Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?

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No, Yang Gang 2020
You can't even vote, bong

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Only reason I wouldent is if there were someone who would better enact America First policies/ remove nonwhites

yang vs trump and we cant lose

Aussie I certainly would if I could

I want Trump to lose the next election and be replaced by someone else but I want him to lose LEGALLY through MERIT.

Based american patriot

Andrew Yang is the first politician to actively question the white decline. Trump has never mentioned his white base even once.

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>someone who would better enact America First policies/ remove nonwhites
God I wish this was actually a thing.

Yes but not because I support anything trump does or says. I want to see 4 more years if Jew whining.

Who cares? Yang is a chinese communist. No one is voting for some socialist bug man fuck off.

it he running?

Of course! I want as many "legal" non-white third worlders and pedos/homos as possible to hasten the destruction of the Jewnited States of Nigger worship. I wanna see Amercucks and their children starve and when they cry out laugh at them.

Yes unless there is another that will make the left lose their shit even worse

people might, right now the contest is to see who can promise more crazy

Nope. Voted for him before. The first year wasn't too bad, the tax cuts were mainly for the wealthy but whatevs. Now he's gone full zionist faggot. I've never felt so cucked.

in b4 shill, fuck off.

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sounding like a broken record. will your influence fade?


>Yang is a chinese communist. No one is voting for some socialist bug man fuck off
That's a shill talking point, Yang's family is from Taiwan. Meanwhile half of Trump's family consists of Jews.

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>I want to see 4 more years if Jew whining.

Tears on my pillow...

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No wall!!

No vote!!!

No. I stopped voting for Zionist globalists after 2012.

No, he has proven himself to be a kike puppet

>t. JIDF

He's right though, Trump has unironically made it easier for nonwhites to immigrate here.

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they can go fuck themselves.

>Implying they don't control both sides of the political spectrum just so goyim can fight each other and stay divided.

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Hell yea

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Yang's entire family is Asian you fucking brainlet socialist piece of shit.

Why is this even a question?
Look at the Demonrat lineup: a whore, an old commie, a black faggot who likes gloryholes, a phony Indian cunt, maybe uncle pedo Joe and Michael Obungo.

>Yang's entire family is Asian you fucking brainlet socialist piece of shit.
>Yes Goyim, Asians are all socialist. You need to support our orange jew puppet!
Ah yes, another shill repeating talking points. Tell me what your "god emperor" has done for whites? He's only increased our decline.

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The president is just a Jew puppet so nothing will ever get "done". I'm voting for whomever makes the Jews drop their masks more. I'd vote for illam Omar over trump.

Yang is the socialist you nigger. He's also a fucking Democrat. He's anti-gun, open borders, a complete psychotic retard.

I'll vote for Trump 1000x over any Democrat.


>He's anti-gun, open borders, a complete psychotic retard.
Gee sounds a lot like Trump

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>muh jooooz
Imagine being so mentally ill you scapegoat a tiny minority for all of the problems in this world.

"Muh Joos" is a common JIDF phrase used to discredit anybody who exposes kikes. Proves how much of a good goy you are.

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Yang is a literal manchurian candidate promising niggerish whites what they want to hear in exchange for the country on a platter

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The thing that bothers me about Trump is that I don't want to replace him with a brown person so why does he want to replace me?

So then don't vote. Then you won't have the guilt of knowing you voted for a retard who runs by the neo con playbook.

You are all going to die soon

if the anti-trump people don't show up to prevent him again then they'll deserve it
i'm more concerned about what a new president will mean for afghanistan though

Trump: Jared, what should we do to drain the swamp today?

Kushner: I'm busy in Tel Aviv right now. Very important meeting with the Mossad. They want to thank you again for giving me access to all US secrets. Talk to Bolton.

Trump: Will he know how to drain the swamp?

Kushner: oh yeah. You can trust (((us))

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Trump doesn't give a fuck about you. The world doesn't give a fuck about you. If you're voting for the government to save you, then you might as well chop your dick off and join the Democrats.

I vote for Trump for the social changes he makes, I don't expect anything from him economically.

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>Oy Vey, we can't let these people criticize our golden goy. Better call them chink sleeper agents!

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Yang is anti-gun, and wants everyone to depend on the government.

Literally how you enslave a population.

>Yang is anti-gun, and wants everyone to depend on the government.
So is Trump, yet you still back him.
>Take the guns first, goyim!

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any asian running for a government position is automatically a chinese communist in the eyes of boomers

The wall is gonna be a serious problem for him. No way in hell a real wall will be done by 2020. Remember he only got the base because a lot of people were unhappy with republicans not delivering what they wanted.

Yes, shoot libtards too

This, boomers can't forget the Vietnam war. Even the most pro-white asian (I.E Japanese) are automatically communists in their eyes. Yet they're perfectly fine with niggers and spics running the government.

Funnily enough, the GOP could actually get the Asian vote if they pandered to them. However the example you brought up is the main reason they don't.

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Trump's even worse. He just wants you to be a conformist slave with no outlet.

you cant run when you are impeached

trump got the vote due to a culture war perfect storm of "brown people bad" and "troll da libs". he got the spite vote, the flyover vote, the retard vote along with the republican vote.

zionism is based

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It's true he got a lot out of the culture war. The regressive left going nuts on social media and thought policing. It's a key part of why he was popular here as a candidate. But much of his base is made of the same tea party boomers who kept getting ignored by Washington. They wanted a fresh outsider who might just listen. So they gambled on Trump. Of course it didn't help the Dems picked possibly the worst nominee besides a dumpster fire full of aborted fetuses. Anyway, these are disgruntled people who won't just accept unfulfilled promises forever.

I've gone full accelerationist. I'm going to vote for the candidate I believe will fuck up worse.

I like Trump - but he's too good. The world is at peace, he's asserting American dominance like no one else, and opening a flourishing economy. It's so good the only news on is a nothing burger that's been beat to death for the last three years. I love Trump, but it's boring.

>Trump is a literal manchurian candidate promising niggerish whites what they want to hear in exchange for the country on a platter

...for impeachment. Yes.


i took my sick boomer to the vet and first they gave him an opiate. he seemed happy. then came the kill shot

Back to CTP faggot.

yeah, at least 3-4 times

Yes, i believe this country has to build that fucking wall and kick the spics out for fuck sayke.

Most of Burgers on Jow Forums will go vote for Trump for fear of the Democrats' revenge which would be truly terrible.

But that's not enough to energize a voting base. Trump has not deliver on his key campaign promise, that is the wall and the end of browning america. His "fence" is a joke.

As a result, many people will just stay home.

Based Nippon knows what's up

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I'm voting for Andrew Yang this time around. I haven't paid attention to anything trump has been doing since he cucked on the shutdown

Good morning Shareblue

If I wer American ctzn, I would vote Trumpets in 2016, but not in 2020 (maybe I would if some retarded Bernist is his opponent) because protectionism sucks.

Voting for yang. If he gets fucked out of the primaries then voting for trump again

You seem to understand.

2008: Obama
2012: Romney
2016: Trump
2020: Bernie

He was the first and still is the only major, remotely viable candidate to actually gaf about issues negatively affecting white ppl... affirmative action, opioid crisis, illegal immigration, islamization, unlimited "refugees", open communism/socialism... hes on the right side of nearly every issue when anyone remotely close to being viable is MILES behind. And you can say "zionist" this or "shill" that, but they know damn well trump pays lip service bc he has to... thats why almost all jews despise him

Romney is really licking Trump's balls since midterms. It's pretty cringe for a never Trumper candidate.

You know it's true.
How nice!

Patrick Little 2020

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Yeah, Israel hated him for all the gibs. So much, goy. And take your pick on issues just to be sporting, but he did jack shit on the opioid issue. He put in a pharma shill as head of FDA. They just approved an unnecessary opioid even more dangerous than fentanyl. And Trump is against any technology beyond walls to help customs enforcement detect drugs. And then there's the push against kratom to get addicts clean. But hey, it's all 4D chess. Finish the wall we haven't started. Finish the denuclearization we haven't started. Bring back the coal industry that's still failing. Such winning is almost unviable.

1932: Hoover
1936: Roosevelt
1940: Willkie
1944: Dewey
1948: Dewey
1952: Eisenhower
1956: Ike again
1960: Nixon
1964: Johnson
1968: Nixon
1972: McGovern
1976: Carter
1980: Reagan
1984: Reagan
1988: Dukakis
1992: Clinton
1996: Clinton
2000: Bush
2004: Kerry
2008: Obama
2012: Obama
2016: Trump
2020: Depends

Maybe I lack some knowlage, but in geneeal it probably would look so.

If the Mexicans are allowed to just show up and vote on your President, is it all right if I just swing by and try and even things out for you? I could wear a sombrero to throw off suspicion.

Are you over 110 by any chance?

No as well as never ever were US citizen

I want him to die naturally of a brain aneurism this afternoon.

Y so agressive muh dude? Somke wdee or something. Or is this agression led by veganism?

Crenshaw 2024

He’s a fucking traitor and a common criminal. He’s orange trash.

You can try, but I'd recommend committing some white color crime first to make sure you get in to our comfy prison's.

Nope. Fuck Kushner. Fuck Israel.

*White collar. Although it kinda works either way.

Only if he wins the primary. I’d rather not, but I’m not a retarded child who would rather vote for their opponents because they couldn’t get the candidate they wanted.

Neither can dead people or Mexicans, so who cares?

I would vote for a denocrat, I want the US to be more like brazil and I want transgander supreme justices

>The world is at peace, he's asserting American dominance like no one else

The world nearly had a nuclear war over poos last week and Venezuela is going to be our next Syria.

The Nork talks keep failing.

MSB has Trump bending over backwards while the Sauds continue funneling American weapons to al Qaeda.

Iran is stronger than ever before.

>opening a flourishing economy

For the elites. Meanwhile middle class Americans are paying more in taxes so that the government can afford to spend 38 billion dollars to defend Israel.

>the only news on is a nothing burger that's been beat to death for the last three years

I have already proven you don't actually watch the news.

Kys faggot.
India and Pakistan has absolutely nothing to do with Trump. So why even bring up that skirmish, which happens every 10 years or so?
Trump has removed most of our troops from Syria, and destroyed the Obama created ISIS.
You watch to much MSM, and visit plebbit too much.

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