How do trannies piss? If they have their dick cut off, how do they urinate? Their "vaginas" aren't real, so therefor can they not piss? Do they attach some cord into the wound area? Just curious?

Attached: buzz.jpg (125x125, 2K)


bump. now.

Please answer faggots.


Girls don't pee out their vaginas, user

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What? Stop being retarded leaf.

Can you just tell me pierre?

I need answers you faggots.

they don't literally chop it off, user...
you'll keep your urethra peeing will be the least of your concerns

But whole process seems kind of... how should I say it? Murky?

Op is a potato

>meme flag
opinion discarded.

basically, the dick is cut open and turned inside out and inserted into a wound made during the surgery
they "keep" most of their penis, allegedly

Attached: 1548157595832.jpg (1024x482, 64K)

They reroute the urethra to between the axe wound and the scrap of glans, then keep it open with a catheter until it's healed. Excess urethra is cut off.

Here you go user

It turns out that girls pee from a separate little hole altogether. I was just as surprised as you are!

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Sounds fucked.

Can I also ask, that isn't the "vagina" meant to be a gaping wound that is trying to heal and close, but trannies are prescribed with this liquid to keep the "vagina" from closing?

did you just recently open your eyes to the state of society my dude?
they have to shove a glorified dildo with dots into their gaping wound every day for the first few months/years then maintain it by doing it at least once a week for the rest of their lives
even then it's not guaranteed their hole won't collapse

Wow trannies sound like they have it pretty rough

Maybe I should be nice to them

Mmmm, makes me horny, eh?

Attached: Dildoes.jpg (1024x743, 119K)

maybe you can trade your dog for their dildos

They pee out their butt, duh

Do you not understand how the urethra works? Hell, historically there have been "smooth" eunuchs.

how is this related to politics?
and who fucking cares??