my company? Well I can put it in the companies name. Is the government then to decide what companies and people are allowed or not allowed to do with their money? You want real estate to be worth 5000% more the next day?

You think big companies and the rich are going to roll over and take this shit? They'll ALL move elsewhere. There are millions of examples in history of business moving elsewhere due instability or uncertainty.

You want a to live in a third world country? Move to Venezuela, don't make everybody else suffer so you can live in a Marxist paradise. Like all the others that were so successful throughout modern history.

No way. Commie scum get the rope

What the Hell do you spend 15 grand on every month

>You want a to live in a third world country? Move to Venezuela

No need. The third world has moved here and continue to in droves """ legally""".

I simply do not care what someone else has. I care what I have, and what I have the freedom to obtain. Do you believe that the people who push this shit, ever intend to cap their own wealth? This is socialist bullshit, designed to limit the individual. Its about control.

>They'll ALL move elsewhere.
100% asset tax when rich kikes try to take money/assets out of the country

the american economy is fucking huge and people here buy a lot of shit. if a rich kike doesnt want to do buisness here then that just means opportunity for someone new to sell wiggets to millennials.

He doesn't put a cap on it though, he just taxes it.
Those are two different things user. Once keeps the rich from sitting on their wealth while the other prohibits someone from getting that wealth at all in the first place.
>Then you need to be thrown off a cliff.
I'll never understand why the idea of someone having more money than you is so infuriating.
>is good because it caused more money created in the economy to be naturally distributed towards the middle and working class.
No, that was caused by the steadily rising wages which we had until the 80's, when for some reason wages no longer matched the increasing productivity. The majority of factors which determine your personal wealth are not dependent on how much one other individual has. Bezos has what, $70b? The overall US economy is $18t, and the government is set to spend more than $4t this year.

You aren't poor because someone else is rich, there are other forces at work here.

Reinvested money is counted as wealth you absolute fucking moron, If I invest money into a business and it grows, it's value increases, and if I own it, my net worth increases by the same exact amount. This is the problem with socialists, you don't know what words mean or understand basic concepts.

Case in point: Amazon. Amazon DOES NOT pay any dividends out whatsoever, all its profit is REINVESTED into the business. It's worth like a gazillion dollars though and that's why Bezos is worth billions.

I'm not sure I've heard of a more draconian policy. I'm sure there will be no effect on the American economy.

>I got mine, fuck everyone else

Can you be anymore of a boomer kike?

we can create infinite wealth,

the answer is de-regulation

All wealth is invested you idiot, no one's "squatting" on it, it's invested otherwise it just sits there and not only DOESN'T make money, but actually loses value to inflation. When people say Bill Gates is worth 100 billion, like 99.9% of that is invested.

Besides, even if some rich guy just locked up money in a vault, it would have no effect whatsoever, the value of every other dollar would just rise proportionally.

I assume you've worked hard in your life and you haven't seen the return you expected. I assume you are disillusioned with our system (the West, Capitalism). We all are to varying degrees.

If you clawed your way to having something in life by hard work, perseverance, luck, good timing, and after having most likely failed many times before you hit your mark; would you be willing to give it all away? Furthermore KNOWING that it will be wasted and unappreciated by people getting it for free?

This is why we need the second amendment. Want my money? Try to take it, I dare you.

>you're jealous of people having money
I'm what most people call middle class, clocking in an annual person income in the six figure range. Paying taxes sucks for me, because I pay a lot. Anyways, the 99% on income over a million is an order of magnitude more than I make.

to not be satisfied with making a million a year after taxes then you are a greedy kike and part of the problem.

>wages arent going up anymore and thats why things aren't good.

the answer is in this picture. I hope you are smart enough to understand the information.

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College is only unaffordable because they know government is footing the billl and stupid people are literally taking obscene loans to pay for meme degrees.

funny thing about Amazon not paying dividends.

they don't pay any taxes either.

$11 BILLION in PROFITS. $0 in income tax

>>>Starts out with nothing. Uses brain, frugality, determination and guts to build business empire over time to better family's life, aide community the way you see fit and of course to satisfy your own ego.
>>>government takes it and pisses it away on degenerates, burnouts, stupid people, invaders and junkies. Ultimately people without motivation to earn wealth or discipline to not blow it.
>>>Now everyone is poor and miserable as inflation grids everyone to shreds and dies of starvation.

How about I just shoot you OP ending your pathetic life or you go and change your habits to realistically improve your life?

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Why are there morons literally fighting for rich Corps? Like if the hypothetical shit they keep saying isn't already happening..
Where are those fucking investments from shit like oil corporations?

I'm not sure how they get away with that. Offshoring?

Imagine basing your entire political ideology around envy...

>Not being a communist makes you a jew
When did this happen?

>give it all away

Nobody's saying that. Who wouldn't be happy and rich with $2 mil? Maybe it would be wasted, but who cares? You'd be rich either way.

>implying anyone would have to step foot on someone's property to extract liquid or paper assets

>Imagine basing your entire political ideology around greed...

People would just invest their wealth in other countries.

if happened when the kikes starting describing the golden age of america tax policy as communism

Imagine basing your entire political ideology around lust...

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Yeah, reinvested profits or profits paid out as dividends that are then reinvested elsewhere(which is by far the most common) should not be taxed at all. I agree that if they are, it should be done equally, but that shouldn't be the case in the first place. Literally siphoning money directly out of productive activity.

Tax money people spend on themselves instead.

why burn money when you could just give it to me?

I support a maximum wealth limit to prevent activism.

Man standing on a pile of papers that has the value what me make of it HOW FUCKED ARE WE. Can we go to mars already please.

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>its another faggot thinks wealth is a physical finite entity thread
Rich people being rich doesn't keep you poor. Nobody is going to make more wealth than they can keep. Why would any business owner work to grow his business taking on the increased risk and liability once they reach the arbitrary cap?

>rich people being rich doesn't make you poor
Except the rich people in question use their money to bribe the government to promote third-world immigration, gay activism, child sex change surgeries, massive money printing for them to do stock buybacks, healthcare policies written by shills, endless wars, green energy scams, welfare for their voter base, and so on...

None of which has shit to do with people having money over some arbitrary amount you mong, unless you believe that once they get over 2million dollars gay activism and child sex changes become very important to them.

>third-world immigration
Makes them more money and drives up the value of their property investments.
>abortion and contraception
gets women into the workforce and keeps them there, more money for them.
>gay activism and child sex changes
Weaken families so that they have no ties other than to brands

Yeah, what about the offshore accounts?
Always conveniently leaving out the facts, like a fucking kike

How would you get a bunch of people possessing over $2 million to instate a $2 million wealth cap?

have you thought through the downsides? if i make my allowance of wealth, why would i not just stop trading and fire everyone who works for me?

gulfstream g650er costs about $60-70 million to buy and $2million a year to own and run. so you need several hundred million to justify buying one. this would disappear as a product under your idea and 100s of people would directly lose their jobs as a consequence plus the supply chain effect would cause more to lose their jobs.

>without really rich people who would buy expensive things?

banks finance everything today and literally nothing would change.

What on earth would we do without private jets? Lol

There are downsides to everything. Right now the average Joe can't get a decent apartment without shilling out half his salary or more for a tiny studio.

You need way more to retire in comfort. There’s no point in giving poors money because they can’t think beyond their next bong.

in other words, the only kind of person that should have wealth is the banker. that is basically the point of the fiat debt-money system.

I have the answer to this thread.
Pic related.

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Mind your own business failure.

Who are you to decide how much money a person can make?

And thats on steaks alone.


i dont agree with a cap on wealth, just an annual cap on earned income. Also institutions can obviously still pool the wealth of its members to invest for a profit. thats what a bank used to be anyways.

You end up severely limiting the wealth the top 1% will generate, harming everyone.


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Wow never seen such hardcore shilling for the rich here.
I guess that's how you know they are bots. They only respond to OP

The rich deserve death, taxation to moderate wealth is a blessing.

Why would a doctor keep working after he makes his $2 million? I'm sure you'll have an income cap, too, so what do you do when 90% of our doctors suddenly quit or want to go half time? Why do socialists love killing or starving poor people so much?

OP is a fag. Also $2M is like no money. Fuck you money does not start until at least $100M. If you want to fix society to be more inclusive make more opportunity, not punish those that have just barely figured out the game.

The poor do too. Both of you are fighting over shit that isnt yours. Both of you are a nuisance to the average american.

Most doctors barely make 6 figures, and they would welcome having their massive student debt forgiven.

If people would fast, 95% of current medical issues would resolve themselves. The only doctors worth a shit are the ones that fix shit from accidents, and even those over treat when PT/weight loss would suffice.

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No, but I have partial solution that makes everyone happe: every leftist will pay what leftists advocate for taxes.

I think people shouldnt be allowed to breed until they get a million dollars. A million dollars for each kid you have.

I had a similar idea for college. All these leftists want free college so they should all pay to make it free.