Let’s admit it. It’s Yangs race to lose right now

Let’s admit it. It’s Yangs race to lose right now.

Attached: 81867A31-9AB7-49EF-AC9A-981460AEBF2F.jpg (640x640, 121K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Instead of being the loser, and waiting for a politician to help save you from obsolescence, get into AI or machine learning with a degree above bachelors.

Don't get scared off by Minglee and pajeet, most of the ones I know have tons of visa problems or trouble finding jobs. Being white gives you a massive advantage

Jesus Christ yang is so fucking out of touch and clearly a Chinese plant.

Fuck this faggot loving chink! This is like the 20th shill post FUCK OFF!

Attached: 1544902206853.webm (720x404, 1.87M)



Attached: spic_bitch_with_stupid_poster.jpg (1293x1080, 85K)


you can't stop it

The outrage is because you know it’s true.

I dont want to.

Attached: Islam.webm (640x360, 2.42M)

Nothing that chink says is true.

Attached: Faggots.gif (255x192, 1.35M)

yeah im sure that will stop it user

this looks fake as fuck, like the other isis videos.

Have another (you) on me.

Attached: Trans future.webm (1280x720, 964K)

He looks like one of those stress toys I played with when I was 6

good form

Being American gives you a massive advantage.

The minority non-whites such as blacks and hispanics that have the mental chops have the STEM industry locked in their favor.

user can u send me the link to this stuff please

>get into AI or machine learning with a degree above bachelors
Yeah sure, 100 million suddenly-unemployed working class people are just gonna dive right into university and get fucking bachelors degrees.
Lolberts are going to get ripped apart in the streets if they spout that shit to an angry mob of dispossessed men.

That’s what people don’t understand you can’t “win”, which is why capitalism is starting to break down with AI. The robots just make more than we need with 10% of the labor force required.

They also fail to recognize that as soon as complex automation comes, we will simultaneously be building AI to maintain and build said automation.
Of course humans will have the first jobs, but they will be immediately thrown out for AI that does a better job at repairing and maintaining the rest of the robots.

First you shills spam the shit outta AOC. Now this bugman.

That looks so ridiculous I want to say it's just fake. But we as organisms are pretty ridiculous, so I guess it's okay. How come his head didn't blow up like with that Jow Forums shibuay(spelling?) kid?

It was a slug. If it was 00 Buckshot, it would produce that "head explosion" effect.