Did Trump really win the popular vote?

Did Trump really win the popular vote?

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i think so



My god.

That's why California won't turn over voting records

In a landslide. Illegals vote many times in blue states.

When you take out the factors of illegal alien votes, people that voted multiple times, fabricated votes, and dead people that voted then the answer is "yes".

>dead people that voted then the answer is "yes".

I got two voter registrations of previous tenants in the mail.



According to Judicial Watch, Sen Al Franken, the deciding vote on the ACA only won because of bad voting practices.

I'm sure if people looked into the 2018 mid terms, a lot of democrats would not be in office right now.

Also republicans too, but so far the DNC is covering up Hillary Clintons crimes and is engaged in sedition, so there's that.

Check out and follow JudicialWatch.org and follow along. Also, while there you can help by reading the documents obtained through FOIA requests the DoJ is dragging its feet on, because it makes them look bad and one sided.

If you listen to some of his talks Tom Fitton has some unofficial guesses based on actual recovered information about who won the 2016 US presidential election.

Funfact, the Temple I attended was using the Declaration of Independence asking to overthrow the government when Trump won.

The Reform Zionist Jews were livid. Also, the temple I attend routinely on shabbat, asks the members to call our elected officials and pass legislation and silence anyone who disagrees with Israel or any leftist narrative.

>Judicial Watch
Aren't those the guys that think blowjobs are impeachable?

Lying is an impeachable offense. Blowjobs are not. Bill Clinton was a trial attorney so lying to him is like a fish breathing water.

Also the Monica Lewinksy Affair was a red herring as Clinton sold nuclear secrets to China and used the media circus as a cover. Bill Clinton and Ted Turner knew how to use the media to hide anything.

>Lying is an impeachable offense.
>Trump presidency
Pick one


>final numbers in
>it's march 2019

Wtf is this?

Minus the illegal votes, absolutely

>Spends millions investigations for illegal voters
>Quietly kill the committee when they find none
kek you fuckers are so sad trying to discredit your own election victory.

You cannot arbitrarily decide which laws to follow and which ones to ignore, especially based on political affiliation.

Hillary never should have been allowed anywhere near running for office and in Jail. As for Trump, I don't support the man, only the office of President. Both Hillary and Trump are blue bloods.

Sanders is a Jew and therefore is a protected citizen, also Judaism, much like Islam are political groups that masquerade as religions and use eschatology and made up rules as their guide.

I, personally want all elections in America to be fair and credible. Ever since Nixon Vs. Kennedy, election reform has never been on the plate of either two parties.

Both parties represent the ruling class. Without standards one cannot have a country or laws. If the people seeking Justice do not first focus on fixing the past, then they have no moral or ethical grounds in which to try to enforce current or new laws.

Because we have no idea what is working or what isn't working. The media and AIPAC tried to sway the elections in Hillarys favor, news agencies are supposed to remain neutral, but since those same agencies have dubious financiers, not a single American can expect any truth to come from any media outlet, left or right.

Trump, much like many of the Dems and Reps are very dirty, but the DoJ doesnt seem too interested in following the rules for all Americans, but only for a small group of Americans, right now it looks like the FBI colluded not investigate Hillary for her servers or for the breach by Seth Rich at the DNC. In fact, some FBI agents were trying to stop Trump from getting elected, they didn't have any evidence, just allegations.

Trump is very dirty and I would like to see him behind bars, but not until Hillary and and many others are arrested and tried. Right now the democrats and some republicans are engaged in Sedition and wasting taxpaying time and destroying the constitution simple because they don't like the guy.



Only when you take away the amount of illegal shitskins that also voted.
But then I also voted for Trump in CA and PA using a leftist website meant for hillary votes.

If Hillary broke any laws INVESTIGATE HER!

Benghazi investigation went on for 2 years and had nothing to show for it. Shit or get off the pot with Hillary, if she broke the law prove it and charge her. Otherwise they are just toying with the idea as a rallying cry but not going to do shit.

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>tfw citizenship question in upcoming census

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SOURCE PLZ otherwise OP confirmed for faggotry

How can you investigate her when the fbi violates common sense and every internal policy to find her innocent? On top of handing out immunity like candy


1. Hillary has no immunity
2. Muller Investigation was started by a Trump appointee and Muller is a Republican
3. Trump can put whoever he want in charge of the FBI, but they need actual reasons to arrest people.

>le based centrist debates liberal faggot

How about you both kill yourselves

To be honest if Democrats cant find anything wrong with Trump it is the same shit.

If you take out all of the illegal votes.

>Lying is an impeachable offense.
Lying to Congress is, which is what Clinton did.

That's exactly what happened too.

He Won. It's HIS time at last.

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Bill Clinton did not lie to congress.

This but unironically. At this point, just admit you’re a braindead moron that wants to sit around and collect welfare checks. No other reason to believe in any leftist policies. If you are such a fucking faggot as to propagate shit like being a “gun owner democrat” or a centrist who thinks both sides have merit just kill yourself. Or hold on long enough to be gassed.

shut up shill. nice c/p

>Hilary bad politicians Jews Muslims bad. Fbi bad
>trump (non politician till now) behind bars too
For what?

He was found liable for two counts of perjury and obstruction of justice, and impeached.

I'm a Brit so forgive me, but what does this mean?

and that's despite Stanford's Low ball estimate of 11 Million Illegals in The United States ...

Attached: screenshot-news.stanford.edu-2019.03.02-21-41-46.png (819x1259, 644K)

>social scientific inquiry:
>decide on conclusions
>figure out how to arrive at them

He was impeached by a lame duck congress that got voted out the previous month. You impeached the nigga over a blowjob and that he lied to a asshole lawyer that he cheated. Woohoo.

And this folks, is why Al Gore invented the internet.

Yale Illegal Immigrant Population is 22 Million ...
Considering the Difference between Trump's Win and Hillary Loss is 600,000 it would be logical to look for additional Factors ...
Sorry for using a Cognitive Process ...

Attached: screenshot-insights.som.yale.edu-2019.03.02-21-47-45.png (817x2010, 1.05M)

Funny thing is he never said that but was on the committee that approved funding for the internets creation. See government programs do work!

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Not criticizing you. Marveling at academics writing 'scientific analyses' of global migration.

He said it. I saw it.

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Thanks for your votes lol

>> We investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrong doing

the post.

My Apologies ...

Nothing he said is factually incorrect.

Republicans investigated Benghazi for years. Holy fuck do you guys not smell your own shit?

No need. I'm not exactly clear at the best of times.

SAY THE LINE FAGG... Oh he said it

Being factually correct is not as important as being morally right.

Morally right about inventing the internet or Bush letting 9/11 happen so we can invade Iraq?

The number of representatives in congress is based on the population of each state as determined by the census. Places like California use illegal immigrants to grant themselves more influence in our federal government by having more people at census. California is afraid that the illegals won't participate in the census for fear of ICE finding out they are illegals.

>it depends on what your definition of "is" is.

Add to that our constitution requires us to count all people regardless of citizenship to know how many people are where so we can distribute funds.

No, just a Grand Jury

Don't be hating, fat chicks give great head because they are HUNGRY!

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You got me there
>he did nothing wrong

Attached: iraq-army-saddam.jpg (940x705, 66K)

Who cares, he will be a 1 term president.
>Yang 2020

Truth be told no president should volunteer to be in front of a grand jury and that was his fuckup. No one really cared he got a blowjob or lied about it.

25 Illegal immigrants in the country. ~5 million of them voted.

Yes, Trump won the popular vote when you exclude illegals

Or Mena

I think that US elections suck!

You better Believe all 5 Million would voted for Hillary ...

That cuck deleted the post after caught him lying with his pants down on that fake news.

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