Look at all of these beta INPOORS begging on their knees for crumbs from Bernie. The onions...

Look at all of these beta INPOORS begging on their knees for crumbs from Bernie. The onions.s are still rallying for Bernie? Never learn..

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i guess itll be a repeat of 2016 again. Didnt work the first time, wwhy would it work again?>

>pussy hat in background

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lol i cant wait for the dnc to steal the primaries again from this independent democratic socialist has-been.

literally who

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Imagine being desperate for a roastie

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This is why Trump is forcing the "colleges" to have the diversity of thought. They all have gender study degrees and were promised a job, yet in the real world, nothing exists to employ such worthless knowledge. I am so sick of how many Americans have just been told they can do whatever they want for so long that they get to the point where they just stomp their feet and demand success even though they won't reflect and figure out why it didn't work for them. Most of these assholes are not hard workers, and you can see that from this picture alone. They are just pulling the love everyone, but force someone else to pay for "my shortcomings" bullshit. If there ever was a civil war this crowd does not even look like it knows how to hold a gun.

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