Look at all of these beta INPOORS begging on their knees for crumbs from Bernie. The onions...

Look at all of these beta INPOORS begging on their knees for crumbs from Bernie. The onions.s are still rallying for Bernie? Never learn..

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i guess itll be a repeat of 2016 again. Didnt work the first time, wwhy would it work again?>

>pussy hat in background

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lol i cant wait for the dnc to steal the primaries again from this independent democratic socialist has-been.

literally who

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Imagine being desperate for a roastie

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This is why Trump is forcing the "colleges" to have the diversity of thought. They all have gender study degrees and were promised a job, yet in the real world, nothing exists to employ such worthless knowledge. I am so sick of how many Americans have just been told they can do whatever they want for so long that they get to the point where they just stomp their feet and demand success even though they won't reflect and figure out why it didn't work for them. Most of these assholes are not hard workers, and you can see that from this picture alone. They are just pulling the love everyone, but force someone else to pay for "my shortcomings" bullshit. If there ever was a civil war this crowd does not even look like it knows how to hold a gun.

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He should women are awful

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fucking grim

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Bernie beat her to the punch. He raised a ton of money had a lot of supporters then bent over and took it up the ass to Hillary. By far my biggest red pill was Bernie cucking and then just propping her up overnight. Yet he is doing the same thing this time, and he will get tons of donations to be the second or third viable Dem candidate. Once you see through it all, and that they are all just pawns to filter down to candidates of choice it makes you pick the person not talking about gibs for all.

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i just prepare for the country to just go down the fucking shitter.. even if Trump wins again

Trickle down politics lol

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more 20 year old faggots that just came/will come of age in 2020 to vote for more garbage

What a shame... There very pretty, and unfortunately fucking retarded.

theyll be raped by niggers soon enough

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Would do 1,2,3 and 4

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We survived Obama I think we will be just fine. I am not worried even if a socialist got into office it would lead to either civil war or our constitution would protect us from most threats. Also from Obama to trump most of what they wanted to get done did not get accomplished. The president appears to have more power than they actually have when everything they do has to be run by the other parts of our government.

>Have half white boy
>Wow so diverse
>Kid grows up and finds white women more attractive
>Gets white gf, eventually has whiter kids
>Whiter kids grow up and have more very white children

There'll always be white people on this planet regardless of what people try to do. Nature will always find a way.

based nigger

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The first time I ever did shrooms, I saw this film in the theater (was during my freshman year of high school). The 2 girls I watched it with put a bunch of gel in my hair (so much that it remained in there for days, despite constant shampooing) and thought they saw Nickelodeon stars Kenan & Kel in the audience before the show and went to get their autographs. They returned giggling and embarrassed, saying that it was actually just 2 fat black women. I was apparently chewing my shirt throughout the entire film and during the scene where Affleck's character is presumed dead, I looked over and saw my 2 female friends holding each other and crying. I suddenly became very confused, thinking Affleck had actually died in real life (because why would they be crying if it was just a movie?). In short, I probably had a better time seeing this than anyone else ever has but objectively, it's still a pretty brainless disaster flick.

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How’d that white man find so many white ppl in NYC?

Military disqualifys you for dumb shit.
Get ADHD medication prescribed when I was 16. Mfw this stops you from joining but wanting to chop off your dick does not

This is great instant loss for democrats

Making Israel and Soros Great Again

Yang 2020!

Please vote for my, I mean our approved candidates(tm)

Blocks your path.

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are you mentally ill? why would you fight in some israeli war?

Trump IS Isreali

>No refunds

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>whores make history
Wew lad

>white people are the master race


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He looks like he has a permanent JUST hair, kek.

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Every time

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If he had only worked out, and used bowls for eating as opposed to haircut templates.
This could have ended very differently.

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muslims are scum