Are you religious or athiest?

What's the split between those who believe in god and those who are atheist here on Jow Forums?

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Im asking because all the memes and discussion paint this place as religious but im not sure that is the case

>jew god or no god

those are the only choices you can think of?

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I'm atheist, although I genuinely wish I was Christian, and just believed blindly. I would be much happier but much like this damn site, I can't go back.

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>Tips fedora

As a heathen I belief in many Gods, even in Jew God, who I call a Demon.

I believe in God but I don't follow a religion. I believe that the Abrahamic religions twist concepts in self-serving ways, and drive a lot of good people away from God.
Sums up Christian posters.

there is no split, we all believe in putin

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>Either you're Judeo-Christian or you're an atheist
I hate this brain cuckery so god damn much. Your religion isn't what you think it is.

Quality shitpost. Thank you based user.

>I believe in God but I don't follow a religion.
Out of curiosity, is there a name for that?

>Out of curiosity, is there a name for that?
Deism or Humanism.

Secular deism. It's what America's founding fathers were.

Atheists are sadistic. They enjoy the mental anguish that comes with denying a Creator. Believe in God you FOOLS and experience ENLIGHTENMENT.

Also, Hinduism. It's not really a religion, even. It believes in a God that manifests as all creation (Brahman), but also more specific avatars (Vishnu the father, Krishna the son), as well as many other divine beings who are /not/ heretic to talk to or be a patron for. Their system isn't about control, and it shares the same root mythology as Christianity, Sumeria, Hopi legend, Norse, Roman, Greek, etc.

The Vedics are most based. They were proper Aryans. It gets a bad rap because christians think it's a brown person religion. Lmao.

Enlightenment is just remembering your past lives. ;)

>Believe in God you FOOLS and experience ENLIGHTENMENT.
Just like the billion followers of Muhammed (Piss be upon him) are experiencing enlightenment?

>Enlightenment is just remembering your past lives. ;)
Enlightenment is daring to think for yourself.

-- Kant

This seems definitely wrong, it says it's a nontheistic life stance but user believes in God

Deism sounds interesting. And the Hindu part as well, but I did think it's a religion?

>This seems definitely wrong, it says it's a nontheistic life stance but user believes in God
No, that is wrong, you can be religious and be a humanist.


Christianity is the lamest fucking religion.

Try reading the Old Testament sometime:

>It talks about Jews
>God kills some people
>*flip to a different part*
>It talks about Jews
>God kills some people
>The whole fucking Old Testament is like this

Man, non-Jewish people really believe in this religion and "Holy Book"? Hahahaha, you'd have to be a fucking moron to do that.

Then so are Christians.

neither, I'm spiritual.

Religious or Athiest

Deism or Gottgläubig ("believing in God") as it was called in Nazi Germany, more or less.
The only story in the Old Testament that I like is the one about Joseph. The worst is the one where Yahweh hardens the Pharaoh's heart and then kills the firstborn son of every Egyptian.

I'm not insane, if that's what you're asking

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Deist, i believe in god but i'm not religious.

>No, that is wrong, you can be religious and be a humanist.
Well I don't know, I'm just telling you what is written in wiki and it is pretty clear there that humanism has nothing to do with Gods (or religions).
Therefore it doesn't properly identify the user I asked.

Indeed, I think I'll go with Deism as my next project

The OT is just there to serve context for the NT. I would argue that many philosophical questions on life and God are found in the NT more than the OT.

>Indeed, I think I'll go with Deism as my next project
You might like the writings of Thomas Paine, one of America's founders as mentioned.

Anyone that thinks the entity that told jews to enslave mankind is real needs to get off this board.

Direct relationship with God/Aliens

>Well I don't know, I'm just telling you what is written in wiki and it is pretty clear there that humanism has nothing to do with Gods (or religions).
No, the wiki clearly states something differently.

Epic. Simply epic, good gentlesir. *tips fedora* *tips fedora again*

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I think I'll live if I don't make up my mind. Can't be disproved nor proved so I don't care.