Is being gay morally wrong?

Is being gay morally wrong?

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Morals are subjective. Yes.

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No, but having the stereotypical gay personality is.

Being gay is gay.

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What the fuck is jock itch

Something Muslims catch from fucking goats.

It used to be caused by protective wear by athletes.
Fags are getting it because there wear tight and stupid underwear they believe is cute/hot.

Two males will always be superior to a man and a female.

The female is just dead weight to carry around, two men will do much better

Plus, you can still follow traditional roles and have one guy act as the female. You get the best of both worlds

fyi jock itch, athletes foot, and motherfucking ringworm are all the same infections


No, but proselytism of any kind is and is responsible for a lot of human conflict.

Ring worm in the crotch area

Do you enjoy demon possession?
If so then maybe it isn't

and of course, the one that looks girly is the white man because he has pink underwear while the one with pants is dark skinned

Good thread. Upvoted!

what the fuck is that thing on the right? it's dressed like a woman but has the body of a s*yboy

which one is cuter?

No, you should be gay all you want.

Gayness is just evolutions way of weeding out weak genes by preventing them from procreating

would you make out with Bern? lol

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Is wanting to murder someone wrong?
I would say no, but murdering someone is. Though Jesus said that wanting to murder someone is the equivalent of doing so in your heart, so I suppose it matters how much personal energy you put into it.
I think having passive attraction to men isn't morally wrong, but I think making the pursuit of men the core of your being and who you are personally, is. At one point in history not so long ago sexuality wasn't the core of our beings, and the fixation on homosexuality after its been socially tolerated and even legitimized through the ability to marry legally can only lead to societies destruction and enslavement rather than liberation and maturity.

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I'm like 90% sure gayness is not biological with most people. It's a choice after some type of molestation or something. I think it's been pushed as biological tactically to see "this is how I am" when it reality it's not. Are there biologically gay people, yes. I think there is a genetic defect that leads to being gay. But most are not. Just look how many "straight" dudes fuck traps. That's a fucking man you're anally assblasting Charley.

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Subhuman faggot detected.

Can faggots reproduce? There's your answer.

They can, actually? What are you, retarded?

Evolution does not exist. It has been debunked for decades. Liberals trying to brainwash people with science fiction bullshit. The complexity of life is alone debunks evolution, much less the missing fossil record. Charles Darwin was an intellectually challenged brainlet. Much like all of the current asshat scientists.

Not naturally you fucktard.

Evolution does exist. What do you believe? That humanity is the same it's been forever?

'morality' is stupid and wrong. it's a nonsense word.

being gay is wrong. it is an error. it has nothing to do with 'morality'.

Their sex organs don't just stop working, you dummy

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Pretty much. Actually a lot of humans are devolving. Mocking the ancients when they still cannot replicate the pyramids and a lot of other structures. All of the smart people are dead.


Blame that on all the pollution in our environment


Yeah okay retard. Then why don't you go get your fudge packed so you can have butt babies you mindless faggot.

Yeah, I guess we cannot just "evolve" to withstand pollution right?

>It's a choice after some type of molestation or something
I've always thought that whole, "you were molested" thing is insulting and absurd to try to use as a general statement. Especially because it's usually said by someone trying to "help". Assuming something traumatic happened to someone because they like something you do not is really stretching it in many cases unless they admitted themselves that they think an incident (or incidents) led to them developing that lifestyle. Biologically, psychologically, mentally, I think it goes beyond a simple choice or single answer.
One can choose to focus on those thoughts, or act on them, but telling a gay person to just stop liking men or women is like telling a heterosexual person to start liking thinking of the same sex in that way.

>Just look how many "straight" dudes fuck traps. That's a fucking man you're anally assblasting Charley.
Traps are gay, and that's what's great about them. They're still guys. If anything, it just goes to reinforce the idea that there are masculine/feminine dynamics even if the genders are the same.

I produce semen with active sperm. Are you also saying oral sex is a sin because it doesn't produce babies? Lmao

We could evolve to withstand it if we lasted on Earth long enough. Explain all the different skin colors if it isn't evolution

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its a fungal infection, you might get one if you have a cold, its warm out and your balls are sweaty

nope, be gay, noone really cares

i mean, some gays act like male thots jumping from dick to dick all the time, fuck them, but two guys loving, and supporting eachother ? nah, it's cool

>Are you also saying oral sex is a sin because it doesn't produce babies
BAsically yes.

Why are you talking about gays when your OP post has a male nigger and white woman?

Yes because it defies your biological imperative to reproduce. It is a rejection of your biological duty to advance the species. However I don't give a shit because most gays are faggots who shouldn't reproduce in the first place.

What you describe is actually very rare in the gay community.

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Pogo-sticking from dick to dick probably happened among gays more in the past because being in a (public) relationship was so frowned upon that hook-ups became the norm, but that's been changing and so more stable relationships have been appearing.

Knees weak, arms are heavy

Gays have existed in every society. They also had wives because of the societal duties of the time where everyone possible was expected to have children so things could continue and expand. Society has changed so now gays exist and, outside of familial pressures, there's nothing making them feel obligated to have kids if they do not want them. Really the same goes for straight couples as well.

Morally: Irrelevant
Ethically: Wrong

Pretty simple, dude.

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I think you're partially right, though
1) A victim's self diagnosis of why they're homosexual is irrelevant, thats not how diagnosis works, regardless of how insulting the process is
2) sexuality seems to be more on a spectrum of many different analogue systems internal to each persons mind set, and can be manipulated by stimulus outside of the individuals control or awareness of it even happening

People can be very sexual and straight, but if you put that high sex drive into an environment where women aren't an option anymore, it tends to shift their tendencies to whatever is available. Alternatively, they start gaining weight around the midsection, which messes up their hormone production and changes their sex drive.

Moral truths set forth in the Bible, that you put to death those that practice homosexuality, are helpful from a societal standpoint where population replacement is important because they add an extra stimulus that would get someone through a rough period without access to women, or inhibiting someone that is on the fence, or weakly on the side of homosexuality.
The whole thing with traps just goes to outline how far society has fallen and how very due for a Biblical level happening we are. When women are all manipulative Jezebels and the men are spineless, faggy, or cucked Ahabs, something clearly needs to right the ship.

>cannot replicate the pyramids
this has got to be the dumbest argument in existence and the reason religious cucks are derided the world over. what point even is there to attempt to replicate a useless mountain of stone?

and i suppose the dick just makes it better, right?

Only if acted on, due to the extreme risk of disease that cannot be ignored. Keep it 2D. Besides, what's wrong with being lonely? It lets you think and find your inner self and prepare for death.

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>a global network of communication and trade routes that can get you a package from across the world to your front door step the next day for anything less than your first born son let alone a few hours wages.
>the ability to launch people into orbit and robots onto other planets
>being able to pull up any information on virtually anything recorded in sound, text, video or other electronic medium from a device you carry in your pocket all made accessible for cheaper and cheaper every iteration
>getting someone to respond to an obvious bait post on the politics board of an anime forum
we can't replicate the pyramids with technology we are aware of that existed at that time because only literal retards are trying to, anyone with half a brain is doing something much more meaningful and interesting

I do not agree that the Bible, and strict adherence to it, is required to have a society. Morals need not come from one specific text.
All societies were stricter in the past even before Judaism and Christianity. It goes back to that there was so many hurdles and conflicts that if you wanted life to continue as it was then everyone needed to help maintain/expand the population. Since Western societies today are generally not suffering from: shortage of food, in constant warfare, or losing people to disasters and diseases, things are currently cemented as they are. There's very little risk of societal collapse anytime soon. As such, people have become freer to live how they want rather than how they are obligated. That's why shitholes like some Arab and African countries pursue the practice of killing gays (among other things that would never be accepted in the West today)- they are still in the mindset that this is thousands of years ago and those things are "necessary".

Also, do you know how many attractive gay guys get propositioned by women? It's not a shortage of opportunity in every case. Neither is it in straight people, some just do not seek only sex. It almost seems contradictory to suggest a linkage between being gay and not getting laid because one user suggested a linkage between being gay and being molested (which is sex, even if it's horrific and non-consensual) and you're saying a departure from biblical teachings (where sex before marriage is not allowed anyway) has caused gays because "they couldn't get with girls". That executing gays would encourage (force) men to eventually find a wife just so they could have that sexual release- which leads to marriages without love, poor raising of children, and destructive habits to try to cope with a clearly failed union. That seems way more evil to me than allowing two men or two girls with an attraction to each other to decide when and how to act on those feelings.

For the religious who follow a certain code of conduct, yes. To others that don't follow that code, no. And of course in both groups you're still going to have folks that diverge. You'll have atheists who see sex as a reproductive function and abusing that is wrong and you'll have Christians that say 'go for it'.

It's a mess. So I don't care. I'll just try to teach my home.

Maybe to discover a more superior method of engineering?

No, it is because they are too fucking stupid to know how.

I'm sorry my apparently poorly worded post led you to conclusions that I in no way intended.

>I do not agree that the Bible and strict adherence to it, is required to have a society.
I Disagree
>Morals need not come from one specific text.
I assume you mean to imply that they have to come from somewhere, and there en-lies the rub. People are self-righteous when those morals come from themselves and what is good for them, and they can do no wrong while no one else can be right (by definition) unless they're a carbon copy of you.

>Also, do you know how many attractive gay guys get propositioned by women? It's not a shortage of opportunity in every case.
This is what I never meant to infer, its those outlier cases, that I'm talking about.

>That executing gays would encourage (force) men to eventually find a wife just so they could have that sexual release- which leads to marriages without love, poor raising of children, and destructive habits to try to cope with a clearly failed union.
To be clear, I was talking about encouraging men that are on the fence of "either will do", and although I think having a healthy sex life that is satisfactory between partners is necessary for a marriage to succeed, the love comes from an interpersonal connection that is achieved outside of sex. Sex has nothing to do with raising kids. Destructive habits form from a failure of purpose (which might happen if a very gay person with no attraction to women gets married to a woman) so I get your point, but again, these people are being executed, or at the very least, shipped off to gay island for quarantine, for the greater good.

I have never hated anyone with more hate than I feel for you right now, and I'm posting that in an thread about homosexuality as a person against homosexuality.


It's wise to encourage tolerance and an open mind on LGBTQ+ orientation and respect for their basic rights. We have to start teaching children from a young age about for all people, including gay people. Also, teach them about tolerance for different religious groups and ethnic groups. You have to start when they're young, otherwise they will grow up to be fascist bigots.

There is no such thing as morality

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In the era of over-population, No, but pushing it on children is.

>Fascists are bigots or vice versa
>There is no such thing as morality
Interesting and well thought out

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>Evolution does not exist. It has been debunked for decades
Eat shit you moron.

dont see it posted so here

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Almost certainly, it's part of the fun.

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I did think it out rather well. You've chosen to misrepresent what I wrote.
Not all bigots are fascists.
Fascism is a mixture of different elements.
However, bigotry can be one foundational factor behind fascism.

With that said, I must point out that morality is nothing more than a social construct. You can cloak it behind some religious veneer or you can hide it behind some high minded philosophical pretense. However, at the end of the day, human morality is something that we collectively agree upon as a society. Nothing else.

The US is a religious fundamentalist country. It can be very hard to cope for those of us who do not want to submit to someone else's concept of the universe. However, I've become used to it. Just ignore it, and carry on with your ideals.

Then heterosexual men ought to be taught better tolerance skills.

I wish, faggot.

Only if you worship a Jew

It's from toxoplasmosis gondii.

>Evolution does exist
the textbook definition of "evolution" exists because they purposefully defined it to be self-fulfilling axiom and thus correct by default. Evolution is the net change in a population's genes, that's it. Every time someone is born or dies the genepool has a net change, ergo it's right by default and evolutionists win their stupid game.

Macroevolution, the forming of new beneficial complex features beyond a couple of very simple gene edits, does not exist and has never been observed because it's impossible to happen given odds and the allotted time frame.