>Itt we coin a new hate acronym
Nani =Niggers are not intelligent
The beauty in this is how it is co opted and already used by weebs
Why did that dindu shootup the place
(Niggers are not intillegent)
>Itt we coin a new hate acronym
Nani =Niggers are not intelligent
The beauty in this is how it is co opted and already used by weebs
Why did that dindu shootup the place
(Niggers are not intillegent)
weak...also your bants are not aussie tier even though you're hiding behind a meme flag.
bumping for lels
how's your elections been
whats happening in estonia?
nigger nigger chiggen dinner
wakanda = why all killers are niggers daddy user
Does rat on stick taste good?
>you are now hearing nani in his voice
>testing testing oy vey goyim forced meme attempt #31
I heard they had elections
N.I.G.G.E.R. = Niggers Intensively Getting Gibs Expecting Reparations.
It's self referential... or not.
Reminds me of B.E. entirely yourself.
Why are you german now?
>Why are you german now?
but I'm not
The Tyrone meme needs a more developed jewish version with the same plot style (self-sabotage or taking advantage of the system).
?Your flag or are you a diferent user
different user
It's repetitive.