Why are cops so violent?

40% of cops beat their wives.

Attached: 40%.jpg (480x389, 24K)

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Yeah but what did those women do to ask for it?

40% of women should be beaten

Becuase most are violent mediocre shit heads. I don’t hate cops but some of your Officer friends are trash.

They are specifically hired because they are low IQ abusive assholes.

You think the Gov can implement a police state with intelligent balanced police officers?

Taking work home

Damn brother fpbp and trips???

Whether it's the ATF or NYPD, pigs gonna pig.

most likely fucked a nigger, police officer wives are the biggest BBC sluts around

>40% of cops beat their wives.
100% of real men beat their wives. Women are whores and deserve such treatment

makes sense psychopaths attracted to the biggest loudest psychopath.

Because even diversity is hitting police ranks now

Marry a cop.

>only 40%

Those are rookie numbers.

Look Roo, let me explain this in a way the second drunkest people alive can understand (potato niggers and russians are tied for first, sorry).

Picture the kind of guy it takes to make a cop. Picked on his whole life, jacked up on roids, and brandishing a firearm. A walking Napoleon complex. Out for revenge on every chad that ruined his self image.

... now imagine what kind of passive/aggressive, queen of low self esteem, overly opinionated but dumb as fucking shit cunt voluntarily marries a guy like this.

It's a recipe for disaster. You almost have to applaud these vile miserable little faggots for just beating them instead of shooting them and making it look like niggers (all police car center consoles in USA come equipped with $30 worth of crack cocaine and an unregistered plant gun standard).

Still a lower DV rate than lesbian relationships.

Your not supposed to just let em win. If they don't want to get beaten they better straighten up and fly right.

There are plenty of Chads that become cops.

>unregistered plant gun
There's only a couple of states that even keep a gun registry.

>40% of cops beat their wives.
40% of cops are married..

Sure are. And they're single, let hot girls blow them to get out of speeding tickets or possession, or are closet fags.

We aren't talking about those cops, we're talking about the majority of them.

Is Lithuania the new site of HWNDU, shia?

You are looking at this from the absolute wrong perspective. Just think about what sort of cuntbag marries the type of moronic-power hungry asshole who becomes a cop. About 40% of those women deserve the beatings they get. The other 60% are the dominants in the relationship.

Yup. We could hang.

Probably because they see horrible shit like dead kids and horrific injuries all day, develop alcoholism, and bottle up what they see until they pop.

Yes usually the chicks that date cops are those crazy slutty chicks that yap off too much. I hate when chicks act tough.

nah theyre sadists and narcissists

I don't blame them. They deal with bullshit all fucking day and then they come home to relax before going out and doing it again tomorrow, and what do they come home to? Their wife's bullshit.

I will never look at the police the same way again.

> 60% of cops are cocks.

Cops are the fucking worst. They beat they're wives (and dogs) at a much higher rate and their buddies cover it up for them. Even funnier is how they're trying to jump ship and be conservative Republicans now. If you are in a Union, and collect a government paycheck, guess what? You're a fucking Democrat.

Source or suicide, you drop bear molesting fruit.

They're called "badge bunnies" and they're basically groupies for cops because they get off on the smallest amount of power. If you shit talk a cop in front of his old lady and he backs down (do it when hes off duty in a bar, with cops under a microscope nowadays any cop involved in a bar fight is usually automatically wrong) you will without a doubt fuck his girl.

Speaking of cops i miss the chicago PD scanner threads.
What happened to real Adam hours?
Does Adam still check his key?

100% of them deal with shithead spics and niggers committing insane crimes, it's a miracle only 40% turn out the way they do.

Well it's their own fault. They protect the politicians who have made niggers a protected class. Let's be real, if it wasn't for cops, the white man would have driven out the hordes years ago. But the cops will always lick the feet of their masters because that's where their paychecks come from. I hope more cops commit suicide instead of beating their families.

Well, 50% of all women are cheating whores, so 40% of police wives being cheating whores sounds about right

Didnt get the Jif Peanut Butter

Cops are specifically profiled for hiring based on below-average intelligence scores and belligerent attitudes. Basically the pitbulls of humans.

I will give you a few reasons that come to mind so i will shitpost them here:

1. They deal with criminal shitheads all day long, most of which deserve a beating but the cops cant do nuffin bout it
2. they are usually isecure little scumbags with a superiority complex
3. their wives maybe deserve it. Just imagine coming home from a day that you spend with hoodrats etc and had to watch how your country slowly falls to shit, and you want to do something about it but realize that you are too cucked because the state is enforcing that shit and whi pays cops? Yes. So you return home, in a very bad mood and the wive gives you lip and tells you that you never have time etc.

True, but police have changed in the US over the past few decades. Law Enforcement is a business now. After the year 2000 most police departments made a rule to have a mandatory IQ cap so more women, niggers and other human waste could pretend to be cops.


Wow. It does say however that they do it because high IQ people don't stay long in the police force due to boredom and it wastes a lot of training costs.

you become who you hang out with

Police work attracts psychopaths. 40% of law enforcement are legit lunatics.

Cops deserve to get shot by illegal immigrants.

>They are specifically hired because they are low IQ abusive assholes.

Saw a great example of this recently


Cop is just so needlessly confrontational.

Police don't even know their own laws a lot of the time. A company I worked for had Apportioned plates and no officer in Texas except state police knew what that meant.

Attached: 1491078500039.jpg (585x501, 41K)

It's because they have little dicks and massive insecurities.

The types of people who get hired to become police officers in the first place are violent, stupid military veterans.

They also weed out people who display traits of honesty and integrity during the hiring process. A question they ask a cop during a job interview is, "If you pulled over your own mother for speeding, would you ticket her?"

Most of you would think "Yes I would. I would enforce the law equally" is a good answer, but that's not what they want to hear. They want you to say, "No, I would explain to her that speeding is dangerous and give her a warning." This shows that the cop is willing to bend the rules to benefit people he cares about. Therefore, if he sees ones of his fellow cops kick someone in the face when he didn't have to that, he will bend the rules there too and not report it.

Basically, the system is set up so that violent oafs from the military, who were doing God knows what a few years ago over in Afghanistan, potentially even killing children over there, are the ones who are getting hired to enforce the law in the United States. Then everyone wonders why the police are so violent.

Next time you year about a cop using excessive force or shooting someone for a stupid reason pay attention to whether or not he's a military veteran. 99% of the time he is.

Yeah, that's the way it was, but lately they've been hiring a bunch of antifa looking diversity hires straight out of high school. This one officer looked to be 140lbs soaking wet.

Think of it this way: cops are usually not very reasonable people when they have an excuse to arrest you and feel they're in the right.

You can't negotiate your way out of a valid arrest. If you refuse to comply, force will be used (up to using deadly force). The whole occupation revolves around handcuffing and restraining people to get the dominant position in a situation (understandable when dealing with the scum of the earth).

However, when it comes to relationships, these dynamics are different. Cops suck at negotiating and thus resort to force/violence to get their way, and end up beating their wives.

They come out stressed from work, stressed from the Western culture's general turn against them, and stressed from office politics. They just want to relax and a fair number are Veterans with some form of PTSD. And then here she comes the wife ready to open her big fat mouth to poke at his weaknesses and vulnerabilities as all women do.

Attached: BearSociety.gif (300x300, 172K)

because they deal with shitty, scum of the earth people all day everyday for years on end. Plus they see really fucked up situations like abuse and people dying. It takes a toll mentally.

He doesn’t look like a lesbian.

I feel more scared of cops than criminals. Why do we even need cops when modern-style police didn't even exist until the 1800s?

Police officers behave like douchebags even in places that have almost zero violent crime.

Get a job where you go to work and 90% of your job is to go and make adults act like adults if only for the few minutes you are there. Be stuck basically babysitting the same moronic dipshit situations that could entirely be avoided day in day out for decades. Come home to spouse who proceeds to do stupid petty shit for no reason as well, fuse blows.

Sounds like every job I've ever had.

Meme. Persistent meme.
Show me one credible source where they specifically state they hire low IQ applicants. I'm a cop with a tested 137 IQ. This was never disclosed in any of the multiple hiring processes I was a part of.

Are you implying that all female cops are dykes?

>your job is to go and make adults act like adults if only for the few minutes you are ther
The amount of “adults” that act like children in public is outstanding. I’m not a yellow fever faggot but we should emulate the Japanese when it comes to public shame.

-Check out this thread if you want >>

>The legitimate answer is ignored.

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t. Cop

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fake news. sage

40% of cops are based.