To understand why rural and suburban retards hate Hillary so much...

To understand why rural and suburban retards hate Hillary so much, you have to first ask why people become rural and suburban retards in the first place.

I mean, there are fewer jobs and opportunities there, so what's the point? Why would someone become a rural and suburban retard? The answer is rape.

Imagine being in Manitoba or Wyoming, there are no humans in a thousand mile radius. No one, literally. So what are you going to do? Well rape, obviously. What are they going to do, call the police? Of course not, the police is there to rape too. Everyone is there to rape. That's the whole point.

There is no escape.

And you can't run to the city either because the city only accepts ultra high IQ super-evolved, super educated humans. And rural and suburban retards deliberately shit up the schools so that it is impossible for you to ever become smart and educated enough to leave for the city. That's why they teach you creationism and that kind of bullshit, so that if you ever go to the city, people will just laugh at you and send you back to where you came from.

You are stuck there to be raped forever.

So obviously when Hillary ran a campaign based on education and helping little girls succeed, rural and suburban retards knew perfectly well what that meant. It meant no more rape. Can you imagine being a rural and suburban retard and not being allowed to rape? That would be hell.

And people are often amazed by the fact that white rural and suburban women would vote against Hillary, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If you had spent your entire life being raped, would you vote for someone who would stop the rape? No, you want other people to get raped too, otherwise it's not fair.

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As someone from Toronto who goes up north in the summertime, I do find it interesting how people who live in rural areas are always such slow minded, dim witted retards.

The rape rate is far higher in the cities, retard. ALL crime is higher in the cities. Just shut the fuck up and get out, idiot.

>incelposting in broad daylight


fucking chink.


How does that post even ELUDE to being an "incel" u fucking retard man.

If cities are so great why do they invariably produce state-killing decadence and anti-natalism

when has communism worked?

He's a nationalist alright.

A nationalist for the nation of israel.

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>American proto-protectorate talks shit about its master

I guess Germany is going through its angsty teen stage.

Lolwut I really thought this was going somewhere intellectual for a second

>As someone from Toronto
I bet they say the same about your gay yellow ass

>pulling our troops from Syria means Trump is part of the ZOG
you people are so desperate

>yes, you just have pay a small fee goy.


Oh look another shill thread.

You will never be an elite no matter how many children you sacrifice, no matter how many dicks you chop off, no matter how many foreign objects you stick up your ass.

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the boonies are for people with no ambition, no brains, or people who just couldn't cut it in the big city. Luckily, they are overrepresented in Congress and the Electoral College, so it takes a LOT of votes to overcome their advantage.

Democrats have to gain an 8% lead just to break even in Congress. Look it up.

Ahmed, you clearly don't realize that the most opportunities to make a shit ton of money is on the rural parts of every country.
Please tell me how much money are you making in a cubical in Munich and how much money does the farmer from Bavaria?
Your logic is retarded, stick to the gender studies Ahmed, it's your only hope to get minimum wage and have a chance with a white bimbo.

Also, the least violent parts of the U.S are the ones with least blacks (aka democratic voters, highly educated too, right?)
Why are you fixated on rape, user? Did you rape some broads in Germany when you came from Syria?
I'll drink a shot for every time you wrote rape, I'll post another one after I'm shit faced, Ahmed.

Manitoba and Wyoming are comfy, shut the fuck up.

imagine ruining europe for a third time in a hundred years.

>all these triggered rural and suburban retards itt

Guess I hit a spot.

Not triggered, not suburban, not uneducated.
Project more Ahmed, please take time to answer at least the posts that are reasonable.
You literally posted a monologue and can't even have a decent discussion in English.
Is it that hard to use google-translate?

The post was good enough that I wish you'd engage

Obvious fucking bate. Sage this fucking shit.

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>be Germany
>have yes go zones so your women don't get raped by somalians

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>Not triggered, not suburban

The triggered retard doth protest too much, methinks.

“nationalist and globalist” is a way of explaining to people with sub 100 IQs he’s an “internationalist”. why are all germans so weak, and pathetic?

Lead-contaminated (and worse-contaminated) water

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This one actually makes me laugh.

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>Donald Trump's trail of broken sphincters

Attached: trump shart.jpg (1006x1024, 94K)

Why do you care about American politics? Shouldn’t you be concerned about the extinction/ethnic cleansing of Germans? Disgusting bluepilled fag!

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Stay mad the evil cunt was exposed. City people would wither away if rural nation sustainer stopped feeding them. Doesn't sound to smart to me.

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Apologies to Jow Forums for the extreme faggotry of the OP, who has been rounded up and gassed.

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>What are they going to do, call the police? Of course not, the police is there to rape too.
>If you had spent your entire life being raped, would you vote for someone who would stop the rape?
>No, you want other people to get raped too, otherwise it's not fair.
First time a German has made me laugh.

Glad you had fun with the spergs.

>tfw no pic of sharted Merkel

This is pretty good. Is it pasta or fresh?

>Glad you had fun with the spergs.

I did, and they make it so easy

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i'm ded

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Bavaryan pasta is always served fresh.

Cities compose almost entirely of niggers or chinks. The few whites are absolute degenerate hipsters.

The real men live on large acerage and a homestead and sometimes sell food to gook savages in the city.

btw go back to Algeria mohammed you're a disgrace to hitlers clay.

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I grew up in the American rural south and everyone in the city is a fucking retard. The dumbest rural person would easily outperform your average joe in the city(Like LA where I live noe). I have to explain basic 5th grade level shit to people that do the same job everyday and you wonder how they even function in their current job at all. Literally lived in Hawaii and worked with local Hawaiians and even they are smarter than any fuck in LA. I have no medical training and my spouse has rare medical problems and I am having to constantly tell doctors how the body works. Fuck city people they are brainlets, I have to do EVERYTHING myself or it doesn't get done right. Housework, yard work, mechanic work, going to the doctor etc. etc. etc.
I just wish someone would nuke LA. Idc it was our own gov’t just to start war with Russia just plenty kill everyone here before it spreads, even if i have to go down with them

is this even a passing shitpost? such low effort

Herpie derpie, Trump is the savior of the White Race!

Attached: Trump Jew Puppet like all the rest, including Putin. circus-maximus-interview-rainer-1990-who-contro (813x1137, 384K)

>So what are you going to do? Well rape, obviously.

Non sequitur.

I'd love to see you try writing this incoherent garbage post in E-Prime.

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And yet, rape is rare in rural areas but widespread in cities.

The cities are overrun with minorities, so it's not surprising.

That was really poor bait, BTW.