
why the fuck do people get ass pained when someone abuses a pet while the same people eat meat

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because they don't have to hunt their own food anymore

in their minds meat is food and pets are beings, two distinct things

Because you just made the distinction yourself: Pet is not Food, it is Man's familial companion.

Does it fel good answering your own question and being a retard at the same exact time?

killing or inflicting pain on an animal isnt wrong in any way if your intention is to eat it
needlessly torturing an animal is unnecessary though

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>why the fuck do people get ass pained when someone abuses a pet while the same people eat meat
cause the killing is humane but abuse is torture/ not humane

Take off your meme flag, chinaman.

Because we kill the animal before eating the flesh off it's body.
I wouldn't have such a problem with Chinks eating cats and dogs if they didn't torture, boil, skin alive etc.
Some farms treat animals like shit but it's luxury compared to the way Chinks treat animals causing them pain and suffering on purpose.

Attached: Chinks eat living creatures.webm (320x576, 2.92M)

best girl from that shitty series

Attached: Chinese subhumans.jpg (2000x1500, 1.47M)

I'd get mad too seeing dinkleberg fucking timmy's mom
lucky bastard!

If society were so concerned about being humane war wouldve been abolished

the same reason why i think op is a faggot that should be gassed, but i don't think he necessarily has to go through torture before that ... that would happend only if he is also a nigger

should have cum dripping in that pic or it looks like they haven't even started

>Why do people get upset when a guy fucks their child when they fucked the child's mother?

This is your brain on veganism.

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The opposite of war is even more destruction by the oppressor.
You're a retard.


Oh yes the senseless bloodshed over the centuries for land and muh supeior genetics was certainly worth it

Pets were selectively bred by our ancestors for the purpose of labour and companionship. Domesticated animals like chicken, cow, sheep, etc were selectively for the use of their products.

It's kind of like seeing someone use a damascus forged knife to hammer in a nail, or a wellmade hammer to slice a tomato, seeing nice tools be used incorrectly makes people upset.

Each had to fight for their own shit, if they didn't they would've died like the peaceful Indians or slavery.
The problem is the oppressor NOT WAR, YOU DIM WITTED CRETIN.

pet implies it's not food faggot

>Rejects the existence of God/Gods
>Believes in an entity so far above humanity as to be capable of top down abolishment of emergent concepts
People are concerned. Society isn't. Society is an environment, not an agent.

Are han Chinese more subhuman than niggers