Don't act you aren't terrified of this woman

Don't act you aren't terrified of this woman.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.comAOC.jpg (3442x3826, 2.29M)

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I'm terrified that she won't sit on my face.

Don't act like I'm not terrified?
Or don't be terrified?
Speak English, you retard.

I'm falling in love. She's usurping the establishment Dems. Truly a qt.

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she fits the democratic symbol perfectly

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The_Viper AOC

It's a pretty common idiom, fag.

I'm terrified of all low IQ rich girls with no character, shilled by popular culture.

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When I can stop laughing at her I'll try to work up some existential angst.

Big Sister


She isn't rich though, literally grew up in the ghetto.

It's so weird how unhinged she appears. It's uncanny and unsettling. She has a crazy look in her eyes at all times, like she has no empathy.

>She isn't rich though, literally grew up in the ghetto.
Her dad was a millionaire real-estate developer. Then she went to expensive college. She talks like a rich hipster. She lies like one too.

>My mommy was a maid in our rich neighborhood

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I've already fapped over her it was nice

I am legitimately terrified that a woman like that could even get elected with her underhanded tactics.
Cortez being a congresswoman is literally the death knell of the American Dream: don't look towards the opportunity you have and work to make it a reality, helping your countryman along the way; just elect a dumb bitch to hand out gibs until everything collapses from communism that makes Venezuela look competent.

I'd put a baby in her.
Too bad she's so damn stupid.

posting that is so brave!

I've always been extremely uncomfortable around retards, yes


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I would have respect for the Dems if they were all like her and got shit done.

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Yeah i' fucking terrified that she'll sneak into my room at night and suck my cock D:

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I want to rip out those roach eyes.

Who is she? Why would anyone be terrified by her?

every time she says equity, i win a little bit.

Attached: uh_oh_aoc.jpg (744x814, 95K)

At first I thought ignoring would be the best option, but the left keeps shilling her so it's best to beat her to the ground and make sure no one like her ever gets any speck of power again.

Attached: joe CP biden.webm (468x512, 1.34M)

Yang is way, way better. His platform is actually incredible. I'm right leaning, but would vote for Yang if I had the chance, and if he ran here in leaf land.

I'm not. I want some sweet sweet gibs too.

She looks like a rabid boston terrier had sex with a horse.

Attached: the-original-w-horseface-37135713[1].png (500x566, 142K)

>I'm right leaning
Pick one

it's not that she had any power, it's that people agree with her

Who is that?

She has the crazy eyes.

>Her dad was a millionaire real-estate developer.


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>Who is that?
A retard who just wants to gibs

I’m terrified those boobs sag more than they should

> terrified

Attached: AOCsuicideChallangeTEXT.png (886x657, 701K)

Don't act like you are the opposite sex discord faggot

What makes him different from any other Dem then?

No, I'm terrified of the large amounts of retards willing to vote for her

oh, the stories you'll believe.

>This thread again
Weak bait sage in all fields.

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What do you mean user and wher are your sources!

I've seen a lack of anything NatSoc on this board and it bothers me.

And i'm not even a NatSoc. supporter.

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she's 5"4' with a squeaky voice. What's she going to do... whine until people give in?

Her father was born in the Bronx to a Puerto Rican family and became an architect; her mother was born in Puerto Rico.[17][18] She has described her Puerto Rican community as an amalgamation: "We are black; we are indigenous; eccetera


That's exactly what she'll do.

A republican hating AOC is like a democrat hating John McCain

She is not wise.

Not a preferable leader.

That's the role she plays, and it makes ourside look better

She is terrifying proof that stupid as fuck shitskins are taking over America.

On the other hand, that should hasten Civil War 2 where white conservatives slaughter about 40 million shitskins and libtards, so put that in the plus column.

I don't think about her at all except when you reactionists keep bringing this joke up. Who cares shes a leftist spic extremist elected in a state that needs to be fucking nuked

Well, who is she? I've been mostly under a rock for weeks.

AOC is a rich kid

Who wouldn't be terrified of a face like that

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damn Momo meme is back

Im not terrified shes a fucking retard. And shes so stupid shes getting the other useful idiots to tear the party in half. Let (((them))) fix their own mistake.

What has she done? I haven't read any passed legislation she had a damn thing to do with...that's her job, not media whoring and "winning" Twitter wars.

Will you faggots ever stop with the terrified shit. Every negative opinion is a phobia or a fear or terror with you fucks. It’s gotta be projection from you lefty lanklets. I’m not afraid, she is a moron. She is a puppet who is the chosen front of men that control her. Her bull shit is popular with the least useful 20% of the nation. If it comes down to it, I’ll take the hit to my freedom and put her down.

I think it's hilarious that the Democrats are so scared of admitting they're wrong that they let obvious retards be Representatives.

Her and the other two dumbshits (Omar, Tlaib) opening their stupid gobs is all Trump needs to get re-elected.

I'm all for it. It's Bernout all over again only instead of being some old Jewish loser it's a brown chick. Someday she'll run for the nomination and have it snatched just like with Sanders and the resulting shitshow will guarantee a Republican victory.

Why does Richard Spencer like her?

She's the best thing that has happened .....for the Republicans

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She looks like a demon, very scary

a mix between fetal alcohol syndrome and down syndrome

im pretty sure shes actually just eating bugs.

I see that being an house representative must pay handsomely well. Enough to have a few people posting 24/7 here.

I'm terrified that after she pees on the stick she sees two lines

This patriot is saving america by destroying the left

Don't act, you aren't terrified of this woman.


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