Age of consent should be raised to 21

Age of consent should be raised to 21.

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age of consent should start on the girl's first period.

prove. me. wrong.

it should be raised to 30 then all the degenerate problems would be solved

except the autism

imagine that. generations and generations of "pedophiles" in your family, to have it all ended in one generation of a single autistic kid because people don't want to be "degenerates".

Age of consent should be lowered to 12.

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and the boys first ejaculation

anyone who has sex with someone under the age of 25 must hang, anyone who is under 25 having sex must be arrested for social disorder, put into a re-education camp, and then put on a list that tracks mentally ill people for the rest of their lives

anyone who has art of paintings, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has pieces of plastic or rubber or latex, whose colour configuration depicts someone under the age of 25 in a sexual or nude position must hang

anyone who has masturbation paraphernalia or toys, must hang, they are unnatural, and degenerate

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Now this is what I call Edgy.

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>t. Alberto Barbosa
Because menarche frequently starts before a girl's pelvic structure is capable of healthily supporting a pregnancy, you creepy Muslim pedophile.

Both wrong, women can’t be trusted with consent so their legal guardian should make that decision for them.

I was 31 when i met my (then) 17yo gf. Getting married in april. Stay mad.

Kinda jelly user
Hope you have a happy marriage

That wouldnt change anything. If BOTH are below AOC then it is legal again. 12 yr olds can fuck 12yr olds...

What you want is female chastity. And that level of gov intervention is a no-go.
AOC should be 14, and age of majority should be 20, with a mandatory trade school. EVERYONE should be a plumber, carpenter, electrician, welder, auto repairman, before college.

Awesome girl but terrible feets

Age of consent implies it's okay to have premarital sex. We need to go back to sex outside marriage being socially disapprove of. Also give men's authority over their family back

so if it's about pelvic structure and ability to support healthy pregnancies, we are going to make laws on that and not age, right? right?

No, you're a retard who things all 18+ can automatically support healthy pregnancies.

that applies to more than just sex, user.

It means you cannot sign a contract until you are 21.

what if their legal guardian can not be trusted and decides the right time would be at birth?

Better have a council of experts who check for character and bodily developement and mental health, then make the desicion and hand out a certificate that proves the person is an adult.
This way u can also have retards stay children forever, preventing them from voting and hurting themselves with retarded contracts and heavy debts.

Age of consent should be 16. At that age a girl is grown into a full woman size.

It should be lowered to 14.

and you still wouldn't get laid

You need at least a year or two to get the tubes running.

>We need to go back to sex outside marriage being socially disapprove
sex outside marriage is fine as long as its not hookup culture

so u wanna ignore mental growth?
u think a 16 year old can take care of children in an apropriate way when they havn´t even finished school and are still children themselves?


LOL! Get an airtight prenup my man. It won’t last. She will stray guaranteed.

2nd. First period + 2 years and she's good to go. Waiting longer is pointless when she's got everything working.

Who said anything about children you freak? They can fuck just fine at that age...I say 14.

yeah, the Father's consent.

Exactly this. Women can't be trusted making live altering decisions on their own, they tend to self-destruct. We need to go back to removing choice from her and giving it to her father, or the next older male sibling or relative.

>what if their legal guardian can not be trusted and decides the right time would be at birth?
This scenario is so unlikely I don't know why you'd bring this up. Assuming it does happen there will be severe consequences for all parties involved. Odds are the father is the one most likely to have her best interests at heart

ITT pedophiles that just want their sickening illegal porn to be legalized

I hope you all get gassed

plenty of adults with no mental growth

are you going to make it illegal for people to fuck them too?
everybody knows you people are not interesed in physical or mental ability. if that were the case, you'd be worried about that being the case.

Divorced in 5 years when your wife's friends are fucking cum dumpsters with no responsibility and she's stuck with some 36 year old with 2 kids and has to be home by 11.

>Who said anything about children you freak?
that´s one of the results of sex. especially young people are too dumb to consider this and tend to not use protection, living only in the moment.

Sex outside marriage is never fine. Your ability to pair bond, a crucial thing for longevity of marriage, is harmed every time you sleep with someone.

Daily reminder that God himself is a pedophile...he raped Mary when she was 14.


pair bonding isn't harmed by sex, it's harmed by failed relationships.

there are some adults who are not responsible, yes.
But there are way more teenagers who are neither responsible nor have the financial means to support a family.
This will only result in increasing the number of wellfare recipiants.

LOL! Fundamentalist ugly Christian located.

This is so misogynistic and anti-Christian. No feminist or Bible thumper under 30 should even read it. (Or else they have to hang themselves.)

It should be made easier to marry and have kids.

Use birth control you fucking twat brain

I don't have any kids, and her freinds are all pretty successful. Sorry your life turned out that way, mr. Chow.

16 year old women used to take care of children as well as wifely duties just fine in the past. Of course, back then we didn't prolong adolescence like we do nowadays which has led to people in their mid to late twenties with the maturity level of teenagers.

I’m an atheist and don’t need my mommy’s permission.

okay, so we are talking about making it illegal to have sex with people based in their finances.

got it

what do we call those sick fucks who have sex with financial unstable people? pauperphiles? god i hate those sick degenerate fucks

calm down, Ahmed.

Well to be honest I said about being a full woman size because of that same reason. If she gets pregnant complications won't result. Young girls who get pregnant and are still very small need a cesarean operation or the baby growing inside would be too large for the small girl and may be dangerous. Plus at that age girls are aware of what sex and how babies are made. 13-16 years old of consent is the best years. But 16 is the best number since girls are pretty much grown. Less than 13 and you are going into that pedo realm.

>We need to go back to sex outside marriage being socially disapprove of.
In other words, remember to live by biblical principals.
Hang all the kikes in charge of our mass media
>So all information based on traditional truth, not fad
Dissolve all large scale gobmints
>So rules actually reflect the wishes of the people

exactly. that´s why only people with apropriate mental growth should be allowed to consent.

They still won't fuck you

That's bullshit. Your body releases hormones once you engage in intercourse with someone, and that diminishes with every new partner.’re gonna get old and she’ll still be young. She will dump your ass 4 sure or fuck around until she gets caught. I’ve seen it happen a dozen times. I’ve never seen it not happen. Not even once. Good luck user.

>okay, so we are talking about making it illegal to have sex with people based in their finances.
no we are talking about age of consent.
Higher is better, since chances are those people can provide better for children and are more responsible when it comes to birth control.

>Mental growth
Ya usually have to pick one, bud.

>pair bonding isn't harmed by sex

but they wouldn´t have finished school by then.
Get them pregnant at that age and u destroy their whole future and the chances of their offspring to be successful in life are way lower than if the mother had finished school and can provide better education to their child.
Why not just wait those 2 years? It would benefit society so much more.

My great grandmother left her country at age 14 by herself to become a nanny in england. She be fucking right mate.

Her feet are quite nice.

good for her!

said the manchild

Being a fundamentalist christian with family values is better than being a degenerate.

This is best post.

Well you're still gonna need a note from the pope and at least one of the women who host The View.

>being a turbo degenerate

No, the legal age of receiving welfare should be raised to 40, and all other age restrictions lowered to 14. The system would self-correct overnight. There is no reason that people under the age of 40 should access welfare. Similarly, 14 year olds are readily able to work, and modern schooling is just a glorified babysitting service for all but the brightest 20%. Let 14 year olds be declared adults, drive cars, go to work, buy booze and cigarettes, and yes, fuck legally. They won't wantonly get knocked up because there's no free housing to be gained, no additional child support etc etc. Hell, this would improve marriage rates and sustainability. Only tired roasties would ponce off welfare when they crawl over the 40 years old mark. Plus it's harder for older folks to get work, so it makes sense to pay them welfare.

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no, you still haven't made any sort of logical conclusion as to age should be the defining trait to consent.

first you bring mental ability. plenty adults aren't mentally capable.
then you bring financial status. plenty adults are poor and indebted.

that's your heavy hitter? chances? lol as if medicine and psychology and economy aren't sciences. people are either able or not, and plenty of underage are capable and plenty of adults are not and we can observe them and label them as fit or not. either make laws about that or leave the pretense.

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okay, so jail people who fuck financially unstable people, and people who are taking classes.

Yep. That's why women end up caring about their careers more than relationships since relationships don't mean anything to them after they fucked a bunch of guys.

They're also more like to divorce and cheat.

And it's why they think men want to do nothing but fuck holes and can't understand that there's a psychological and emotional element to relationships. The notion of a connection beyond sex has been fucked out of them by dozens of men.

>no, you still haven't made any sort of logical conclusion as to age should be the defining trait to consent.
see my first post:

Said the teenage girl.
You really shouldn't be here until you're 64 just to be safe. I only say that out of concern. Besides toilet seats, Chans are a leading cause of unwanted pregnancy.

ok ur right, let´s have all girls get pregnant when they hit puberty. that sounds very reasonable.

Voting age should be raised to 25 and highschool education needs reform with emphasis on history and English, with freshmen able to opt into a 2-year program for a full diploma. It should also be illegal for employers to require a college degree for a job; jobs such as Structural Engineer that absolutely require a degree already require certification that is dependent on completion of the required education (engineers, for example, take a certification test that is independent of their school and so it is redundant to require a college degree when the engineering certification already requires it.)

LOL! Sure user...just like your president!


aoc will become 30 come october 13

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>age of consent should start on the girl's first period
I can agree to that, but only for marriage, since the AoC is for consent to marry, and not for sexual activity.

If ya do all dat nigga, Republicans will never win another election. Ya gots to dumb the people down to get a Trump.

I agree.

but what if the child consents?

Stop nigger posting retard

>sex outside marriage is fine as long as its not hookup culture
Sex outside of marriage is hook up culture.

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Yeah, great just let the minors fuck around like rabbits without being able to start families or marry! Great idea. Adult men have been marrying much younger women for thousands of years for the purposes of starting a family. But nooo, you have to fuck 40 year old dried up sluts when you are a made man. The cultural stigma against 30 year old men dating 20 year olds has been entirely fabricated by middle aged feminist whores who failed to land a man while they were hot.

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>so u wanna ignore mental growth?
As if women ever develop mentally past child stage. They like children are self centered, and never think past the moment.

Egg quality goes down over time. People who can give birth are not children.

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Should be lowered to 14

Our president kovind? What?

Raising the age won't do anything unless there's a culture of social shame and stigma to go with it. Women that shag around should end up as social pariahs.
You want to really punish women and make them behave? Hit the as hard as you can in their social status/lives.

Women have no right to consent. Only their father, male guardian or later, their husband, can consent on matters relating to “it”. Women are property sold or bartered. /thread

>Sex before 1st menstrual cycle = crime against nature = death

>Sex after the 1st menstrual cycle but without fathers permission = crime against civilization = debt to father

Without fathers permission is a crime against your fellow man, let him decide who gets to plow his damned field lest you wake up to the sight of a nigger plowing yours.
Two simple actions, seek approval, follow through on repercussions.
No hymen, no support.
It's the *only* thing she has which is of any value to you, herself and wider society.

>My body, my choice
Well figurative hold their body above your head and let them say 'that's mine' just like every child would.

Ask yourself this men, if someone took something so precious from you, would *you* still accept that person's support?
Now ask yourself when women will stop accepting government sponsored, male funded gibs?

I personally could only answer these questions in one way.

Women are proto faggots.

Women never mentally grow beyond 16 retard. Look at all the 40-60 year old hags that still think they're "princesses".

>What are grandparents for?


If I could pay unscrupulous people to create a bot network which goes around the internet pushing my agenda, you'd have my 6 gorrillion upvotes lad.


fertility and other bodily functions are from primal times, where all that mattered was passing on genes and somehow survive long enough until the children can take care of themselves.
age of consent is a law from manmade society.
So for what we discuss here you need to factor in society and that means not only the pure survival matters, but also the quality of life for the mother and the offspring.
Henceforth we are back to my argument to at least let the mother finish their education and give them a chance to provide for their child without dependance on social wellfare.
If they are too young to have the mental capacity of taking a loan from the bank, why should they be able to make the desicion of not using birthcontrol cuz they think they will be with their highschool crush for the rest of ther life?
You only get unstable families and children without a future.

Child birth should be regulated by Government and citizens should be matched based on their strengths and weakness to breed children. Relationships between men and women should be banned and anyone caught disobeying the ban should face imprisonment. Any children birthed outside of the approval of the state should be taken by the state and raised as a military asset. Even having an age of consent is too much freedom.

Fuck off, Plato.

Age of consent WAS 21 until about 70 years ago. My grandpa had to get parental consent to marry.