I will save our people

Thank me later.

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ok gl dude

Thank you.

Thanks buddo. I was gonna do it but I got distracted by breasts on the internet.

Thanks Bolsonaro

quick reference sheet

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Thank you fren.

Godspeed. The angels and divine ones will be with you on your journey.

Tanks fren

Hugs for good luck, fren

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you'll be back for breakfast ace. i'll smoke you a kipper.

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Thanks Ronaldo, very cool

Good luck OP, we hope you succeed.


jesus fucking christ

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>he thinks a kike will save ANYONE but themselves

Psst: research what the (((Bolsheviks))) did in Russia

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just a COHENcidence how much liberal kikery & curruption you can link to these places.

Should probably bring a sword.

God speed

OP don't kill Hitler

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From what

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