
Who else here has taken the /micronova/ pill yet? It's the blackest of black pills. World's going to end in 2046 for pretty much everyone besides those who don't have access to the tunnel system under the midwest (Colorado, etc.). Anyone here prepping?

Attached: NASA's_Great_Observatories_Provide_a_Detailed_View_of_Kepler's_Supernova_Remnant.jpg (1200x1500, 211K)

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2046? Are you sure? Maybe I can wait that out.

The only prepping I'll be doing is scouting for a cave near a big lake with fish. I can't wait for this gay Earth to be glassed.

>World's going to end in 2046
That's weird because that's the date that China plans for taking over the West. I guess I'll just sit back and play vidya games.

Attached: let it ride.jpg (474x296, 17K)

I plan on killing myself way before then so I'm good.

Micronova is real and serious and absolute based.

That's the driving force for macro evolution, that's the way how the OS in our solar system is designed.

Yeah that's my plan too. Some nerds did the math and are pretty sure that's when the next micronova cycle is supposed to hit.
Here's some info youtube.com/watch?v=wvjJqIXYT1w&list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br

that will be taken away in 2020 along with free speech.

I predict that crops will fail before the micronova, and that's when the rich will start hoarding their future gimps into bunkers.

It's gonna be pretty /comfy/ to see this shit IRL youtube.com/watch?v=cm_psJ7Z9HM&list=PLHSoxioQtwZfY2ISsNBzJ-aOZ3APVS8br&index=7

That's not a bad prediction. You think we'll hit hour zero before then too (i.e., end of all wildlife on the planet)?

No, the ancients predicted a golden age afterwards and life is quite adaptable so that's my best guess for now (although the length of time between the collapse and the rise is anybody's guess). I think we'll have very interesting biological and genetic revelations on the way.

>No, the ancients predicted a golden age afterwards

Ok so say nature could adapt to post-catastrophe earth, BUT could a wounded nature (by human activity) survive the coming one too?

The scale of industry will be downsized by multitudes, accompanied by technological implimentations by necessity, so I don't think it's a big consideration but maybe I'm wrong.


nigga the pole will shift in 8 years
thats when the mantle will fucking reverse

20 years of crazy climate activity preceding a desert glassing micronova sounds about right.

magnetic pole shifts, equatorial realignment, weakening of earth's protections against cosmic nonsense, recurrent micronova t-~10000 days:
we are not invited to survive in elite's underground facilities:
farce of modern climate scient:
caveniggers survived last micronova ~12000 years ago all over world, drew all kinds of shit on cave walls, may have had help. world now covered in caves and abandoned mines. odds you survive can be increased greatly with prep. no fear.

Attached: starshavesixpoints.jpg (673x587, 448K)

Eyes open no fear but still it’s kind of scary

You really think they’ve already chosen the survivors?

no. the supposition presented in the video is that they don't know shit and are acting in a blind but slow panic as they have been since the '80s. also that they'll need cattle, soldiers and workers. move to new mexico to be near cheyenne, or colorado for denver, or some other major known surface entrance, or put together your own shelter. just need a cave and supplies.

australia and antarctica predicted to be verdant after equatorial realignment. why you think antarctica offlimits? why the pope, clintons, and every other fucker visiting? underground already prepped. japanese created functioning cold fusion reactor in 2010, suppressed. powers underground facilities.

Attached: jd.jpg (723x932, 145K)

Well it’s a good thing I’m a nuclear engineer then

But, the current Pope would be 108 in 2046 and Clinton would pushing 100

Fake and gay. LARP elsewhere, Qike.

Well at least Micronesia or whatever won't cause you to become black pilled...

But why male models

Spill the beans user, so we can all survive...... Except the joos, Fick those guys

this video at 19:43 for reactor
2046 is guess for micronova. micronova is inevitable but other threats. magnetic poles shifting, southern already left continental antarctica. equator will shift, earth's crust rapidly rotate, 100-300 mph winds scour earth's surface. earth's 3 main protections versus cosmic radiation waning. also these people are humans, to some degree. lineage important to them, too. dynasty. for it not to be is to accept defeat. these people aren't losers.

>posts pic of a supernova
what are you even trying to do?

>earth's crust rapidly rotate
means earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, etc.

Joogle micronova and nothing comes up, sue me

So, what does that tell you? I'll give you a hint, they don't exist.

>2046 is guess for micronova
2046 guess for polar reversal. micronova t-~10000 days guess i've seen. rest stands. our sun micronovas every ~12000 years. check out channels, watch.

fuck off kike

I think it's almost kinda cool that we get to witness the end. Like everyone else has died along the way but not us, we get to see the credits role and the screen fade to black.

Attached: Capture+_2019-02-20-10-42-27-1.png (275x288, 95K)

not the end, an end, of an epoch. happens. some humans will survive. shame it'll be kikes and pals. 12068 years between pole reversals written in torah.

Attached: mirage.jpg (943x705, 48K)

I don’t know about y’all, but I refuse to die like fodder to our sun

here's truth Jow Forums don't wanna hear: hebrew alphabet evidence of previous era. time is OLD. earth's history written in epochs; we live at tail end of current. kikes existed in previous, at least. modern kikes poor facsimile, childfuckers, etc. watch:


i'll bump your bump

Maybe these digits we both got will save us from certain death, bud.