If Pewdiepie and James Charles collab?

What would be your reaction?

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Am I reading it correctly? He wants to collab but only if he can put pewds in drag and turn him into a tranny? These people are truly sick.

It's over Felix, give up.

1. putting make up on someone is not the same as making him a tranny
2. pewds wore make up before

>eceleb worship

Attached: 783D43CC-0BC2-4C48-ACDD-EE9262D4E850.jpg (500x375, 119K)

Transvestite: a person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes primarily associated with the opposite sex.

Ok but when I see you out in public wearing makeup I am going to assume you are a tranny.


This is the future of all white men. Decide now, faggots.

Why the fuck are people obssessed with this swedish cuck again? All he does these days is react in the most forced manner to the trash his retarded fanbase posts to his subplebbit or make another one of his YLYL videos, as if ironically titling it "Season 1 ep 1" makes the sheer number of these videos any less annoying. I literally cant remeber the last time I laughed at his retarded videos

Yeah the dude got crucified by the media over trivial crap and anybody that antagonizes the media is an alright, but he wasnt even dented by the whole ordeal and is still clearing cool millions off content that in no fucking way justifies his numbers. So just stop shilling for this moron everywhere, hes just another (((influencer))) with mediocre banal content at best that hit the jackpot which carried him straight to the top.

>imaging knowing who this person is


The depths white people will go to to fight a small corporation of a poor country. Let us have something nice once in a while eh?

You know what's funny, Felix? All your gay fans always wondered what it would be like when you lost the number one spot on Youtube. Would you lose it to some younger, ambitious fresh content creator that you would battle for years in some sort of epic cultural clash that would make you the sole spokesperson of an entire generational movement? No.

You lost to some shitty Indian Youtube channel that absolutely screamed past you on its way to the top, barely even noticing your existence on its way up, proving once and for all what people have been saying about you for years: that Youtube views have nothing to do with content quality and are instead entirely determined by shilling, demographics and a channel's ability to abuse Youtube's algorithms.

i'd stop watching Pewds if this gay shit ever happened

And why should I listen to some fag with a meme flag?

pewd here, that's gonna be a no for me dawg

Attached: heil hitler.gif (690x472, 1.01M)

what in the fuck is this gay ass shit and how is this political? please die and kys yourself

Attached: niggerchow.webm (540x302, 2.88M)


Sooooo close to 88million


This is literally only an issue to zoomers. Fuck this gay bleached haired fag mad because billions of low caste pajeets are finally getting access to the internet

vomiting. every time I see men in makeup it’s instinctively repulsive to my core.

fucking digits. checked.

Pakis still have a chance to glass the street shitters

Prison food.
For real you wouldn't believe the shit they make in there.


Agreed, but I wouldn't do it if it were me. Wearing makeup as a joke is one thing, wearing it because some fag wants to use you to promote their degenerate subculture is another.

>t. Series employee

You shouldn't. The fact that people keep calling pewds a Jew shouldn't you off to something though.
These niggers glow in the dark