What evidence does she have?

Voice recordings prior to reassignment, or from the cabinet meeting after Butts resigned?... Did she wear a wire?

What's her end game?

Jody Wilson-Raybould: Refused to allow SNC to evade a criminal trial- then replaced.

Attached: jwr18.jpg (960x540, 178K)

She have heap big proof that white man speak with forked tongue.

I'm serious- from her testimony- the amount she quotes- seems she has audio tape from near the beginning...perhaps even the first meeting with Trudeau...if so, Trudeau's in big trouble.

Trudeau arrested that Huawei princess, and this is the chinks' revenge.

It's afraid

I'm just a curious American, nothing sinister!


Now that's an interesting theory.

As soon as she felt that they were interfering she started memorializing every contact as soon as it was over. She probably also has people take notes and listen to her phone calls in order to make briefings for staff. My guess is she is ambitious and wants to be pm someday and she didnt want her liberal street cred questioned if she reversed the prosecutors decision and gave snc a deferred prosecution agreement. However now the entire liberal party might backlist her if she brings down justin and the liberal party.

Not much to explain. The chinks don't dare mess with the US over the charges they've brought against princess chink, so they're attacking the leafs and Trudeau. Previous to Blumpff's heavyhanded treatment of Trudeau over trade, Trudeau was all about coddling chinks, and he prospered politically. Suddenly, after Blumpff's cock got rammed up his ass dry, he arrested princess chink. The chinks are attacking him, with their bought and paid for leaf parliamentarians. The chinks do the same in the US, with bought off congressmen and lobbyists, some of which was exposed during the November election. Apparently though, the chinks don't have a hammer on Blumpff.

I've been thinking the left will form a new party- and I bet they'd do well- an NDP / (new left party) coalition in next Gov't.

>note taking
IMO what does Trudeau in is that the PMO told Jessica (JWR's chief of staff) that JWR's replacement's first duty would be SNC-Lavalin.

Plus I think there is more bad news in the form of the Norman trial- Trudeau may be implicated- and if he manages to withhold his notes then the conservatives can show that he let Norman get away with leaking military secrets.

Ty for gestalt.

Its possible that the pmo did it through email or text but that would be extremely stupid. More than likely it was said in a veiled threat to one of the staff. The staff then wrote it down and briefed the AG.

Interesting to see if gerald butts rolls of trudeau to save his own skin.

I now nothing about the norman trial.

>Trudeau spoke to JWR through email/text
I believe she stated her only communication with Trudeau was Sept 17 and when she was told she'd be shuffled.

>Normal trial

Scott Brison (whose cabinet position JWR took- seems that Trudeau may have urged him to leave so that he could shuffle her) is alleged, by the RCMP, to have urged the government to delay building a $700M ship so that a Nova Scotia company could build it instead.

Vice-Admiral Norman disliked this move- and leaked information about this scheme to the media.

Normal is on trial for leaking information- and has requested texts/emails from Trudeau/Butts relating to the ship contract- and it seems that Trudeau/Butts are resisting... seems that this SNC matter has some legs.

She also had a meeting with him early on, in which some other topic was supposed to be discussed. Trudeau brought up snc lavalin. Talked about how they would lose jobs. Then a pmo staff started to talk about how this could hurt trudeau politically in an election year. I think trudeau joined in echoing the staffs remark. At that point the AG became uncomfortable and asked the pm if he was directing her to act in such a way that would violate the independence of the judiciary. At that point trudeau said no and yet pressure from his office continued and eventually shuffled her in order to put in another ag who would look into snc as the first matter of business.

Correct me if im am off base or wrong. But it seems to me that trudeau govt was doing all kinds of shady deals with large corporations in order to keep the shitty canadian economy from falling apart. Especially in quebec.

Is there any evidence of these corporations paying liberal politicians money in exchange for political favors. I suspect this is the case but i habe not yet seen this accusation leveled, although its still early days and this type of stuff would come out when an independent imvestigation is opened (trudeau is resisting this).

she's going to bring down the Trudeau government,and I couldn't be happier.

Attached: reybould.jpg (620x375, 33K)

>She also had a meeting with him early on, in which some other topic was supposed to be discussed. Trudeau brought up snc lavalin.

This was the Sept 17 meeting- which was sought by JWR.

>AG became uncomfortable and asked the pm if he was directing her to act in such a way that would violate the independence of the judiciary.

"I looked him in the eye, and asked him if he was politically interfering with me role. I'd advise against it."
>put in another ag who would look into snc as the first matter of business.
The sloppy thing was telling JWR's chief of staff this... should have directly communicated with JWR's replacement.

>especially in Quebec
Have you heard of the Canada Infrastructure Bank?

Here is the intro:

Multi-Lender Loans (MLL) are typically used to fund
massive projects.
And the lenders charge similar interest rates.

Canada's Infrastructure Bank (CIB)
is lending Quebec's Rail Express Métropolitain (REM) at 2%, while Quebec's pension funds (CDPQ) charge 8.5%.

Canada's federal government charging 2% allows REM to pay 8.5% to the Quebec's pension funds (CDPQ).

That is, this is funelling money from Canada's federal government to Quebec's pensioners.

And here is the extended version:

Attached: 1550759264073-pol.jpg (719x347, 44K)

Sorry i misread the only time they met was sept 17 AND when she was shuffled (total of 2 meetings). I thought you were saying that the only time they met was when she was shuffled. I am really bad at remembering dates. I remember the general timeline of the ag testimony.

Agreed. The comment about the replacement is going to sink them. It shows that the constant pressure on the ag office was to get them to change a decision and pervert the independence of the judiciary.

Another thing that didnt get much play in the media (for obvious reasons) was the fact that the ag office was told by the pmo that changing the decision by the prosecutor could be made more politically palatable for the AG by planting stories in the media in order to shape public opinion as well as bring in an outside lawfirm to demonstrate to the public that the AG was doing its due diligence in its decision reversal.

>Agreed. The comment about the replacement is going to sink them. It shows that the constant pressure on the ag office was to get them to change a decision and pervert the independence of the judiciary.

IMO this could be the difference between Trudeau surviving and not surviving... and it's such a silly mistake.

>planting stories in the media in order to shape public opinion

This was Katie Telford to Jessica- and memorialized by Jessica texting the convo to JWR.

The funny thing was JWR rejoining cabinet the day after Butts resigned- it's as though she got back in just to hit them again...women are deceptive.

DESU it's not as though I hate Trudeay- I do believe what I write in my next post...it's just that I enjoy the drama PLUS the prospect of corrupt people being jailed. I believe Trudeau's mistake was misplaying the game.

Trudeau did nothing wrong
Politicians cannot avoid wrongdoing WHILE surviving as politicians. Over time all politicians become aware of wrongdoing- and to ignore such is also wrongdoing.

Thus politicians are hooked- either
nuking their careers by reporting wrongdoing, or failing to report it- which is also wrongdoing.

All politicians are victims of circumstance, and their circumstance, as passive parcipitants in wrongdoing, means the cost of active partipance in wrongdoing is lower, as they are already implicated AND their opposition shares their position AND participation in wrongdoing can be the difference between electoral success and failure.
Trudeau was right to demand JWR cow to his will- being that such was important for Trudeau's re-election.
Expecting Trudeau to not demand JWR cow to his will would be expecting Trudeau to deny an advantage to himself while his competition accepts advantages of such type.

JWR has hurt her party for her emotional relief- she has hurt those who made her position possible.

It's not rational nor moral to deny oneself advantages that others freely take. This is where libertarians go wrong- thinking it's moral to sacrifice oneself for a principle that isn't reciprocated.

It's up to the electorate to keep government honest- it's not up to politicians to do so.

>this pasta again

I write is only 4 days ago. What's your deal?

It's well thought out and relevant- read it, absorb it, live it.

So why does the rule of law not apply to SNC-Lavelin?

>SNC above the law
I'm saying that it's not moral (to oneself) to follow rules that others can bypass.

Trudeau's mistake was trusting an idealist.

qrd pls

I do believe the law should be upheld- but by the citizenry. But you'll notice that the quality of government and righteousness of government both depend on the quality of the electorate.

you disgust me

SNC broke law- got government to make law to get them out of trouble- AG Jody Wilson-Raybould determined they were intelligible for the law- given that they were re-offenders. Trudeau then pressures JWR (directly, but mostly indirectly). Trudeau then replaces her, and tasks her replacement with applying new law to SNC.
Jody Wilson-Raybould then goes nuclear on the PMO.

You'll always be a leaf

We need to get Trudeau re-elected. And with the quality of Canadians, it should be manageable.

All you have to do is participate in pro-Trudeau threads- and spread the knowledge to FB and other social media.

Trudeau: judge a leader by his enemies: Trump

Gerald butts would certainly know the reason why the PM decided on the shuffle and was likely told directly by Trudeau, so it will be interesting if he flips on his friend or falls on his sword to protect him. Dont know enough about the guy to predict if he is a loyalist or an opportunist.

Definately deceptive but i think it was signals to those who had some info onto what was going on. She was shuffled, she said nothing publically, trudeau decided to say nothing inappropriate happened, she steps down immediately, gerald butts resigns,she rejoins. Notoce that when she was asked if she had any pertinent info that she was not able to discuss because it was not contained within the dates she was given permission to speak about she basically said yes. So i wonder if she was threatened after she was shuffled to stfu.

>threatened, told to stfu
I don't have reason to believe she's attended more cabinet meetings, though.

And Trudeau, I believe, is trying to wait this thing out- slow walking it... inb4 terrorist attack to change the story.

Im proud to be Canadian despite the sustained demoralization campaign run on us anglo canadians. Your statements are contrary to each other. Wilson-Raybould is noble and stood up for her values, while trudeau cucked out on the rule of law for votes from the most hated province in the country bar ontario. Even the liberal women would rather vote for someone else than trudeau after he double crossed an "inter-sectional" woman like JWR.

>women don't like being used by men
You believe what women tell you?

>being moral means being a sheep even if everyone else is a wolf
Found the lolbertarian

sounds like a way to self-justify

Sounds like a way to exist in an immoral world.
Later leaf- gotta go.

wow , that was quick

Cool deflection. Someone finally says enough of Canadians being taken advantage of. 'BUT LOL SHES A WAHMEN" Not an argument, faggot. 'HAHA YOU'RE A LIBERTARIAN?" never said I was, and those losers love licking corporate boots. Is it so irrational that a nation has values that it holds in its heart? You won't answer me, you'll deflect again.

I'll keep shilling for Trudeau and against JWR- I'll see you later leaf.

If you want to shit talk to me, type it in this thread, I'll read it in the morning.

>oh no i've been caled out!
>better make a new thread

Memes aside how many jobs is at risk here exactly?

Conservatards have become the nu-male SJWs of our time

Attached: 93_GORILLION_MRW.gif (377x372, 3.46M)

What I'm saying is that, to compete, one must play the rules in play- and I do believe that the rules would be better if less corrupt.

why the fuck should an entire canadian company go out of business over bribing some Libyan officials which is sop over there? this wouldn't be a story in the US because they all do it

They always have been- they're opportunists who degrade themselves by forfeiting their principles in order to profit from the smallest scandal.

sorry you feel I was "shit talken" to you

>They always have been- they're opportunists who degrade themselves by forfeiting their principles in order to profit from the smallest scandal.
wow that sounds really familiar

Attached: liberalpedo.png (1331x944, 1.31M)

I don't believe that- it's just what I think when I see the leaf flag. Some of you will avoid the composter. But most, like , will actually be burned.

absolutely this

>why the fuck should an entire canadian company go out of business over bribing some Libyan officials which is sop over there?

That's how Justin treating it as

Attached: sure kid2.jpg (398x476, 27K)

lol no

conservatards want the company to go under

prime minister trudeau is saying let's punish the people involved, not the entire company

As a swing voter, I have to say I'm disgusted by how Trudeau is allowing right-wingers to manufacture misinformation. Still, good on him for giving you your freedom of speech. God knows I wouldn't be so generous.

>the entire liberal party might blacklist her

The federal liberals will go out like the Ontario liberals.

It's funny how the moment Trudeau tries to help industry, right wingers jump on him...then proceed to whine how Trudeau hates business...you can't help them and I'm not sure why Trudeau tries.

Ontario's Liberals were a different story. Unlike Wynne, Trudeau represents industry- which is the reason why SNC is an issue in the news. And if conservatives would get out of the way, then we could make progress. But instead, you'll keep throwing your toys on the floor while complaining that you can't reach them from your high chair

You must learn nuance. Trudeau is trying to navigate a complex situation- and it doesn't help that you're throwing sand into his eyes

oh goodie they have another 15 years in office that's wonderful!

yup they're just delusional reactionary lunatics

Attached: snc alberta.png (588x152, 21K)

One day conservatives say that action is the only thing that matters- the next they're complainin that a trust-fund-PM transferred a female Indian according to her competence.

your not wrong, I think it comes easy for some, some not easy, and never occurs for a majority

Canadian Poli (YouTube) is just one of the many lolbertarian productions popping up to support a tactical libertarian.

What conservatives USED to understand is that a country belongs to the collective- and operates as such- and as such, cannot pander to their individual qualms.

How long will conservatives abstain from Indian jokes- hell, most probably just take a second look over their shoulder.

Fuck of with your gay pasta

It’s yours and you keep posting it? That’s like posting a comment on FB and being the only on hits the like button.
Just fucking kys.

Wasn’t there a 19th century novel by some Bong lady named Mary written about these very events?

Attached: 84C50572-C936-4E35-89F1-06D9738D8034.jpg (720x480, 25K)

Why do a bunch of burgers care about what's going on? Is the rake coming? Rake me please

see you in hell, fucker

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Does she have a future after this? Why betray your own party?