Is Jow Forums a jewish sand box?

Have the jew created Jow Forums to keep us isolated and away from the mainstream?
Are we playing the game of the Jews?

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Have he fooled us?
Have we been doing the will of the jew?
Are we jews ?

this is the final redpill

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The fuck do I know, but I'm pretty sure they data-mine and analyze every word.

>Is Jow Forums a jewish sand box?
>Posts picture of a los angeles/philly pedophile

maybe it's just your jewish sandbox OP.

maybe you can go play in the sandbox with your pedophile friend eric wareheim. he married a jew too

We have to make Jow Forums mainstream by setting up a hierachy. We have to find a good speaker. Richard Spencer is not a good speaker. He's arrogant and haughty. We need a serious borderline affectless speaker who takes no shit and sways the masses simply by his demeanor. I plan to be that once Trump loses in 2020. The only problem is that I don't know where to start speaking.

thats called an idol you faggot. not very christian

Who said I was Christian? You need to read Nietzsche. Christianity is good to control the masses but the dream is a nihilistic ruthless regime of power.

keep referring to your identity as a white guy instead of catholic. see where that gets you

A world filled with irrational Nietzcheian music and unlimited power based on a military form of hierarchy. All whites working together to literally dominate the globe. In short, we have to make Darth Vader cooler than Luke Skywalker. We have to play the villain.

Yes and yes.

Containment yes. They don't like spillage. On the other hand we get to discuss st7ff openly and then spill it. Not sure they thought it through

>Are we playing the game of the Jews?

White men are ALWAYS playing the game of the Jews—and are always losing.

When was the last time white men had a major victory against the Jews? 2000+ years ago when Hadrian wiped a lot of them out?

2000 years of defeats is a pathetic track record. White men are weak and wanting.

It also gives them practice at shooting us down if we do.go on the live range

Checked fives

Again, because most white men are weak and wanting to be led, we must play the villain. White men want an answer and a good speaker with an irrational image is the key. We need a hierarchy of poltards with good villain propaganda. The political Left already compares us to the Empire or Sauron. It's time to accept that and be them. We need propagandists to exalt one man who takes even less shit than Trump. Good irrational white music and a good speaker who walks with self-assurance of a sleepwalker is key.

...Good response, but truthfully this is why white men are going to lose. Instead of just being fucking men and acting logically and pragmatically, white men require a massive fucking LARP to ever get off their asses and do even the slightest thing. The problem with LARPing is eventually the work just has to get done and there isn't time or resources for parades and fancy costumes. White men are also extremely emotional and immature, like some shitty cross between a whiny 7 year old boy and a white woman.

If white men put their LARPing energy into productive endeavors, they wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

None of what you said is going to work. The reality is there are less than EIGHT years to save the white race before we careen over a demographic cliff as most breeding-age white women go past their prime breeding years. There isn't time left for white men to LARP and play stupid games, and yet, it's all anyone wants to talk about.

tldr: whites aren't going to make it LARPs or no LARPs.

Its more that they have banned us from everywhere else.
Rest of the internet is cucked to PC speech only.
Fucking faggots.

You got kicked out and the inquisition burned your psycho asses several times during the middle ages.

Power is the ultimate endpoint of all forms of government. Would you rather be under the arm of the masses of niggers and spics (a dictatorship of the proles) or led by a man dedicated to perfecting his race? There is a chance. There doesn't have to be any LARP. The time is now. All we need is a good angry theatrical speaker and a hierarchy of white pol men who are literal Nazis. We play the villain.

Lol no one cares about Catholicism except spics and old people.

It has nothing to do with jews.
Go to Reddit and try to just to not have it drive you mad absolutely mad.

those were mostly larps. we came back stronger every time. Now look at us and look at you. Whites are pathetic.

Just breeding more isn't going to change anything. This is boomer tier logic.

Nah Jow Forums is a template to which forums in the future will operate themselves with bots to shift public narratives easier and not have to deal with real users. Almost 70% of every user here is a bot. It's not paranoia it's true. I know it because I've seen the same sentances cut and reused but didn't really think much of it until I saw my own posts being reused.
Clearly we're simply feeding template data to which discussions can be based or molded. So why not feed everything from conspiracy theories to philosophy? It might seem like it's doing exactly what they want but it's quite the opposite. Social engineer the social engineers so to speak.

And no everything we've done is meaningless simply because we've always been conditioned so they can later automate it. We had help from the system itself. Too much help.

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Read my previous post. The masses must be moved by terror. There is no other way. We need one man to exert his Nietzscheian will. There are men such as Napoleon and Hitler who explode onto the world scene at appropriate times and shape it according to their will. It must be done.

it's another layer of the matrix, for those who reject

even LARP

not this again

1. Yes. Moot is a jew who today works for Google. Jow Forums has been a datamining honeypot ever since 2006 with the Google captcha and the law enforcement portal. 8çhan too, and actually more, ever since the freemason Jim Watkins assumed control. It
2. Yes, because they push jewish and masonic psyops here all the time.The entire "nationalist" subculture on Jow Forums is also controlled, the Royal Order of Jesters probably have a large role in chan culture in general.

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Picrel. Also see:
>Zionist Internet Memes

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>the Royal Order of Jesters probably have a large role in chan culture in general.
Is that where Slappy came from?

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I'm going to start speaking. There's a way to do it. We must create an image and stick to it. We need youtube video makers to create youtube videos like the infamous Hitler Viva La Vida video. That gets people intrigued. But we need to do it with a brand new borderline affectless, serious speaker. Create a brand. Irrational electronic music and words that cut.

Yeah it is

A villain. But a cool stylish one.

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Don't taze me bro

Everything you mentioned was done by the ""alt-right""" already. If you didn't retroactively mess with everyone years ago when there was a huge opening then why bother now? There's too many protocols in place to silence or warp discussions. You can't take control of something you never had control of.

That's what I meant by social engineer the social engineers. It's not about being smart it's all luck and seizing the moment. Change the definition of control and when the time comes watch the fireworks.

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Honk Pepe is also pushed by the Jesters/Shriners. They love their clown symbolism, pic related. Even the children's hospitals that Shriners run (where they diddled children), they dress as clowns. It traces back to Venetian carnival culture (Venice, the occultist merchant republic that helped propagate jewry the most until the 16th century). I've heard the clowns are supposed to represent the Nephilim/Giants wiped out in the flood. As a child, I've always thought clowns were really creepy.

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As Hitler said, we can do anything as long as our will is strong enough. You're a defeatist.

No their symbol is a little creature

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Now you're just reciting memes. The pizzagate narrative is false as is all the tinfoilery you mentioned. This is why you can't take control. You never had any. Neither did I but neither did they.

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The Jesters, yes. They have their Billiken (the "God of things they ought to be", where the Amerimutt meme came from), designed by a jew in the 20th century. But they and the Shriners also love their clown symbolism, no doubt.

memes memes memes memes...

>You're a defeatist
It's not defeatism if you won retroactively.

Jews drink Yahoo, so I guess i'm a Jew for drinking Yahoo.

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Life is simply a contest of wills. With a team, one man could change it all. A man with a carefully crafted image. A man who calls out AOC.A right wing AOC. We may have won the discussion already, and yes, people have moved on, but people are simply waiting for the final boss to appear. Niggers and spics know we're pissed. I say all this after getting locked up for a year after calling for the deaths of niggers and a Jewish judge. I was on the front page of local news. The time is now to exert our will and even over-exert it. Irrational white music to slay Jews to:

Jow Forums is the enemy of the jew, though, they can study our every move this way, so yeah.

Who the fuck is moot? 4chans owner?

Where does a nobody fit in all this? You lost simply because you want to be somebody while those in "control" already are who they want to be.

I don't expect you to understand this. Then again nobody can.

Start recording podcasts
And look into an organization called Toastmasters

Because it already happened once with Hitler. Nobody can understand it because you have the weakest of wills. You're essentially not saying anything.

Newfriend, he was the founder and former owner of Jow Forums until he sold it to Hiroyuki, who was 2chan's owner, and Jow Forums's current owner.

Wew, peak newfaggotry, or is it bait?

You are still subhuman parasitic gypsies. What about the (((new christians))) here telling us to remember the six gorillion killed by the inquisition? Huehuehuehue

Yeah the thing is jews control everything so it's hardly a surprise, the interesting question is if this control is going to be sufficent to keep a lid on white peoples desire to survive. And you have to be more specific, if the merchant meme was drawn by a jew, what is it that makes it bad for us to use it? It's hardly a flattering image

The weak earn
The strong take
The gods don't need to do anything

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Retarded mumbo jumbo, the alt right is controlled opposition and hardly a decent metric to judge success

Lol I'm baiting you ofc, it's completely unreasonable for me not to know that "Moot" was the original owner of Jow Forums.

>When was the last time white men had a major victory against the Jews?
uh, Hitler dude...

>if the merchant meme was drawn by a jew, what is it that makes it bad for us to use it?
Because its connection gives Nick Bougas reputation for being the one who created that meme. He's used this reputation to make new cartoons, that are pro-Trump. Plus, shills love to use the merchant meme to stir disinformation.

Well, if you are a huge newfag then it's understandable...

Here's such an example. Used to gaslight against any conspiracy theorists (whether they're credible or not) by painting them all as "tinfoils" and "/x/fags".

Attached: keepxinxwyattman.png (1402x1080, 1.06M)

The non-altright isn't any different.

>and hardly a decent metric to judge success
It's not. You're just assuming it works like this. Truthfully it doesn't work at all. That's why I like it and kept coming back.

yea i don't think the name Hitler and the term "major victory" go together very well

Ever noticed the striking similarity between, a Billiken and a Mobius Klein Bottle?

I understand that cartoons that are too provocative can have a negative effect, but using a cartoon made by controlled opposition doesn't automatically discredit the poster. As long as we don't fall for their tricks

The "non altright" is not controlled so ofc it's different lol. I'm kinda optimistic because we're in an information war and if we win, meaning if a critical mass of people understand what's going on, then there's simply too many of us to keep a lid on all of this and steer it in a different direction. And at that point jews will likely give up power themselves

So it doesn't have to turn into a physical struggle neccessarily imo, we live in a different time and everyone is much too comfortable for that.

I'm not saying it discredits the poster who uses the image. Plenty of legitimate posters have oblivious to the issue at hand. I was saying that it gives credibility to the creator of the meme, and is heavily used by disinformationists to gaslight.

Yeah thanks for the heads up. I've always been sceptical of the memes here. Did you know the green frog appears in the Illuminati card deck? I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's some psych warfare thing

dudes, you don't know the shit evolution did back in the days.

there are people of the past living in now

Dndjdnsmzinwnfbfjdnxkejdndbhfbdjdndjdbdjsmwoskwoakaiwkxixjnruvbfunwiskiakwisjsixndjcnducjfjeudnjenfndjdkwiiwjeutieirowkxkxncjxkskdbxjsjwjxkeieirurjendncjnenxnndsjkwiekwkskzkrdsszxcvggv bhnnklolooollokjnhv

Not a jewish sanbox cause its still full of one man holocausts here. They just are oldfags who rather lurk through all the millions of nupol shitpost threads. But when happenings are near the boys are coming down.

Frogs represent the army of Satan (the unclean spirits) in Revelations 16:13. They're to be wary of in the first place. The Kek meme I heard was from freemasons on 8çhan.

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Did you read the Zionist Internet Memes thread?

Jow Forums has been hijacked by Jew terrorists of the JIDF.

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That's fucked up, I need to study christianity. Kek also came from world of Warcraft because they banned "lol" so people used "kek" I think but that might've been deliberate

So you think that if POL didn't exist, the mainstream media would speak the truth? That's dumb as fuck.


I mentioned this on the post you replied to, but here it is again. An archive of the thread on Endchan:
Here's a newer one on Nextchan:

The actual Egyptian deity was called "Kuk". The Wikipedia page was actually CHANGED to Kek in early 2016, the same week the Canadian user posted about it. Scroll here to January 2016:
An user on Endchan said it was chosen because "kek" is the sound you make when you're choking during a sacrifice.

based HK poster, you scare me.

*Honk Honk*

>Are we playing the game of the Jews?
Have been since the beginning. Didn't have much choice in the matter tho.
>Have we been doing the will of the jew?
Kinda. See above.
>Are we jews ?
Hell no. The goal is beat 'em at their own game, then dismantle the game after winning. More or less. In that general direction, for sure.


If we limit our activity to Jow Forums then yes it is a little jew prison, but I see pol being used as more of a troop rally point or one of many bases of operations. But I see your point user and I agree that pol and the Autists who run it should expand their influence as wide as possible and make an effort to expand our territory to all corners of the internet.

This place was designed to be a containment zone. This is why the media kvetches so hard when Jow Forums influences the real world.

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oh my fucking god that's so much bullshit in one post
go back to /x/ you fucking larper tripfag
"kek" was basically the short version of "kekuit" or "kakuit"
it's tricky to spell hieroglyphs with the latin alphabet
the sound in place of the "e" in "kek" is probably closest to the german ä sound, hence the different spellings
that goes for the female version of the deity too, being transcribed as "kauket" and "heqet" too, but they really mean the same fucking sounds, most accurately represented in their original form way back when - but most couldn't read that, could they?
"kek" is also how gooks laugh in text (their version of "heh"), which is how it got into WoW in the first place, because some creative fag among the devs found it funny and made it the "foreign" version of "lol" in chat

>nazi brazalet
cool, but
>miga hat
miss me with that gay shit
Animeniggery lead us to this hell of a website. I hope Jow Forums gets shoah'd some day so you niggers won't be able to coalesce.

video 404 mate

>keep us isolated and away from the mainstream?

What prevents you from discussing your stormfront opinions on social media with your name attached to it ?
oh that's right ...

you're afraid. you're pathetic and you're a brainlet.
this place is the jews playground as they come here to validate their superiority over kids like you on a daily basis.
now go cry in the corner as you remain anonymous and irrelevant as you're being used to further push jewish agenda worldwide.
thank you incel.