What is normies obsession with weed?

What is normies obsession with weed?

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same as everything else

What's their obsession with cigs, alcohol, coffee, tea?

It's an addictive drug and feels good. That's all a normie cares about.

Cause it feels good after anything

>hard work

It's like cocacola after eating

its only an obsession among a small portion of the population, and normies have a monopoly on most obsessions

Nobody raves on about those things like pot heads do though (except redditors with coffee maybe)

So many stoners revolve their entire identity around weed its fucking cringe.

>Nobody raves on about those things like pot heads do though

People who use alcohol are the worst.

>pukes violently

I'm not a normie but I 420 about 3 times a day. don't touch booze at all.

Obsession with pleasure

what does that have to do with anything

I smoke weed to understand the perspective of a normie. But I'm still a weirdo.

>But I'm still a weirdo.

I self-identified weirdo is a larping normie

smoke weat everyday broda

it makes mediocrity and stagnation tolerable. it helps ease the pain of living. this is all an illusion though as you need to smoke more when it wears off.

Americans! Patriots! Fascists keeping it on the down low...and heralds of Kek and rarest Pepe...the time is NOW! Let's end the Federal ban on Cannabis and allow the states to decide for their own!

The low hanging fruit that is #EndTheFedBan420 must be taken, before the scrambling Dems use it against us in 2020! We can turn CA, OR and NV purple if Trump ends the ban...think of the jobs, the tax revenue, and the votes stolen from the young progressive base...

This could be an issue the GoP uses to solidify it's hold on the next few decades...by handing Trump a 2020 landslide and a mandate to create his doctrine! Not to mention winning a battle in the cultural war for the youth vote in our Republic!

Also...consider the views that traditional Islam holds on the ideas of Cannabis use/sale...it is absolutely HARAM!!! They can't stand it...isn't that a benefit for us?

The time is now, before the left uses it agaisnt us...we need a LANDSLIDE in 2020! Go check out @Iwinning2020 to help spread the word. I'm here to WIN! The trade goes on...untaxed. Render unto Ceasar?

Check out End the Fed Ban on Marijuana-let the states decide (@IWinning2020) twitter.com/IWinning2020?s=09

#EndTheFedBan420 #PurpleCA #TaxRevenue #JobsNotMobs #SingleIssueVotes #landslide2020

I don't care is marijuana is legalized or kept prohibited. I just hate stoners and stoner culture so goddamn much. All they want to talk about it DUDE WEED LMAO. If you want to smoke, go for it, but don't make your entire identity about weed. Or do that, I don't give a shit really.

Holy cow, you really put work into that piece of shit, didn't you?
Loosen up the tie before you write, just a friendly PSA.

Weed is essentially a way for purposeless degenerates to have some fun, in a nation of god,good and greatness nobody would desire it.

Alaska is a very free state and we have legal weed

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Idk, anytime I smoke I get anxious and have a shitty time.

Cause it's illegal and a drug so you get all guiltridden because of the social norms. It just enhances what you already experience


Big part of it is that it’s ingrained in “progressive” culture. Smoking weed is as liberal as protesting Trump. It’s like a last fuck you to the past conservative politicians who fought against marijuana and its affects on society.

Also it’s being pushed constantly by the left as it makes people dumb careless and more emotional meaning they’re more likely to vote democrat ;)

Weed is a tool of control you dumb shits. Stop falling for everything they put in front of you. The thief comes in to steal from a home. But before he can do what he wants he has to subdue the guard dog with sausages and treats. Stop rolling over like dumb mutts.

You know our future is well and truly fucked when even pol smoke weed.

The normie reality is a real bitch. An utterly unbearable existence to be frank.

They simply want to get 'out' for a bit.

You're such a massive faggot.

vitamin c nigga

I don't think Trump is running, Pence is going to run


I smoked weed for two years only gave uo in the new year and my life and thinking capability increased dramatically. Fuck yourself up if you want no skin off my nose

Marijuana in particular? A non-addictive form of escapism. They're unsatisfied with their lives.

t. potato nigger addicted to the devil's lettuce

Marijuana is addictive. Because it’s addictive in the way that nicotine is they say it’s not addictive at all but it is, It’s a psychological addiction. -former smoker

Because it isn’t*^

>What is normies obsession with weed?
Look at that beautiful looking nug and you tell me.

This is a curious thing, same happened to me. One might as well stop smoking and stay woke in that way whole life. It seems all psychedelics in have that permanent effect on human mind, I'm just not sure how that affects low IQ populations and common denominator in general.


It's definitely not as addictive as nicotine. I've been two years without smoking weed. The first month is hard but I don't give a shit now. Going 24 hours without nicotine is hell.

I've done meth and alcohol. Weed isn't nearly as addictive as those two. Or even caffeine. Weed just isnt really pleasurable.That's why the stereotype of stoners is that they're paranoid and unorganized.

>hard work
Like you know anything about that

I corrected myself, meant to type it isn’t addictive like nicotine, not is. It’s addictive the same way porn is, porn doesn’t add some foreign addictive substance into your body, yet it’s still psychologically addictive, like weed.

Only children and americans do that.

Like i’ve said already, It’s not physically addictive but rather psychologically addictive same way porn is addictive.

If you do it all the time, you need it to sleep. And one time I quit, I had a tension in my stomach cause it really relaxes your guts.

this shit is so false. normies are obsessed with alcohol. you just hang out with a bunch of fag stoners

normies still think weed is the kind of shit you smoke and wont remember anything you did the next morning cause they think its just the same shit as alcohol. you guys clearly dont get out much

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Come redpill these retards.

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no thanks

>weed was legal in NS Germany
>weed was legal in the USSR
>weed is legal in Best Korea
>weed is illegal in most "modern progressive societies free of hate"
Is marijuana actually WHITE and REDPILLED?

There not
There are optoids
Pot is the lowest liked

Holyshit you got him good

>I 420 about 3 times a day
>I'm not a normie

I know

Thanks for proving his point. Your post became irrelevant at
>Not as addictive as.

>it helps ease the pain of living
No it doesn't.

>Don't get out much
>Only his small social circle is all of normies
Even if you talked to 10k people daily it's only a small percentage of even just USA. It's small for even a large city.

>weed was legal in NS Germany
>weed was legal in the USSR
It wasn’t

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the overwhelming majority of adults that smoke week aren't doing it for the DUDE WEED LMAO effects but are actually just self-medicating away inflamation/pain or some minor psychological issues, so self-medicating while avoiding the corrupt pharmacuetical industry.


If Trump ran on pro-legalization of Marijuana platform/priority agenda it'd definitely secure him another 4 year term. Just say it's part of lowering the price of drugs and that we need more U.S publicly traded stock companies to compete with Canada and legalization on federal level would facilitate that and mexico & street drug dealers gets less black market money plus the tax revenue that the new industry generates would more than offset any health care deficits that legalization could create from accidents.


caffeine addicts are way worse. Especially tea fags

>Big part of it is that it’s ingrained in “progressive” culture. Smoking weed is as liberal as protesting Trump. It’s like a last fuck you to the past conservative politicians who fought against marijuana and its affects on society.
>Also it’s being pushed constantly by the left as it makes people dumb careless and more emotional meaning they’re more likely to vote democrat ;)

so what youre saying is that you know fuck all about weed? a lady with a big mouth and shit for brains.....imagine my shock.

Sex, weed, alcohol and SSRIs.

Welcome to our modern society where men don't know their value and women are put on a pedestal.

Disfunctional shithole. Just two words to describe it.

Anti weed Irish bro. Has been a while. I’m off the weed again for a couple months I have continuously binged and busted for the last two years

t.weed addicted canabro

and also people in europe and some other places mix weed with tobacco...two addictions at the price of 1

I just do whatever I enjoy without worrying about who else is into it.

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try weed light. it will change your life.

I do that too. It's not just a Europe thing.


excuse me? is your brain so addled by weed that you don't see the need to elaborate on that sentence fragment? or are you autistic?

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>weed is not addictive bro
>but I am bored when i am not high all the time
Fuck off

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The floaty warm immersive feeling is nice user, you just gotta also deal with anxiety and panic but I think people who smoke weed like taking on those fears as if they're learning from it and becoming stronger by confronting them.

I smoked green for two years, ever since I stopped for good I realize how bad life had gotten while smoking and life has drastically improved, trust me I know what i’m talking about

It's Soma, in the Brave New World sense.

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Lmao dude i get really high and hate niggers

Just got an ounce

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They use weedbro mentality to substitute for a personality. Bro weed bro does no harm, feels good man, bro dude weed.

potheads are the worst...fun to bully though. they cannot handle the slightest confrontation, next time you see a stoner go be rude as fuck to their face. they wont know how to react and it will ruin their whole day because their gaba receptors are wrecked

We say too much for them to handle.

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.....and nobody picked up on your "joke"
womp womp

Grow up you faggot, you're not going to ever do shit and you know it. I bet you piss yourself at the sight of the superior stoner.

Smoked 3 bowls today so far. Going to go run 5 miles in a park, then I'll smoke more and go to work.

Problem? I probably make more $ than you and I'm probably in better shape than you.

>t. Retarded brain dead stoner

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People like this need to get the fuck beat out of them

All stoners are just dude weed bros who have room temp iq

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It's a slippery slope for sure, but it all comes down to discipline. Nearly everyone I know has smoked or smokes weed and you can see how everyone varies in shades of success and it has nothing to do with the drug use, but the 'engine' underneath all of that.

At the end of the day marijuana is an amplifier - If you're a mediocre guitarist, and you plug into a big amplifier, you will only AMPLIFY your mediocrity. It's not going to magically make you a better guitarist. If you didn't find anything profound when you tried marijuana, I have bad news for you user.

Christ cuck cringe

Been smoking every day for 10 years. It just makes my chill time more enjoyable. After work I got to the gym and then get high before dinner. I really dont see what is so wrong with that. Like another user said, its only the fags who make theor whole identity based around muh weed that are cringe.

Sounds like someone lost their girlfriend to the superior stoner

Anything that stops you from thinking is gold dust for a normie.

Sounds like you jealous of him

Keep coping faggot

Based and redpilled

The more you trash on a plant that over 80% of the population smokes the more you play into the lonely incel stereotype shills here place on you. Stop it.

>80% percent of the population smokes
>if i make things up it'll help me cope with my addiction

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If you honestly smoked marijuana and it stopped you from 'thinking' you just might have a genuinely low IQ or some other form of mental deficiency. The best way to find out the truth about yourself is to take an IQ test and go from there. For more: