How can you idiots still deny Russian collusion?

The facts are undeniable.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Ignore the fact that both the House and the Senate have conducted thorough investigations and found no collusion.

Actually reading that does make one wonder. That looks pretty suspect.

how many (((dual citizens))) are in the senate

Why don't you read some of the facts and come to your own conclusion? There was definitely collusion and you would be a fool to disagree.

>expelled from 100 countries throughout their history

Still not as many as the 109+ countries the Jews have been expelled from. how about we start with them first?

Does it matter? Every single non jew I mean Russian is a stupid dumb goy

Cool it with the anti-semitism. Russia is clearly the problem here.

No one is trying to argue the irrefutable facts of Russian influence? How Jow Forums has fallen.

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You're slow

American education.

Nice bait

Dual citizenship is a serious fucking problem in the United States.
>Leland Yin Yee is a former Democratic California State Senator for District 8, which when he was elected, covered parts of San Francisco and the Peninsula. In 2015, Yee pleaded guilty to felony racketeering charges for money laundering, public corruption, gun trafficking, and bribery.
Was leland a money hungry chink, or a deliberate chinese plant? no way to tell.

>Chuck (((no wall you goy fuck))) schumer

Strawpoll on dual citizenship

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>all of my idiotic countrymen itt missing the joke
Many such cases, sad.

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the only collusion is between you and your dog, leaf

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I missed it the first time too. Why I thought it might make decent enough bait for others to save too.

Jealous much? One day, a fine bitch will enter your life too.

If the collusion really runs this deep, it's been going on a long time. Therefore you would have to admit that Obama and the others also must have colluded with Russia, but you wont because you don't really care about collusion you just hate Trump.

>The facts are undeniable.

Thing is..... They colluded with Hillary. The last person the Russians wanted in the White House was Trump.

With Hillary in the Oval Office everyone knew it would only take a couple of bucks to get her to sell out her country.

>Please, copy and paste the proposed #PODA2019
Public Officials Disclosure Act #PODA #PODA2019
P.O.D.A shall include all federal, state and local elected and appointed positions:
◦ Full present and past name(s)
◦ Date of birth, origin of birth
◦ Any and all ties to foreign nations
◦ Any pending or past criminal and or civil charges as well as domestic violence orders and or allegations of sexual abuse
◦ Drug screening, D.O.T. compliant
◦ Full financial disclosure dating 5 years prior to election or appointment.

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the amount of fucking retards on Jow Forums

Jesus Christ, if we can get them to seriously talk about banning dual-citizenship using russians as an example, how long until the chosen people rise up demanding it not be so for them?

>missing the joke
It’s not a joke, user.

Russian interference is not inherently collusion you ding dong

Can't deny those facts. We should stop sending billions of dollars to Russia every year.

Negative they colluded with Trump.

They won’t. They’ll find some lone Chinese or Somali lawmaker, hold them up as an example of how this law is unfairly targeting (((non-Russians))) and demand that it apply only to Russians.

The shit show will be glorious, but they should have 0 exemptions. No one, no religion, no country and no people come before our very own Americans, NONE!

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Yes, (((Russian))) collusion in the American political system is a major problem that the Dems don't want to hear about anymore.

>Russian Americans account for 60% of GOP donations

You actually bought this? Russian Americans are about 1% of the US population, dumbass.

those numbers are not actually proof of collusion though

the US is an open society, all nations can subvert from within

Jews are the largest subterfuge in US government, here you have found 13 Russian ones

no dual citizens should be allowed in government and even that doesn't protect an open society but it helps

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No it's true and they were also expelled from over a hundred countries throughout history.

>all these retards missing the joke

wtf i love drump now

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Kek, thought it was legit until I read the third paragraph.

Russia in that pic is a code word for Jew.

It is not describing Russian's activities or influence in america but Jewish activities and influence.

They never want to hear about it, they don't have time, too busy blaming everyone else. The dems all have Smollet derangement syndrome.

Shit I'll need to look more into these (((Russians))) then

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My fellow Americans who seem incapable of understanding the subtext here: you are making the rest of us look bad. Please stop posting.

This is what interference truly looks like.

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God is everyone on Jow Forums so fucking retarded that they can't decipher the real message behind the image in the OP

Belief in a trump Russia conspiracy theory is qanon for the mainstream left

You left off corporate interests.

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>Russians have been expelled from over 100 nations throughout history due to their negative influence.
This one is stupid and needs to be removed. 'Due to their negative influence' is highly ambiguous and subjective. A normal person just reads that as 'these people are persecuted.'

It also makes it kind of obvious you're talking about jews

Ditto with the one about American soldiers.

Most people dont look at the images.

Why does modern journalism and new always try to tell you what to do and think?
>”and that’s a good/bad thing”
>”these facts will change your mind”
Maybe because it’s propaganda and not worth listening too.

>there are 13 Russian dual citizens in the US senate alone
Gee I think there's another, much smaller nation than Russia that has numerous dual citizens in US government.

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Retard. Reread the image.


Double Nigger

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Here's a hint for all you mouthbreathers: Replace "Russians" with "Jews."

gj leaf, this is fucking genius. We should push this on twitter. It’s so genius that even Jow Forums didn’t understand you were talking about Jews.

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I'm not even American and the second I read
>There are 13 RUSSIAN dual citizens in the US senate alone
I realised this was a major bait, but would be hillarious to drop this to the normies and see what they think of America's 'greatest ally'

I really can't believe how many people need to be spoon feed this.

It takes a monkey nigger like you to think that people wouldnt get that you need to replace the word 'Russian' with 'Jew'

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Thoth bless

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And we can get liberals to sign the petition because they think you’re talking about Russia.

No. That is the point.

It only adds evidence to the fact that 85% of humans are braindead retards, including people on this board. Death to Democracy.

What about Israeli collusion

dual citizenship is an antisemitic canard sweetie

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Russia is not shutting down my speech or taking my guns, or bleeding my country or for that matter flying in cannibals and pushing faggottry to children.

In you go.

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I stand with Israel because my buybull, Fox News, and Chuck Norris movies

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>russian trolling had a effect on peoples opinions.
>forget no collusion found by mueller

this thread is pure gold OP. Fuck all these idiots who didn't even read your infographic. ;)

9.5/10 great trolling with low effort.

It was -0.5 for low degree of difficulty.

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his nose is bigger than his pp :0

Exactly. The media has drummed up a fear of foreign influence. Use that fear to ban dual citizens in government positions. It is bad in every case except maybe diplomats.

You couldn't be more wrong about that, Christianity warns of the peril of the jew.

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Now we understand the strategy behind dumbing down and open borders.

Ahh yes.

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>Strawpoll on dual citizenship

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Yes OP, we all know Obama and the Clintons colluded with Russia.

And Israel. And China. And Saudi Arabia. And the EU. And the Five Eyes countries.

>having blasphemous memes
you obviously have time to watch the vid, do it faggot.

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Also lol @ nobody mentioning OP's pic is actually about Israel.

Go knock on someone else's door. We're not home.

ilel'd a lil

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Yes, the (((Russians))) are the problem. Let's focus on their Russian Federation Citizenship and ignore the fact that they are all Jews.

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dude i voted treasonous and it counted it as yes

was the 13th vote

no yes votes yet, that I see, bet we're gonna need 3 ropes.

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>jewish overlords
>Chinese overlords
>pic one
I’ll take jewish overlords everyday of the week

You really have no choice do you?


He just replaced Jews with Russian and Democrats with GOP.
