>work in a very technical, objective oriented field
>was a candidate for a promotion
>the promotion would have increased my wages by 20k
>other candidate was a shitskin
>management collects performance statistics on every employee
>according to the metrics management collected I had 5x the work output, made fewer mistakes and solved significantly harder problems
>sorry user, but the other candidate fit in more with the company's vision blah blah blah blah
I'm want to hand in my 2 week notice.

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Can you sue? You should consider suing.

>5x outpout
>dont get chosen

any lawfags know if this is a potential suit?

The law won’t save you fucking underaged retard.

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>I'm want to hand in my 2 week notice.
Seriously try to find another job if you're that mad.

Maybe you're just a cunt

If they already gave him the promotion it's pointless to give your notice immediately. You'll just come off as petty to everyone

As a fellow Canadian; just say you're trans and sue them. Prove you're better qualified but they picked a man over you, a trans woman.

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Good luck with that. Companies pull out some secondary unmeasurable shit metrics to legally cover their asses everytime.

Just quit and fuck over your company. Join another one if your so important

Say you're a transracial transgender muslim

Find a new job, or take legal action.

This fight fire with fire.

No, it shows that there are repercussions for corporate decisions to be politically correct.

Quitting will cost them more than the 20K in productivity losses assuming OPs 5X metrics are correct. He might also get a raise by quitting and joining another company.

Here, you should win suit easily based on racial discrimination grounds. Not sure if the same would work in a leaf country. Either way pack your desk and hand in notice, if they chose to ignore their own performance metrics for some political bs, that place is going to fall apart sooner or later, and you don't want to be there when it happens.

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where's the proof

Get some interviews at major competitors. if you’re as good at your job as you claim and this is a true story then I’d imagine they would want to snap you up pretty quickly

Then hand it in, you've done your crying now get back out there.

That's horrible logic. OP should immediately leave and cite this promotion issue as why.

apply for a job at another company while you still work at your current one. in the meantime lower your work output significantly, eat a lot and make sure to shit at least 3 times a day at your job.

>assuming OPs 5X metrics are correct.

He's a 14 year old edge lord. It's all made up

Is this something that actually happens to Canadamutts? I always assumed that the diversity hire shit is a meme

reverse discrimination/affirmative action is encouraged by the government

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Beat them at their own game.
Say they didn't choose you because you are jewish and they are being antisemitic.

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In jobs where what you do doesn't matter too much it can happen

>according to the metrics management collected I had 5x the work output, made fewer mistakes and solved significantly harder problems

Mate that’s the problem right there. If they promote you they’ll lose efficiency. You cucked yourself by being a worker bee. I would start searching for a new job. While you’re still at Diversity Corporation, massively reduce your work output. You busted your back working hard and got nothing for it.

I hope you learned your lesson.

If you can provide concrete evidence that your work was superior you have a solid lawsuit

>I'm want to hand in
Maybe you were not at bright as you thought you were.....

And here’s Raj

>I'm want to hand in my 2 week notice.
Do it, faggot. Start looking for other jobs at your deserved pay point and when you leave your current company they'll fucking feel it assuming you aren't lying.

When I worked for the goverment I was on the hiring/promotion teams. We couldn't explicitly hire people based on skin color, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Also being the government there is basically nothing left to chance or personal preference, at least officially. So what we had to do is make a scoring metric to rank canidates on, but we coiuld make it different for every single hire.

>Team A needs a black guy
>6 white canidates, with better references and better employment history
>Black Guy is certified in CPR
>CPR Certification now weighted high enough to outscore whites.
>It never mattered because the people that review us knew we did it.


Oh and real advise is to shop around for other jobs, get an offer, go to boss and ask for a raise or you are leaving. Assuming you are as good as you say.

this is what i was thinking. at least ask for a raise.

Go be neet. RIght now youre just paying to get cucked by foreigners on welfare and foreigners taking ur job

but working under diversity hires is fun because you can at least embarrass them in front of important people by asking question you know they don't know the answer to.

or this

>Be anons ancestor
>This surely won't backfire on my bloodline
>Read this post
LMAOing at your life right now!!

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This. That company is headed to shit. Do your own thing and definitely hand in your two week notice. Also, you sound young. That's fine. Just get used to this type of shit. We all have stories about being discriminated against when it comes to job opportunities. Don't let it beat you down, use it to beat them down.

If only you knew how bad things really are.



It would be a shame if something were to "happen" to the skitskin. Are you really going to let a little happening stand in the way of a 20k promotion?

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Holy shit this nigglet literally wrote in runes lmao

I would think no unless it was somehow promised in a contract. The business didn't take anything from him, they just didn't give him anything more.

>5x outout
Why would they want to take you from a position where you are excelling at so much? You gotta remember capitalism is very jewish and hard work doesnt pay off.

Check out this thread if you want >>

Section 15(2) of the charter, but that's for government. You don't get those same protections from a private company, it would depend on legislation which would unlikely allow whites get promotions they deserve.
Not law, just did a course on the charter in undergrad. This HR/PR bullshit is fine.

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Shitskin was better than you at socializing. Welcome to office politics, kid.

discrimination based on skin colour?

Again, I am not sure how exactly leaf law works, but if there is some performance metric in place and that metric is the only ground for promotion, and there are no "special" affirmative action promotions made known to the employees in advance, then they are clearly discriminating and you have grounds to sue (and win).

However, if they have planned affirmative action promotions / openings besides official metrics, and that was communicated in advance to the employees, then I would not bother suing. If you already knew that only top 5 performers get promoted and there is 1 more AA promotion, and you were 6th by whatever performance metric they employ, you could still try to sue for discrimination but I am skeptical of the positive outcome.

Where's your leaf bro?

This. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the shitskin is more charismatic and likeable than you? Hard work and efficiency won't always get your farther in life than being likeable will. This vietnamese girl at work is significantly more productive and hard working than me but she's also a lot more unlikeable so the bosses always give me opportunities and praises that she never gets

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>Find a new job,then take legal action.

Claim to be jewish, accuse them of anti-semitism.

>A fucking leaf
>Not a whole fucking tree and a Vicuña.
Please don't speak to me again.

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depeneding on what promotion was desu. if it meant harder/more technical stuff or was it promotion to supervisor or some sort of team leader. leaf should clarify

>Either way pack your desk and hand in notice
This, leave this nigger loving company

>I'm want to hand in my 2 week notice.
Do it. How does someone who puts in 5 times the effort like getting told they don't fit in with the people they're helping? Just leave and let the cards fall.

>"28 is looking good on me"
>Doesn't look a day under 40.

made me chuckle

Have you ever worked in an office? Promotion is 70% networking and asskissing, 30% actual work.

Make sure you tell them why you are leaving without sounding like a racist. Send your letter to all employees too.

Serb lawyer. I have land in Croatia. How can I sell it? Real estate agent or get a law firm that speaks English to act for me? Not a citizen, have fee simple (not sure what your part of the world uses).
Also how's your lifestyle? Wanna move there with my wife if I can work there and be comfy. Law student now.

Literally this,
>Buy a neckale with a star of david,
>Wear it every time you go to your boss
>Every time you have a vacation tell your colleagues that you were visiting your relatives in Israel
>Eventually accuse that shitskin of antisemitism.

The role is technical in nature. I do not have management skills so I would never apply for a job like team lead

so he should continue being cucked at his current job?

>I'm want to hand in my 2 week notice.
Then do it, you pussy.

I'm sure judge Lev Bronzestein will side with him

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Racial discrimination suit cut and dry, that's of course assuming your not full of shit.

Which you are.

Older fag here who has been in a technical industry for a long time. The issue may be your competence. Competent people are often stagnant because they are needed. You may be harder to replace.

Yeah I'm in the process of getting a promotion now. The simple way to get one is do everythign your boss asks you to do and make yourself invaluable to them.

>get exposed when 1st israeli/jew comes into the office

Just cut down your work output by 80% then since working 5x as hard doesn't mean anything.

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Just resign bruh, you said 5x work right? Their lost. Find the other competition.

Problem with the free market, goy? It's their company so they have the right to do anything they want. Why don't you just start your own company instead? Need a loan?

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If you can prove the numbers then write a letter to the CEO and at the end of it provide an ultimatum. If the company isn't meritocratic then you have no reason to stay with them.

Start your own company so your productivity isn't siphoned off to support workfare for nonwhites. Then it'll only be stolen from you through taxes to give them free shit.....Oh

Sorry kid you don't fit with your nations vision of the future guess you'll have to start a new one.

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Maybe the promotion is a management track and they didn't think it would suit you in the long term. Jump ship, apply for jobs immediately and once you have a job lined up and a start date give your current employer the shortest notice possible. Do NOT hand in any notice before you have a job officially lined up and you know when you start and you have signed paperwork

how would he get exposed? You think all jews are super read into their sand nigger religion these days? Nah they are the same brainless wankers we are

Go start your own company and quit being a slave.

Do it. They'll fuck you over again.

UBI is the only way

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You dont have jewish name?
just tell them that your father's name was Schlomoshekelgoldbergstein and he accepted your mothers name after marriage.

This, but without the ultimatum. The CEO almost certainly will not respond but will likely go to your manager, who will be extremely butthurt that you went over his head. If he's petty, which he probably is since he's management, he may fire you. Then you would simply need to file a wrongful dismissal suit, which the company will immediately pay without the matter being brought to court because, like all companies, their logic is that it's better to settle out of court than welcome bad PR.

You've now fucked over the company, profited, and are free to find a new job.

That picture is fake right??

I did this and I got big bonuses, like 20-30k in a year, boss loved me.
But after a while it gets old.

Of course it's not fake. Day of the wall is real for every roastie

>I have land in Croatia. How can I sell it?
Real estate agencies in Serbia are scummy as hell, avoid them. I imagine situation in Croatia is about the same. Any semi-competent lawyer would do.

>Also how's your lifestyle?
Competent lawyer can reach upper class here quickly. It's not like in the west though, upper class here starts with about 40k$/y.

>Wanna move there with my wife if I can work there and be comfy. Law student now.
If you reach that 40k or more you can be quite comfy. Just avoid dealings with the state as much as possible (as a corporate lawyer I don't have much connections to the state). Also in personal life, have private healthcare, private pension, avoid public transport, send kids to private school and you will be fine.

>racial discrimination suit cut and dry
>assuming you're not white
>which you are

It’s not a meme

I don’t know what “objective oriented” means but you sound like a worker drone that watches pornography. Get your resume outs. The best want the best. Don’t lose heart, that is, don’t be a pussy.

Meh, no matter what, OP will be working 10 times harder than a multiracial transgender pansexual otherkin who works in HR as a diversity coordinator for a nice wage in a comfy office in a big city. Us white men can either grin and bear it, work abroad where we're better appreciated, or withdraw as homesteaders. I don't think OP switching from Mr. Swindleberg to Mr. Swinestein for an extra shekel would impact his life that much.

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No, thats the way to become valuable as a worker and NEVER get promoted.

>I'm want to hand in my 2 week notice
A real man would quit on the spot telling them to go fuck themselves. If you are as good as you say you are finding another job should be no problem

That's what happens in the real world user. Being a white male means you have to work 100x as hard. You have no recourse.

I've been fucked over by women who do literally nothing all day getting promotions before me. It's the way the world works. White man bad.