Rand betrayed us. Someone post the image of the one white kid saying “at least we have the constitution”

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Enjoy the veto

Sellout faggot. Do something about DACA, which was an executive power grab if you care about executive overreach so bad.

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Randlet has always been for open borders. Part of the libertarian credo.

>still not believing in zionDon

Lol this is the msn narrative this week
Enjoy the veto

His answer was a path to citizenship

Thank god it can be vetoed. Still, fuck the traitor rand

Enjoy a federal judge blocking it.

Washing chuck
Veto and move on ez fix

Is a federal judge more likely to block it now?

Fuck... what’s the point of libertarianism when you fight to allow people who hate libertarianism in?

Feudal judge lol
Enjoy the Supreme Court
Nothing you can do about it NPC

i suppose then it goes to the supreme court

When will U ‘pedes get it? No wall. A federal judge will block it as soon as Dumpy vetos it. The SCOTUS will tell him no because they will see that both the House & the Senate rejected it.

Trump betrayed you when he cucked on the shut down. Trump is a vigina, and manlet Rand is constitutionally correct.

Now the NPC is just pondering its narrative
Just like Trump said it will be challenged but continue just like travel ban that the msn NPC has shut up about

They’ll side with Congress

>His answer was a path to citizenship
My answer to that is 1776

What good is the Constitution when the hose and Senate are trators allowed mass immigrants

Fuck manlet

Salute cnn NPC
You can’t win
It’s over keep coped

Fuck libertarians and their cucked principles.

YES! I applaud Rancid Paul for doing this.. I normally hate him and his nutcase dad so much but for once he might be doing the right thing. FUCK THE WALL.. if anything we need walls to separate our prosperous large cities from rural white trash.

yeah like a year and half later, maybe

Yeah and my left foot is a lizard
Fuck off a veto can’t be challenge it by an 80% vote

You should never vote if you get your education form the msn retard

Which is why Trump should have left the government shut down, but he doesn't really want a wall and knew this would happen. He just wants you to think he tried and blame his failure on something besides him.

We already won faggot when the RTurds lost the House. You simply don’t realize what a fatal error that was on a dozen levels.

Why are democrats so belligerent towards poor Whites? You do realize that Hondurans and Somalis in the US earn an average of 20000 a year


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what a piece of shit
I wish his neighbor fucking killed him now instead of just breaking his spine
People are fucking suffering and these DC cunts sit on their asses

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> prosperous large cities
what happens when food and good trucks stop coming into cities. most shit you put inside you comes from rural areas. your energy likely does too.

End of it

Suck if these “technically correct” cope arrrticals to trigger dumb fucks into a frenzy

Whaaaaaaaaaa? You seem confused ‘pede. This will all silently go away which is what the plan was from the start of this NE shit. Dumpy will tell you he did all he could do and was stopped. He’ll simply lie some more and tell you he finished it and Mexico paid for it after all. He’ll tell you to go take a look at it. HA!HA!

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Literally had two years to build a wall and did nothing

Stfu nigger your nothing and always will be
Didn’t even half way read your shit


You best check with fat Donnie...he had dozens of them employed at his golf clubs. Did you sleep thru that story user?

Nigger they've all "betrayed" us. Look at what Zionists Don just did for illegals with letting them keep their amnesty.

AMWF hapa.

I'm all for gun rights. Any Asian who's for gun control probably looks like a little Tinkerbell.

He actually shit and pissed himself while he cried and begged for his life hoping the Dem neighbor would stop beating him. Hilarious and true. This is the next ‘pede commander.

Just like they ruled against the Travel ban right? Oh wait...

LOL! Veto is hardly the end of it Mister MAGAPEDE.

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First day?

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maybe they should have mandatory e verify
oh wait the uniparty wont do that

based Rand. Fuck Jow Forums

Didn’t read two sentences? Sure you did...unless you have ADHD user...very possible.

President Trump can literally declare another emergency at any time

>Has opinion on complicated subject
What's it like having everything so black and white?

Wouldn't Trump be able to veto that vote as well.

The travel ban was substantially altered from it’s original version but yes, they will side with Congress against Dumpy for a multitude of reasons.

This is correct...the uni-Party wants them here & here they will stay.

He can fill another diaper too.

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Why? What is even his reasoning?


Trump is a kike traitor

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>"Surely they have drumpf this time!!!11"

Yeah, this. That was my final redpill on libertarianism - it just can't work because the whole planet isn't working White men.

Rand and his dad are more American than Truimp and all his Jewish money.

Honestly this is good. Trump shouldn't need a shitty legal loophole to defend the border. Just order the military to do it.


Randlet votes against virtually everything, because virtually everything our government does is illegal/unconstitutional.




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This too

It literally won't happen

Pay attention young ‘pede...the “turning” has begun. There are dark days and even darker days ahead for the Dump family. You ain’t seen nut’n yet. Look back over the last two years young ‘ multiply that X 100 for the next two years of a Dem House controlling all the committees with subpoena power. Tomorrow a list of 60 names will be made public. The names are people who’ve been sent document requests by the House Judicial Committee. This is the committee where impeachment begins. You’re seeing the very early stages of what will become impeachment hearings.


Doesn’t work that way junior war lord.

Uhhhhhh...yes user...YES!

Just once can that faggot leave his principles at the door.

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Look at the last 2 years? We've all been waiting with bated breath for Mueller's findings of Russia collusion, and we already know he found nothing. So what's next? Switch to investigating something else? Surely he'll be impeached any day now...

Literally will not happen

>Switch to investigating something else?
there's already like 5 different investigations. The CFO of Trump Inc is testifying before congress next week, eventually they'll get him on something

>Mueller failed
Nobody gives a shit about congressional investigations. They can’t prosecute anyone. And Drumph did nothing wrong.

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Rand is based. Maybe next time dont declare a fake emergency because you cant get congress to to appropriate money for the wall

If they had something they would used it already. He's already done irreversible damage with the Q operation. You really think they would just let him sit in the oval office if they had something? Guess what? They don't. It's all stall and delay tactics to keep your retard Dem base fired up for 2020.

>because they will see that both the House & the Senate rejected it.
Thank God the Supreme Court doesn't work like that. They actually care about the Law.

>we are investigating people, not crimes
Hello, Stalin.

>They actually care about the Law.
The Court is a political entity from top to bottom. They care about their ideology and party line, and the law is just a method used to reach those ends.

Well yes, in the sense that a veto is more likely now, which makes it more likely that it will come before a federal judge.

But whether or not rand paul feels a certain way isn't going to affect how the courts rule on this. They'll hear and accept arguments that this is no emergency because the data doesn't support that, because Trump only decided it was an emergency until after he lost the votes in congress for it, etc.

Great more symbolic virtue signaling from the ineffective manlet.

Once more proving that libertarianism is a cultural suicide pact.

wow so brave of him to take a stand on this one order, and not any of the others

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Doesn't the president have to sign it for it to take effect?

Libertarianism is a self-immolating ideology. That's why we need libertarian fascism.

>It's all stall and delay tactics to keep your retard Dem base fired up for 2020.
yes, the Dems are all about winning in 2020, that's why they've got about 15 different fucking candidates lol

not really, it's more that Trump has committed a variety of different crimes, but no one is sure which ones he can be prosecuted for successfully since he is in the most powerful political office in the country.

I'm not gay but I have a finely tuned gaydar.Over the years many a cum guzzling faggot has tried to hit on me-all without success- I am that good at hiding my contempt for them that they leave confused with a deflated penis.

What's my secret? I hear you ask. The fact is there are many subtle nuances to a person's behaviour that if you know what you know what you are looking for even the most closeted homo will stand out.

Looking at your post set off a ping on my gaydar.

Fuck off pinger.

That's what you desperately need to believe, yes.

Unsurprised; he already committed Treason once before:

why would I desperately want to believe Democrats are bad at winning elections?

really starting to re-think my whole Stand with Rand un-waivering Philosophy.. i LOVE'd this dude.

smaller .gov knows the Bill of Rights like no other.. a total legal beagle.
his fillabustering kicks ass! 4th Amendment advocate
anti spying without a warrant. i could go on forevever of all the shit he is about that i agree with, but not this.. nope.

i am ready for war over that fucking wall. i want that mother fucker built and i want it built now. totally dissapointed in Rand Paul today..

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No one would come to america if there was freedom of association and no welfare state. Both libertarian principles.

>he has the deciding vote every time

come on retard...

if any of you were able to think you'd realize this is fast tracking a supreme court review. this is how you all get controlled, you can't see more than 1 step ahead

it is about support for Rand Paul and how he is making a huge mistake here.
not about veto power or the coming battles in the courts.

Post the fucking archive link you shill nigger faggot
