Partner mad because I reject sex

The usual thing happened: GF feels less sexually attracted to BF. Couple of reasons, he gained some weight, I struggle with depression which affects libido as well, he doesn't really take much care of his appearance anymore or health (like not trimming face very often or eating lots of junk food) despite knowing I spend much time on fitness and told him how important I think health and presentation is in a relationship. Call me shallow for this, but I can't help but to feel rejected, which simply turns me off sexually. I only see him on the weekends, so we usually have sex once a week. For almost every other day in that weekend he initiates sex but I can't help but to reject it because I just don't feel it that much anymore and I can't "force" myself into it every day. I've already told him I want him to change with no results. This is why I sometimes childishly make up an excuse for not wanting sex at the moment. Which he just notices and gets upset about. Mentioning we barely have sex, and that he has needs, and that I don't feel attracted to him, and gets mad at me for it. And blames me for not being honest and making up excuses. Cont>>>

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Cont>>> I feel like I'm put into a position where I can't tell him I feel this way because he would simply get mad at me because it's probably super shallow of me to want sex with a fit and responsible person and for not being honest. Another thing is he will likely become insecure which is just such a shitty feeling I don't want him to have. I'm stuck, I don't want this constant pressure of having to have sex in the evening, I wanna feel horny around him, I don't know how to bring up these issues without him getting mad at me for not wanting him this way. Please if anyone could give me any advice :'(. Also: I do NOT wanna break up with this guy. I love him and I love the way he used to be when he just put more effort into being who he was. I just want that again because personally I don't think I have changed in that department myself. Thanks in advance..

>And blames me for not being honest and making up excuses.
wtf is wrong with you?

Tell the truth to your boyfriend and take responsibility for you actions.

He's the closest person you'll ever have in your life (assuming you marry) and you want to LIE to him? About trivial things? What'll you do when the big things come along?

>I don't know how to bring up these issues without him getting mad at me
That's the thing about telling the truth. It's hard sometimes. Remember his reaction isn't your responsibility. As long as you're telling the truth, then it's up to him how he takes it.

> I love him
You lie to him. No you don't.

>no attraction
>no sex

Its only a matter of time before one of you cheats or leaves, my guess it will be him

Not OP but someone should really ban your misogynistic postings. What OP decides to tell or not tell her boyfriend are entirely up to her. She doesn’t HAVE to tell him every little detail about everything.

T. Butthurt

Umm lying to your significant other automatically puts you in the wrong you fucktard.

She could just tell him he’s gotten fat and she isn’t attracted to him anymore instead of lying when he tries to initiate sex with the tall tale old “I have a headache, oh my back hurts, I just don’t feel like it” etc.

The lying doesn’t fix any problems and actively makes things worse.

Bodies change OP, hair grows, people's priorities change - you can't expect people to give that much of a shit forever. How're you gonna deal with him getting old? Attraction and arousal have many dimensions and if it was only the narrow spectrum of your boyfriend's physicality you were ever interested in sexually, that suggests to me that your relationship was fundamentally doomed from the outset.

oh that's golden.


Thanks i needed that xD

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>> I love him
>You lie to him. No you don't.
Coming from the same guy who said, 2 days ago, that it's fine to lie to your girlfriend about cheating on her because it's an act of love.

Only if you take it to the grave. Like to lose your life rather than reveal the truth. Because then it shows that your relationship is more important than your own life.

But the premise of that was different. OP here is just lying and it's the lying itself that's the problem.

The guy who cheated had already made a mistake and was asking what to do now, after the fact. I mean obviously he never should've done it and it's wrong.

but uh. Nice try, with your derailing attempt there.

He’s a conservatard virgin who can’t see past his ego to notice his own hyprocrisy. No point in trying to point anything out to him.

Oh sure, if a man lies to save his girlfriend feelings he truly loves his girlfriend, if a woman lies to save a man's feeling she's a cunt.

This sounds like 90% of relationships so the answer is always going to be the same. Look for chad and fuck him, keeping your cuck bf on the side for emotional support.

Back to Jow Forums with you loser.

He's not even that. He claims to have had 30 partners and is hypocritical enough to want a virgin girlfriend.
Really made me appreciate LH more. He's dumb, but at least he's coherent.

Meet him half way sometimes.
Reward positive progress and share with him what he can do to make things better.
Men wants specific things they can do. You are not being mean by telling him "I like it when you are clean shaven" instead of doing some weird comment about itching that he doesn't pick up on.

Plan some activity together. I personally love going on hikes: you are physically active without breaking yourself, you can talk to each other and get a good bond, and you get away from the city and get to see something beautiful and simple.
During the week when you are apart, find a good route, maybe go there to run or bike through it to see what it is like.
Maybe you have something else in mind, but my point is to do it together.

Don't think you can control what he eats all the time when you are not around.
Obviously you can control what you eat when you are there, but once you leave and he wants to relax, fast food is probably coming back on the table.
So you can either accept that or start making a meal plan with him or even make the meals so all he needs to do is heat it up.
For me losing weight was just as much about portion control than it was what ingredients I ate and I personally couldn't loose weight until I started fasting (OMAD).
You can even remove yourself from it all and give him a smartwatch to track his health and have someone else nag him to move more.

>Reward positive progress and share with him what he can do to make things better.
This is good advice.
Even small things like knowing your girlfriend is proud of you can make a huge difference. Don't use sex as a reward too much, tho.

I'm a conservative? That's new, last time I check I'm a leftist.

Even still, you can't dismiss someone just because you call them a name, or you don't like a group they belong to.

No it's more to it than that. Life isn't always black and white.

You're trying to frame this like i support cheating -- no. I don't, very much don't.

Jow Forums would eat me alive for saying that.
What about that post was political?
Actually don't, I don't care, you're just rude and don't contribute anything to this board.

>hypocritical enough to want a virgin girlfriend.
This implies that sex partner count must be a trade. Tit-for-tat.
It doesn't have to be, you have the right to want whatever you want.

Obbbbbviously I prefer a debt-free virgin without tattoos. It would be WEIRDER if I didn't.

It doesn't like, guarantee that I'll find one. In all likelihood I'll end up settling for a girl who's a commie.

Doesn't change the fact I desire the best for myself.

Haha either you took things a little too over the top or i didn't describe it clear enough. I already told him. I think I mentioned in the post that I told him I wanted this to change already and I told him how important health and presentation is to me. I already said that I don't plan on becoming widow for 30+ years. I tell him this on proper moments and he agrees with me and tells me he "will work on it". He has had the chance to take responsibility all this time, but no results whatsoever. He used to have a passion for fashion which is a passion for me too, but now that he's gained weight he will only wear sweatpants and cheap stuff. I have told him what I think about this, I even buy him clothes and tell him I want to look like we're together and on the same page like we used to be. No relationship should come to a point where these requests keep getting ignored because obviously it leads to one person losing attraction to the other. Now, not sure if you noticed haha, the whole point of this post, and frankly, Jow Forums board is to ask advice on how to tell him this without him getting mad and blaming me for his responsibilities. Get it? Cont>>

>You're trying to frame this like i support cheating
I'm pointing out that you support lying sometimes, and would even argue it comes from a place of love, if it's convenient for you.

>This implies that sex partner count must be a trade
It shouldn't necessarily be, but the only good and healthy reason to want a virgin is if you morally don't agree with sex before marriage, any other reason is hypocritical.
You clearly don't mind sex before marriage, so it's hypocritical.

>that word vomit

Look, I don't care what essays of excuses you jot up for me. You lied to him. Relationships are based on trust, and you can't be trusted. Sorry, but your relationship will end soon. Either one of you will break up, or the fabric of the relationship itself will dissolve due to your lies and untrustworthiness.

Nothing personal kid. I'm actually trying to help you, but your ego is short-circuiting you.

>>That's the thing about telling the truth. It's hard sometimes. Remember his reaction isn't your responsibility. As long as you're telling the truth, then it's up to him how he takes it.

Now this is what I asked for. I never thought about that really, that his reaction might not be my responsibility. And you seem to understand that telling these feelings are hard. Though I am unsure when to tell him this, and how. What if he does flip out? Unlike you might think I don't, I do love this guy. If I didn't I would've left him already. I know not telling the truth is never good, so I am looking for ways to do my part, understand?

Haha god would you really want Jow Forums to ban people for expressing their opinions? xD

Both of your points here are black-and-white thinking. There's more to life than logic, we are only blood and bones after all.

>And you seem to understand that telling these feelings are hard. Though I am unsure when to tell him this, and how.
Yes, I understand very well. It can be exceptionally discouraging when the truth bites you in the face. But from my experience it's always worth the pain in the long run.
>What if he does flip out?
That's on him. He can't get mad at you for telling the truth. I guess if he flips out, let him finish and calm down, then hold him to account.

Tell him how hard it is to speak truthfully when he flips out like that, and you really want him, no... you really NEED him to be able to receive the truth at all times, so that you can speak the truth at all times.

Idk what else I would do honestly, I've never been in a position like that. But follow your heart. This is your experience and you need to share it with him.

>Unlike you might think I don't, I do love this guy.
Ok, I'll take your word for it.

After all, you are here asking how to tell the truth and do the right thing. I'm sorry for being so quick to judge you. I was wrong.

>If I didn't I would've left him already. I know not telling the truth is never good, so I am looking for ways to do my part, understand?
yes, I do now.

>I am attracted to the man my boyfriend was not the man he is

ya you should just break up

reminder to not give attention to tripfags and just filter their names. you’re partly to blame if their presence steers the thread off-topic

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Thanks this is really nice. Some of the things are pretty default. Of course I compliment him on things, I take him out, I offer him to use my gym membership, I offer him food, etc. I'm not big on hints at all, when I want him to trim his beard and brush his teeth I just tell him to do it and he usually does it. He actually feels very supported which just seems to make it more upsetting when I'm not satisfied about something it almost seems. Kind of like "You don't think I don't eat healthy enough? But yesterday I ate green beans and you were happy about it. Guess you're not happy after all".

The thing you said about doing something together is really great actually. It's something we used to fight about because he never wanted to come with me or never took me on dates but lately we've kind of found the middle ground on that so sometimes we go out and do something, sometimes I'll be okay with me just being there and him playing vidya.


>I don't think ypu can control what he eats when you're not around

You're right I can't, but also really wouldn't want to control what he eats. It's really something that kind of has to come from his direction in this situation. What I find frustrating is that he says that he doesn't like many healthy foods, but he will never try to eat anything I cook as well. Or sometimes a bite and be like "look I took a bite, happy now?". I understand that he is raised like this, and eating healthy is harder for him, so I never bash or mock him for it, but I don't see any effort as well, despite the fact that I have been angry about this on some serious moments where he would promise to do better with no result again. He eats entire seperate meals from me. Usually he eats what his parents make which is something among the lines of meatball and potato, fries and burger, chinese takeout, bacon and egg, etc. He doesn't want to eat my fruit, or curry rice, or veggie sandwiches etc. I guess the best thing I can do is take your advice, bring this up again and maybe set up a balanced meal plan together. It sounds very practical and it might give him some clearer guidelines. Thanks!


Thanks. I don't blame you for judging haha it's understandable, it's Jow Forums. This is really helpful. My BF is actually a very mature guy now that I think of it he will likely understand that I'm trying to be honest. What scares me a little bit is that I really wouldn't want him to become insecure. I've had lots of insecurity problems myself and it's such a horrible state of being. But I shouldn't avoid telling the truth because of stupid fears like this. Thanks again, I probably just needed someone stating the obvious. (^-^)

It's funny that if OP were a guy with his GF letting go of her appearance I'd guarantee you most everyone here would be telling you to break up and that you deserve a hot girl to be with. There's been a bunch of threads where the exact thing happens actually.

Find out what kind of food he actually likes and introduce things over time to increase his pallet.
I know a guy at work who basically eat the same thing every day and it is fine for him.
He makes a huge batch in the weekends and then heats it up during the week.
Start there and slowly make your way up until you have enough different things so you can eat something different every day in the week. Sometimes it just means taking the same ingredients and using it different ways.
I know that I personally go to fast-food when I don't have an easy option in my home, but making food this way is cheaper and healthier if done right.
Plus any guy will kill for a woman who brings him food.

Nah, those threads are always full of fat chicks telling the OP he's a dickhead for not being attracted to flaps

>Not OP but someone should really ban your misogynistic postings. What OP decides to tell or not tell her boyfriend are entirely up to her. She doesn’t HAVE to tell him every little detail about everything.
>how do i upvote this
>how give reddit gold

my pleasure, best wishes to you ^_^