Amazon is banning right wing books

Amazon is even deleting already purchased copies from peoples kindles:

New Century Foundation:

Jared Taylor, White Identity (all formats)
Jared Taylor, If We Do Nothing (all formats)
Jared Taylor, ed., Face to Face with Race (all formats)
Jared Taylor and George McDaniel, eds., A Race Against Time (all formats)

Black House Publishing:

K. R. Bolton, Zionism, Islam and the West (all formats)
Stephen Mitford Goodson, A History of Central Banking & the Enslavement of Mankind (all formats)
Stephen Mitford Goodson, Inside the South African Reserve Bank: Its Origins and Secrets Exposed (all formats)

George Lincoln Rockwell:

This Time the World (all formats)
White Power (all formats)

William Pierce:

The Turner Diaries (all formats)
Hunter (all formats)

Harold Covington:

The Brigade (all formats)
Freedom’s Sons (all formats)
A Mighty Fortress (all formats)
Hill of the Ravens (all formats)
A Distant Thunder (all formats)

Miscellaneous Titles:

Tommy Robinson, Mohammed’s Koran (all formats)
Julian Langness, Identity Rising (all formats)
David Duke, My Awakening (Kindle)
Christopher Jon Bjerknes, E = Mc2 and the Jewish Agenda (all formats)
E. Michael Jones, Jewish Nazis (all formats)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Counter-Currents Publishing titles:

Greg Johnson, The White Nationalist Manifesto (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Greg Johnson, New Right vs. Old Right (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Greg Johnson, Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Greg Johnson, In Defence of Prejudice (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Greg Johnson, ed., North American New Right, vol. 1 (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Greg Johnson, ed., North American New Right, vol. 2 (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Son of Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies (Kindle)
Roger Devlin, Sexual Utopia in Power (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Jonathan Bowden, Western Civilization Bites Back (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Jonathan Bowden, Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Michael Polignano, Taking Our Own Side (Kindle, HC, and PB)
James J. O’Meara, The Homo and the Negro: Masculinist Meditations on Politics and Popular Culture (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Spencer Quinn, White Like You (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Savitri Devi, And Time Rolls On (Kindle, HC, and PB)
Savitri Devi, Defiance: The Prison Memoirs of Savitri Devi (Kindle)
Irmin Vinson, Some Thoughts on Hitler & Other Essays (Kindle, HC, and PB)

All holocaust revisionist titles:


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They're not just making the books unavailable for sale, they're totally purging the pages from their catalog. Google any title on the list and amazon together, click the amazon link, you'll get a generic Not Found page as if the book never existed.

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Geez I fucking wonder who could be behind such a thing?

Can we purchase direct from Counter-currents?

yes you can

it would be really cool if the authors/publishers of these books decided to make them completely free to download to spite Amazon, just sayin

We need to crowdfund No White Guilt to do an audio book of White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell.

Thanks for the must read list Amazon

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All of my books are free. And right wing, anti feminist. Yes the protagonist is often female but I make sure to always have a man there to save her ass.

.....maybe it’s time to literally beguile your own site?

Good thing I'm not such a faggot I have to recharge my books

They're banning physical printed copies as well

As long as they don't try to ban Bronze Age Pervert I will do nothing desu. But have a bump.



Yeah you should just start your own Amazon.

Yeah I know, but I'm just glad I'm not that kind of faggot.
I already bought my copies I needed.
If it gets bad enough we'll just start scanning and uploading. They'll take them down but they will never get all of us kek

goddamn it OP is right
just bought a hardcover of Mein Kampf though
what the fuck can we actually do about it?

It’s scared

libgen + kindle


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a private kike run company not selling something isnt the same thing as it being banned.

kikeazon can sell you whatever they want, and you dont have to buy any of it.

We should fuck with Jew Bezos for this. Any ideas?

Maybe get his wife to divorce him and take half his money?


amazon is "public", but still

any business can do whatever it likes, or whatever its shareholders will allow it to, it has no obligation to consider your feelings you snowflake faggots

thats called freedom, something the american right wing does not understand

It's gonna be a beauty

I don't really care to read about ladyboys but thanks Filip

Censorship recommended by the SPLC and the ADL no doubt.

Literally why I bothered to check the list

>any business can do whatever it likes,

Who in this thread has said otherwise? Am I not allowed to point out shitty behavior by a business?

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This is not the first time they are doing it. The last time they purged 1984. The irony! Why people keep falling for kindle and other DRM media is beyond me.


Just because Besoz is doing nothing illegal doesnt mean we can't be pissed at him.

>ared Taylor, White Identity (all formats)
>Jared Taylor, If We Do Nothing (all formats)
I have signed copies of these two

Amazon deletes the books from devices of people who have PURCHASED them. Imagine if your local book salesman broke into your hose and burned some of the books you had bought from him because he decided that from now on the books are wrongthink.

His nudes are already out there, we just have to make a juicy story for his wife to do something about it

Ain't no flip here douchebag. U.S. born and raised. Moved here in '06.

NOW we're talking.

What kind of work do you do?

if i signed an eula with that local salesman which gave him the right to do that when i purchased something from him, then that would be on me

that is the case here

We're gonna make it fren. Not all of us, but you and I will.

I now feel the need to download copies of all these books. They probably aren't stopping here and are going to remove any books even loosely related to white identity. I remember seeing a link to a megaupload Dark Enlightenment archive. Anyone got a link for it? I'll look too...

>pic related, The brigade was available for 550 just 5 days ago.

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(((eula))) should not be a thing in the first place

I don't understand why anyone would pay for ebooks, use fucking libgen for fucks sake.

Holly shit. This is outrageous. This is the most disturbing happening in the last 10 years.

Good thing I already ordered Hunter by Pierce, hopefully there is some more stuff by Yockey still there

It's spooky isn't it. I feel like I'm trying to create an archive that would land me in jail for having in a future dystopia


>Wow what do you mean we DON'T have the right to get rid of YOUR books that you say you own?? Don't you know they're OUR books? See it says right here in this contract...
Remember, every crime they claim the nazis did, they have and currently are doing the same if not worse.

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I'm still getting some decent recommendations. However, I'll note an odd blank spot in this book carousel. Hmmm.

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>imaginary crap on a digital platform

if you spent money on such a fantasy you deserve to lose it. Imagine being so cucked you parted with actual money in exchange for a digital book... do you just not know how to internet?

I have never bought anything online in my entire life. That is not the point.

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>Amazon is even deleting already purchased copies from peoples kindles:
This is why you pirate shit and never trust kikes and their stupid companies.

please ban homosexual pedo dickface and apologist going by name vox day

please ban milo and cernovich and vox day and all the others who openly brag about gaming amazon

>supporting the authors and publishers is bad
commie in disguise

anyone have PDF of Greg Johnson's Dark Right?
it was fairly new book, it was available on kindle.

dear customer you can redeem your deleted title by choosing one item (1) from this selection of critically acclaimed books:

[no refund policy applies]

I ordered these a few days ago. 2 are still there but 3 are gone now.

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