Women can't rape

Women can't rape...

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god I am so lonely

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I would’ve decked that cunt in the face I’m saving myself for marriage you fucking whore.

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>not fucking her whore mouth until she chocks on your cum
what a beta ass faggot

he could have just
you know
stood up

You are not lonely because God loves you

I hope so, that sounds nice

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Oh, it's this thread again...

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The future Queen of England.

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Tell that to my wallet.

My gf pulls this kind of shit every morning while I try to sleep. It's cute for about a week

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Mud people are fucking gross.

what a faggot

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She can't ever be Queen.

You always have us user!

>She can't ever be Queen.
She's Jewish, ruthless ambition is on her side.

Start lifting and eating clean food.

Works every time.


Its like, I'm forced to have sex whenever she wants or I'm worried she'll go for someone else. Talk about toxic femininity like holy shit. I'm trying to watch this Hitler documentary bitch stop grabbing my dick

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make a tulpa

hahah Nepal is fucking based

I watched this mini documentary yesterday
What a coincidence! Tell me about Portugal.


How do I into tulpa?

>Nonwhites lusting over white dick

It's so nice seeing a woman be playful and trying to seduce her man. All too often it's just the woman laying there doing nothing.

god im lonely

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>tfw no madly in love girl will ever fight me to get to my cock
Why. Even. Get. Out. Of. Bed.

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Low test fags

You're the reason white women go to niggers and spics for fucking


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But, you can just give her a smack, if this was actually not consented.
Self-defence that would be.

It's actually spelled chalupa

Why does India not use utensils? Even the nips have chopsticks and don't eat with their filthy hands.

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.t virgin

theres no man on the planet that can fuck 2-3 times a day, every single day, for over a year without it getting tiring. Especially throwing in all the bullshit foreplay

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Yeah I think you're exaggerating just a bit. My ex's pussy would get raw from too much fucking. Any woman's will.

a dick-smack?

I'm assuming that guy is sick as fuck

No. But I could eat pussy every day, I know that.

You're actually just a faggot with a low sperm count. My advice would be to fast until after 4pm and eat a ketogenic diet.


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To do this, your dick would be to be erect.
I assume/this/ is not the case, though, dick smacks indeed, doing these things show dominance, which is quite natural biologically.

We also eat by hand. There is nothing wrong with it if you wash your hand before eating and after shitting. >_>

That would be so hot

>Tell me about Portugal.
Well aparently it's hip and cool to come to Portugal on vacations now.
We have tons of tourists all year not just on the summer time.
It´s a pretty laid back country, if you don't cause trouble no one will give you a hard time, even if you are smoking weed on the street or drinking.
Avoid bad places and it's one of the most secure countries in Europe.
We have party night that go on into the other day lunch time and it's sunny most of the days.

As for living here, we have pretty low buying power and houses, gas are pretty expensive for our wallet, but hey money isn't every thing, the best moment i had i didn't had to pay alot of money or no money at all.
If you are friendly here everyone will be friendly to you, if you find anyone friendly in a weird way, like overly friendly for a person you don't know, avoid and ignore said person, it's a crazy one or just to take advantage from you.

>Need to be

she looks like she's trying to apologize for something. He's right not to let her do this, if misbehaving makes her horny, she's bad news.

God fucking damn it, /x/

Did anyone ever find sauce for this?

>Why does India not use utensils? Even the nips have chopsticks and don't eat with their filthy hands.

Why does nobody eat "white food" and white people eat more Indian and Chinese cuisine than their bland puke flavoured gobshite? Why does an average "white" dinner basically consist of meat and potato because you were too poor to afford anything else. Why did you literally fight wars for the right to get Indian spices?

So, opioid addict, I'll be sure to use chop sticks to eat that burger oh no I mean that fried chicken oh no I mean fries...

You absolute retard where do you even get off on talking about Indian utensils. Most Western meals are basically dead rats boiled in brine. Yeah I'd use a spoon too if I had to eat that puke. Fuck off dickwad

why do brown girls crave the white man's seed so much?

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4 years and counting

Lmao, I can and I’m fucking 30.

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Damn, sounds fun! May be one day I will visit your country. Who knows. But I will remember your tips. Thanks dude!
Here is a video about my country for your troubles youtube.com/watch?v=8gTkgfOMkTU

Poo in Loo Pajeet!

Poo in Street!

Poo is even in the food I eat!

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>Why does nobody eat "white food"
>he thinks this is true anywhere except london and toronto where no one can cook not even the 2nd gen pajeets
didn't read the rest
just give up

Did you just talk shit about burgers and fries? I'm officially shilling for the paks.

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>Having lower sex drive than a girl

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>imagine getting this mad because you're a poo colored eats-with-his-hands toilet worshiper

i bet you stink.

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Didn't the last time that happened, someone made mlp characters and they beat the shit out of them, so he had to create Jackie Chan to defeat them?

>t. virgin
>nah bro I'd fuck her butt every single morning bro

pic related


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Pray to God and He will deliver a wife to you.

>Why did you literally fight wars for the right to get Indian spices?
Nigger we fought wars to get India you filthy brown peasant

Might as well start that transition

You'll find a girl or boy or whatever you wish some day, don't give up

This. I dont want to be woken up for sex. Dont wake me up at all. I am a sleepy person.

t. ladyboy

Good advice
Good advice
Good advice

If that's what you like

Ok honest question.
If a woman forces herself on a mans penis is it still rape?
Would you consider it as such?

>low T ladyboy already trying to please me likt I am her master

lol you are such a slut

I just know that you live in Brazil and so you need any glimmer of a good thing that you can get