Canadians can’t afford KD let alone prime cuts of beef. Are we witnessing the collapse of Canada?
Canada is on the brink of collapse
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Not even close. You are basically saying that 2007 America was the collapse of the country, don't be retarded.
If you ever drive the Alaska hwy late at night through Canada every single fucking car/truck on the side of the road is a poacher. I’m not sure if it’s legal or not or a First Nation thing
Komodo Dragon?
Kinase Domain?
Kuwaiti Dinar?
Kevin Durant?
Kraft dinner user
shit. of course
Before I forget, fuck leafs.
*sighs and loads in fusion core*
Wait...that's what Kraft Dinner is? Four tiny stalks of asparagus, two mouthfuls of meat, and two and a half tablespoons of some shitty looking mashed potatoes? This is what Canadian faggots brag about?
You're better off with poutine. We'll be doing these cucks a favor by annexing them.
Needs like thrice the asparagus bro I wanna smell that shit in my piss for at least a week
Kek. That’s a 16 ounce prime sirloin. At the cost of 6.99 a lb with whipped Yukon golds and asparagus. And I’m not Canadian.
I ate thrice the amount off camera and I still have 2 pounds left in the refrigerator. Costco
It's good too be a burger kek
Indians are the worst poachers
that is literally my dinner every night get some class canada XD
I throw this amount food in the garbage before my regular meal and record it on an iPad and mail it to a random village in the congo
No. It's a stupid fucking meme meant to divide and conquer on pol. Nu-pol is absolute garbage and falls for this shit so it keeps getting posted.
Prime steak is so cheap I don’t even eat ground beef anymore. I eat like a fucking king for less than the cost of a box of kraft dinner.
I don't know what retarded kind eats top sirloin....
The Yukon Gold is good, but everything else is terrible. You'd be better of with a tender, well-seasoned broiled ribeye with two medium-sized baked Yukon Gold potatoes slathered in sour cream and butter, along with a side of toasted garlic bread. Would be cheaper and more filling.
Might as well try eating a rubber glove. Just as appetizing.
It’s prime sirloin, and my freezer is packed with prime ribeyes, strips, salmon, you name it. Don’t get butthurt that I eat like a king and you don’t.
Its easy to get pictures of high priced food because there are grocery stores who basically have gas station rip off prices. These places, Save on Foods, Sobeys, and a bunch of other places charge because all the shit is grass fed organic clean meat. People are willing to pay for it.
Then you have places like No Frills and Superstore which are cheap prices. Its cheap because its the trash food that Americans eat.
KD costs a dollar, and you fat faggots can believe this larp all you want. Trudeau is still a faggot.
agreed our apathy is destroying this once decent country.
40 cents in America, right?
Not only is it cheaper here but in Canada they skimp on the ingredients. It’s a shit show up north.
if you want a canada simulation play neo scavenger
not butthurt but top sirloin sucks. I have to marinate it in bbq sauce for a week to make it edible. ribeyes and salmon sound good.
>Ribyeyes & salmon
Not bad at all.
That 1 dollar is also before the 15% tax, right?
>Americans eat trash food
The cope is real.
Based post...yet...chimp memeflag...
Cognitive dissonance.
I can afford many things, and KD is not one of the things I want. Even knock-off store brands are better.
>le epic northwest territories vs texas price meme
i live on the border, like most canadians, and shit is in no way significantly cheaper in the usa than here. other than beer and cigarettes which is because of taxes.
only thing worth going over there for is the beer and maybe gas. but it's been fairly reasonable here since Doug Ford was elected
Leafs and europoors can’t cope
It’s just one assdestroyed polish guy posting the same few memes about food in Canada, the Americans are just uneducated in general and and need to pretend the hormone-packed items they mass produce with vaccines and factory farms can be called food, they save 2 bucks but lose their hair, get cancer, get even more diabetes and die sooner
Guess it’s worth it eh Amerifats?
The eternal non in store prices leaf. Polish user was right all along.
>Its easy to get pictures of high priced food because there are grocery stores
You are so full of shit. The closest price ever posted was about $11 on a same day dump ie the chicken breast was rotten
canada fucked itself and is getting exactly the socialism pain they deserve and asked for.
Fuck Canada they can rot in hell.
Treehugger meme flag faggot still at it. Im seriously surprised he hasnt killed himself yet. Oh well, someday soon.
The only thing worse than a Jew is a Jewish Canadian.
Please die
I can now understand why Americans have gated community's.
To keep the niggers out.
Here’s the proverbial $64,000 question: Can Canada re-engineer their economy and actually begin to “make” products again, not just simply “assemble” foreign products from other nations?
Can Canada reverse three-decades of specifically structured economic policy decisions that were centered around this “assembly” (brokered) economy?
Can the environmentalists be put back into a box while heavy manufacturing and raw material development are reconstituted?
Can the environmentalists allow natural resource development? Oil development, mining operations, lowered overall energy costs, etc?
Can Canada somehow lower national energy costs so that Heavy manufacturing might consider restarting? (NOTE: heavy manufacturing requires massive energy use.)
Can Canada find any industrial development investors who would be willing to take a chance on all the above?
See the problem?
The Canadian economy is not likely going to get better without a radical shift in Canadian political perspectives and outlooks