Just watched the movies again. Which races are represented by the ones in the movies.
Lord of the Rings
Elves are Jews, Orcs are niggers and arabs, Dwarves are the Swiss, hobbits are Brits, and "men" are generically Euro.
>Elves are Jews
What about the wizards? I'm not sure what they are. Maybe the return of the "king" is jesus?
Initially I thought hobbits were Mediterranean, shorter, laid back, temperate climate
Orcs = Nazis
Elves = Americans
Hobbits = British
men = Europe
Dwarves = ???????????????
Skinchanger = Transfags
Schmeagul = incels
Cave trolls = nogs
Wraiths = JEW
Orcs are burgers
That makes a lot of sense
Elves = 100% pure white
Humans = Amerimutts
Orcs = Niggers (of all kinds)
Hobbits = Manlets
Dwarves = Slaves
Wraiths = Communists
Wizards = Jews
Smeagol = Fags/Trannies
>Wizards are Jews
>Elves are Scandinavians
>Orcs are niggers
>Dwarves are bankers/stock brokers
>hobbits are Irish
>Men are whites
you may have figured out how to distract the shills with this type of thread... just let them fight it out some dumb harry Potter or LOTR debate
You know, your snide comment there about your fellow countrymen, reminded me of something totally unrelated.
That is all.
He asked for races.
You guys are retarded, Tolkien himself said that he didn't mean this work to be interpreted in the real world. Also, check out the letter Tolkien had wanted to send to a Nazi publisher when they inquired whether or not he was a Jew or had any Jew ancestry.
We can actually talk about things without relating it back to Harry Potter every time here.
tl;dr Tolkien like all anglos was a philosemite
These are the new races you rape baby nigger.
So we really can't have real conversations like decent human beings in this board uh.
This conversation is what I was looking for. My oldest is wanting to watch these so I wanted to refresh my memory before he had questions
elves are viewed as Greeks, and the Maia are amerimutts
Not all of us
>like decent human beings in this board
Hello newfriend
>Lurk MOAR
I know how this board works.But i don't usually expect an insult when im just doing a reasonable claim against a reply.I would expect it if i insulted someone though.
Also maybe gondor was Brits since they were closer to the fight and Rohan was mutts(back when we were white) came in to assist. Just throwing ideas out to see what sticks
Sorry I hurt your pussy.
>elves are jews
Elves walk on snow, create bread that can sustain for you a whole day on a single bite, live forever, sleep while running, and can drink a whole keg without feeling a buzz.
Tolkien had this weird irrational reverence for them. Kinda like how neocons and the ultra PC do towards Jews. Actually not a bad theory desu
Nice try hobbit
Orcs are African
Dwarves are jews
Makes sense if you view it from the type to bend the knee to AIPAC. I could see 98% of right wingers thinking this highly of them
Stop acting like a nigger for a second and respond like a human being you inbreed faggot.
>inbreed faggot.
Better than a half-breed rape baby faggot
Stop acting like a pure aryan burger.Everyone know how mutted your country is.
Not race but americans are ents.
Dwarves are Jews. Obsessed with money and literal jewery, big noses, untrusting insular culture, carry grudges for generations, the list goes on.
It is WELL DOCUMENTED that dwarves were meant to be an unflattering caricature of Jews
Digits confirm you are a faggot.
Digits confirm you are a mutt.
>Elves are pagan europeans
They worship Trees and live eternally (pagan concept of reincarnation)
>Dwarves are jews
Their quest is to reclaim their lost homeland.(Israel) Moria is litterally the mountain upon which abraham was ordered by god to kill his son. Their biggest characterflaw is greed and lust.
>Mordor/Sauron is Nazi Germany & Hitler / Morgoth is the idea of fascism.
Tolkien was an anti-racist britbong
>Gondor is Britain, but the hobbits are also Britain.
The industrial, and the countryside.
>Rohan is America.
First upheld by Isengard (japan), but then comes to the rescue of Gondor. Theoden is originally from Gondor.
>Isengard is japanese.
They litterally run at the wall with suicide bombers. Kamikaze style.
You have to remember that Tolkien was an anti-racist britbong liberal. His world is largely a pagan world, but its story is christian (right vs wrong) absoluteism.
Dwarves are jews and urak-hai are amerimutts.
Get your shit straight
Im spaniard-french btw you dirty nigger.
Great, have a (you)
i doubt a dwarf wants to breed an elf with an orc
that was the work of wizards WHITE wizards
dwarves were the only race that hated other races and wanted people out of their nations
dwarves were nazis
elves were french stuck up assholes that retreat whenever times get hard
He said it wasn't an allegory for WWII and that he hated allegories.
Yep. Still, he clearly drew inspiration from it.
He was not anti-racist, and he was not British you stupid fucking scandi
He was south African and grew up with apartheid and believed in separate races having separate issues
Do you remember much from when you were 3 years old?
Just do a little bit of research on J.R.R. Tolkien, guys. He hated Nazi Germany and race politics. The Nazgûl donn't have a name so similar to "Nazi" by pure coincidence.
The different creatures don't represent races but I will give a list of what they do represent.
>Nazgûl are Nazis
>Sauron is Hitler (it's also debated that maybe Sauron is a demon and Mouth of Sauron is Hitler)
>Elves are Angels
>Orcs are Demons
>Uruk Hai are probably nephilim
>Aragorn represents Jesus (obviously)
>The one ring is sin
>Smeagol is a sinner
>Dwarves are probably Americans (greedy, reluctant to help in others' fights, brash, and Tolkien was English)
>Hobbits are probably English
>Arwen is the Christian church
Forgot to mention that Morgoth is Satan
>Mouth of Sauron
how is this not goebbels?
Rohirrim - Pre-Christian Anglo-Saxons
Numenorians - Christianized Anglo-Saxons
Noldor Elves - Romans
Hobbits - Norf FC
Everything else - Sub-human nigger species.
Fight me faggots, you know I’m right.
I hate literary fags like you because you all always over analyze fiction as some form of ego masturbation. Unless a work of fiction is straight of allegory like Animal Farm, its safe to say thats its probably just fantasy.
Sauromon is Soros. The wild men are shitskins. The orcs are nogs.
because goebbels was trying to save the world, not burn it
Dwarfs were definitely Jews hiding away with all their gold and riches.
>Sauron is Hitler
No, he is more anti-christish.
>Elves are angels
No, those are the wizards.
>Orcs are Demons
Orcs are 3rd worlders subhumans
>Dwarves are Americans
Just no, they are jews, they have big ass noses, they are stubborn, they have a problem with greed and are in the search for their holy land.
>Hobbits are english
They are more like potato niggers.
Its written by a britbong, ofcourse he would say germany was the bad goys of the story.
Hey retard JRR is from South Africa, why don't you just accept you are wrong?
>No, he is more anti-christish
Yeah, I can see that
>Orcs are 3rd worlders subhumans
Orcs used to be Elves but then they turned evil and became what they are now. That's pretty allegorical for demons right there
>Just no, [Dwarves] are jews, they have big ass noses, they are stubborn, they have a problem with greed and are in the search for their holy land
Tolkien held Jews in high regard so I highly doubt that he'd use Jewish stereotypes
You also forgot the diaspora aspect. Tolkien specifically said that the dwarves were based upon semites
-Hobbits are Brits, Scots and Irish
-Men are Americans
-Elves are Nordstrom and Germans
-Dwarves are Jews
-Orcs are shitskins and Slavs
-Easterlings are Indians, Mongoloids, Turks and maybe Japs
-wizards are world leaders
-Saruman is the Rothschilds and Rockefellers
-Sauron is Stalin
-Eagles are MacArthur, Eisenhower, Patton, and the 2 nukes.
elves = El Fs (whats an F? faggots) El Ves(Witness, those who saw) (faggots who saw? saw what?) (nordics?)(original white race?) (elites) (immortal hmm..)
dwarfs = D-War Fs (degenerate war faggots) (kikes) (value gold, ugly, big nose, craftsmen)
hobbits = Ho B Bits (spawns of hoes) (hapas) (retards) (irish)(original people from british isles)
rohan = Ro Han (almost like roman) (roman mercinaries)
orc = O.R.C. (Oriental Roman Catholics hmm?) (Original Roman Crusaders) (Old Republic Curse) (Ordo Rot Coeptis = Order of the Starting Decay) (eastern hordes of faggots) (niggers)
trolls = decadence, hedonism, dumbed down masses
the ents = memories of the past, traditions
the ring = (the ultimate wave frequency to control whatever the fuck)
gollum = former hobbit who "found" the ring (apointed leaders of the countries) (useful idiot who is given power but is controlled by it) (kings, presidents, etc)
army of ghosts = army of the dead, they are shown as green (basically mudslimes)
humans = all whites who are not elves..(basically not elites) (common people) (those who not in on a secret) (those who didn't see)
sauron = basically a Dog King, a sour one, a bitter one (Danish, Swedish)
saurman = the man of sauron, basically a faggot
gandalf = also a faggot, coz played by faggot in the movie
nazgul = monks, jesuits, agencies, secret agents
on Jow Forums the insults are as important as the debate. An ideal comment will have both