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Doesn't exist. Its newspeak lies

should add "Annoyingly Correct"

Lmfao incels mansplain this shit away

this. we're living in a 1984-esque shithole

>f: doesn't understand
>m: starts to explain
>f: feels dumb, hates m for being dumb.
>f: coins a new term to feel better. and make m feel bad for being smarter

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They would be glad if you did even half a second of mansplaining to them if you were Chad.

Get fit.

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Show tits with a time stamp, slut.

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What do "Confdent" and "Condescening" mean?

That’s a conspiracy theory.

>Hyper confident
>arms crossed
Ye fackin autist

Only white males are mansplainers kek..

Well at least the right wing and feminists can finally find some common ground in their anti-intellectualism.

Nonwhites can't really explain things.

You need to add
>Has valid points
>Has an educated view
>Will listen to your bullshit before explaining his views.

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Wait that's the penis? I've been doing it wrong

Armed crossed represents insecurity and obstinance. A woman drew and wrote that

>tfw your hair isn't educated

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>Only ultra confident not hyper confident

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If a man would have mansplained spelling and orthography to her, this wouldn't have happened.

Crossing your arms doesn't show confidence. Actually it kinda show the opposite.

Can somebody mansplain to me what mansplaining is? Im assuming it has to do with how bad women are at explaining concepts.