Aren't the Koreans better allies to the West than Japan?
The Japanese are as evil as chinks, whereas Koreans are more similar to whites.
Aren't the Koreans better allies to the West than Japan?
please for the love of Jow Forums there be a korean and a jap in this thread I want something good for all my time wasted clicking on crosswalks
Ok. Feel free to support your claim with an argument.
Yeah nah
Nope, koreans have a victimhood mentality
They're more like niggers and jews
Japan made my waifu. Your argument is shit. Jow Forums exist becauae of Japan.
Koreans are just bargain-bin Japs.
Have you even heard about park, moon, and the whole goddesses dogshit in korea right now
korea is the most cucked fucking nation on the planet
north a slave to china
south a slave to vagina
miss me with all of korea, you will too, cant even into missiles, white people had that shit going since the fucking fourties
Aren't the asians better allies to the West than asians?
The Asians are as evil as the asians, whereas asians are more similar to whites.
Cue triggered asians
Nothing begins because OP is retarded and doesn’t know anything about Korea
Jamie, pull up the image of the Koreans slicing a baby pig down the middle, tying its limbs with rope, and pulling in both directions until it splits in half with its guts spilling out
I respect both. In my opinion East Asians and Europeans are the best the human race has to offer.
Jamie pull up "korean bbq"
dude i think it would be hilarious if you just change Alexa to Jamie.
We are more evil than Chinks
The most valuable thing for the world is for countries to distill the good things about their cultures and traditions and make them easily digestible and spread them throughout the world
Pick up the slack guys
For the record, Chinese are more similar to Americans/Jews, Koreans are more similar to Mexicans, Japanese are like Japanese
I think Japs are cool and koreans are catching up with their k-pop and drama shit.
I remember my exgf pestering me about how cute koreans are and was legit sad when someone from her favourite boyband died...
She left me your a boyish looking faggot with a tiny dick. So fuck her.
I hope Koreans were nukes instead of animeland.
No and you have no idea what you're talking about.
>>the Japanese are as evil as chinks
give us evidence you dumbfuck incel or gtfo
>Asian Mordor
>t. dog eating gook