CPAC attendees leave early as Trump speaks

Dozens upon dozens of CPAC attendees were seen leaving early well before Trump’s speech was over. A poll at the convention shows 37% of those attending want a primary challenger to president Trump. WTF? Is he losing it? Many interviewed said the “act” is a bit stale...getting old. “He needs some fresh material” one said. “We’ve heard it all before” said another. It seems the base is getting tired of the Trump show. Not good anons! Not good at all!

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They should call it jewpac


He'll be fine if he actually implements America First policies. Until then, who knows?

They already have that.

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...he’s been the “man” for two years & 1 month user. When’s that gonna be exactly? He’s already lost the House which controls the spending. When? How?

>were seen
>a (((poll)))
>Many interviewed
>It seems

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Making Israel and Soros Great Again, Yang 2020!

Please vote for my, I mean our approved candidates(tm)

Goys, don't research Yangs history of being deep selected by the Obama Regime. Goys he's totally not like the establishment.

Who do you support instead?

kys kike shill

Buh buh buh only 4 in 10 Americans approve of our God Emperor user...shouldn’t there be more of us now?...not less?

David Duke

Good luck getting him elected.
Got anybody with a realistic shot?

Rand Paul

trump is at 60% approval, his highest yet

I'd love to see it, but he won't primary Trump. Maybe in 2024.

He literally mentioned that they would say this during his fucking speech, dumbshit.

I’d truly like to believe that user but the sad truth we have to accept is that in an average of all the polls...even the outliers, he’s never been above 50% even once. He’s the only POTUS in history to not be above 50% anytime in his first 2 years.

He saw them walking out did I.

You have no power here, go waste your time elsewhere, you stick out like a nigger at a klan rally

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Yeah, well, if that's true it's also true that he was the only person facing a 98% chance of losing, according to the polls, that won. Why do you have any faith in polling, especially when considering (((who's))) doing it?

Have you seen, “Blackkklansman” ?

He saw you sucking did I.

Polling was spot on for the midterms user. Polls predicted a 40 seat Dem gain and that’s precisely what they got. They may get 41 when the N Carolina race is decided. If they had been off then I wouldn’t be concerned.

CPAC speech was better than anything a Democrat has done to generate buzz and you guys are losing your shit. i'm punching out of this gay thread. cope.

That’s not nice user...mean talk like that will make me vote for Bernie in 2020.

Because it was the longest speech he's ever given and they probably weren't expecting to be sitting there for like 2 and a half hours.

2016 showed us that they would have predicted a lefty win regardless.

You seem angry user. Peace be upon you by leafy brother.

They should have been concerned about the optics of walking out on the POTUS.

Maybe but they nailed the precise number exactly.

Holy fuck checked
Do remember that Trump isn't really entirely part of either party. I mean Conservacucks support him but I'd hardly consider him Conservative himself. I'm sure there were several there that don't give two shits about Trump.

Also I'd like to hear an actual source because this sounds like fake news anyways.

It’s all over the MSM this morning as well as a multitude of online sites.

Trump is easily as conservative as Rand Paul is liberal. Just no doubt.

>Not fake news
Also not it isn't. Googled it and saw literally one article.

Alright though Sheckelstein whatever you say

I just did a google news search of "cpac walks out Trump" and didn't see a headline like you describe for the first three pages.

I saw one on plebbit. it's the discord trannies doing their thing.