
Hello fellow anons, I'm going to propose a great idea that is sure to make everyone happy.

As we all know there's a major racial issue in this country that's bound to only get worse and worse as time goes on.
So here's my idea (and full disclosure yes I'm black), you don't like black people, we don't like you either, we'll never get along.
How about sending all of the 40M blacks in this country to the south, and allowing us to succeed from the union? All we need is farming equipment, and weapons to keep the cartels from running in.
And build the wall up and around our district with two entrances for trade and travel, we leave you alone, you leave us alone.
and feel free to send the Mexicans and natives too, we will gladly welcome them to New Africa.

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>All we need is farming equipment
>All we need is ourselves
Top niggers. I'll got an idea, fuck off

>now there's a major racial issue in this country that's bound to only get worse and worse as time goes on.

Why don't you go back to Africa? We don't want to share a border with you.

that's white land, you can have cuba instead, we'll repatriate all the white people living there

You're asking for too much land, but I'm not necessarily opposed.

Typical nigger tier idea
>Get handed land
>Get handed means to make a decent life
>Immediately become a third world country
>Demand handouts

>Hello fellow anons

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>you don't like black people
What? Says who? Why do black people assume everyone hates them?

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How about we return them to their homelands and be fucking done with it.

No. You niggers have all but completely ruined Mississippi. All you do is breed and demand to be fed, and then you breed even more. We tried sending you back to Africa, but all you did was form Nigeria and guess what? You’re still fucking starving to death over there. If we “gave” you those southern states, you’d be hopping the borders faster than the spics.

You aren't capable of moving 40M people across the ocean to Africa, and that's unrealistic, we have more cultural similarities with white Americans than Africans at this point.
and plus we're already here.

cuba is in north america, fucking retard

How about as a compromise, you take the west coast, Cali Oregon and Washington, but you have to keep any liberals you find there.

Would you rather us in our own country or down the streets from you?
You all consistently bitch about not having an all-white Ethno-state, yet when peaceful options are presented you shoot them down.

Cuba is not a part of the North American continent.

How will this differ from Liberia or Haiti, other than having a land border for you to come across for the week's provisions?

that's like saying britain and ireland aren't in europe

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Because an agreement will be signed where no sanctions, embargos, or tariffs can be levied against New Africa by the US for the duration of 70 years.
Also, you're free to kill anyone who attempts to cross at the none designated points of entry without any complaint or aggression from New Africa.

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Stupid amerimutt HAHAHAHA

>telling whites to leave
>leaving blacks in charge of vast amounts of farmland to fuck up
welfare is reparations and they don't even deserve that. why not go the extra mile and send them to Mexico? I hear they're losing a lot of workers there.

I love it. Let's get it done. I imagine you guys will be on Liberia's level before you know it.

No American considers Cuba a part of North America, I'm sorry your nations are retarded.

Um no. Im black and well and hate other blacks. Most niggers hate other niggers. A country of niggers in the south is doomed to fail.

Most of the farmland is in the mid-west.
Hey, you won't have to tell them to leave once the see 40M blacks converging on that area they will leave.

whether you consider it central america or north america, it's still extremely close to the US, which was my original point

Why should we give up any amount of our land? If the net effect is removal of blacks we may as well go full genocide, no?

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I would be ok with this if you somehow got all the taconiggers to move there with you but there is NO WAY they would leave Texas

You're free to stay with white daddy in the US, we don't want you nor need you coon.

It wouldn't be peaceful, we'd still have to shoot your border crossing raiding gangbangers.

That will never happen, what will happen is whites becoming a minority by 2050, I'm trying to save you all as well, you all sound like the stupid ass Boers in SA who won't leave to save their lives because they're so proud and ignorant of what the future holds for them.

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Job creation! sounds like a win to me!

No. We must have geographic separation. The only real solution is to send you all back to Africa.

I do.
>inb4 ur a retard cuz u disagree

I unironically have thought of this idea and would fully support it. My only gripe with your map would be that we could not give up full control of the mouth of the Mississippi. So perhaps you take the eastern bank and we keep the western bank all the way down. But I have no issues with this and think it's best for everyone. Blacks should have their own country with its own government. There will be a wall though.

I wish this could be something we could actually discuss seriously. The major impediment is that whites are still not allowed to talk about self-preservation or self-interest apart form (((diversity))). So there could be no good argument for something like this without an acknowledgement that whites also deserve their won country to pursue their won interests. We're so far from that as a serious public discussion because of kike media.

I live in area you suggested.
If I never had to deal with you again I'd gladly sell my property and gtfo
The problem is most white southerners have the south africa "muh grandpa liver hurr" complex and will never leave.
A more workable real world solution is having black only and white only sub areas with mixed border regions. Basically segregation but black only regions where whitey can't go and bother you enforced by law.
In many areas of the us south this already exists in a de facto form.

All if this is larping and probably won't happen, but for dreaming's sake

I think you need to think smaller scale than the map you have drawn up. You simply don't wield enough power as a community to take that much land. Aim for something like western mississippi + new orleans. You pretty much own these regions as is, make it your power base. Outside of washington dc (where you're right at 50%) Mississippi is the only state where you're even approaching a majority (38%). Take a harder look at that map, most of those counties in the south you're below 25%.

Here would be my deal if Führer
West 1/2 of Mississippi + SE Louisiana + Extreme W Tennessee
We build a wall
It is a new and separate nation, if you are in that area you are no longer a US citizen, the few whites in that area do not have the protection of the US. They can flee to the US and be granted citizenship, you cannot.
We (whitey) build up infrastructure in your area
Blacks outside that area are given an offer of 150K to renounce their citizenship and move
Any black arrested in the US and convicted of a felony will be deported to your area. Once there you decide what to do with them. Not our problem anymore.
With this you will have a land of your own with water ways and gulf access. No excuses that it's bad land. Just on trade passing through the miss river alone you should be able to fund the existence of your state.

What if we dropped you off at a point equidistant between north america and africa, I bet you'd be kangz in no time.

I have a better idea. Now hear me out, we shoot them and kill them.

We already gave you a country nigger. Go to Liberia.

If I was a Yankee I would be more willing to agrees to this. It's not that unreasonable considering the alternative we face, but my family has lived in the south for hundreds of years. It's hard for me to agree to give up the south like that.

I also live within OPs borders and would gladly uproot and head north. I hate living around so many niggers. It's like a third world country where even chain stores are just run poorly. There are some black folks I like, but I feel like a foreigner in my own country. I'd happily fuck off north.

If blacks down south can't succeed with whitey propping them up, what makes you think they're going to succeed on their own? And by the way there are large swaths of the American South that can fairly be considered Africa.

And as far as reparations go, niggers never stop surprising with their constant demand of, "Write me a check." If they had any sense at all they would take a lesson from the Native Americans and throw their political clout behind free tuition at a public university in each qualified student's state of residence. That's a workable plan of reparations that could actually come to fruition.

Don't think about what we are giving up. Think about what we would gain. Would you rather live where you live with more an d more niggers taking control of government or would you rather leave to go to a mostly white ethnostate? RaHoWa ain't really coming as it's more just a slow fade out. I'd take this.

The mexicans already pwned your drug biz, twerkulus.
How u a gon git hi if u keeps dem out?


We're agreed, but you and I know plenty of good ol boys that would rather amputate their nuts than move from the south. There are plenty of places of the south that are exclusive white towns, these people wouldn't move for all the tea in china. This is why i suggest giving the deepest purple vein on the map to the blacks. Consolidate them there, pay off the ones who aren't there to move. When apartheid ended in SA the blacks there were made an offer of cash or land, over 90% of blacks took the cash offer. I think blacks here would do the same thing. 150k most poor whites would jump at, let alone blacks in this country. We can call it reparations to make them feel better about it. Seeing that on average they cost us 750k over their lifetime i think giving them 150k to fuck off to their own area is the deal of the millennium.

So you honestly think a country run by niggers for niggers would actually work? I'd say go for it but that's good land you're asking for and you want to ruin it as well as the fucking continent you already ruined? Get fucked cunt, go back to Africa and take your fucken mixes too. You're all as bad as eachother. Go to the Sahara, that way when you fuck it up no one will give a shit.

That’s a reasonable compromise!
Don’t mention how it will benefit whites as well, frame it as reparations for blacks.

>How about sending all of the 40M blacks in this country to the south, and allowing us to succeed from the union?
Make that South Africa and you've got a deal.

I would be willing to move if it came to that, but there would need to be a debate about how much land we are actually giving up. Most of the shades of purple on OPs map are 50% or less of the population which means there are more whites than blacks in most areas of the south. They're only a majority along the Mississippi and some belts across the deep south.

How about we offer each black that decended from slaves 100k cash & citizenship to the African nation of your choice as reparations. 100k will go a long way in Africa and your mother country will appreciate getting America's best and brightest back to their rightful lands. You would be an instant Kang and with American education, money and a bit of land you'd be set! We would of course need to revoke your American Citizenship if you were to accept the package. I would pay a few extra taxes for it.

>You can't move 40million people across the Atlantic, that's unrealistic
>As he talks about the fallout of millions of people moving across the Atlantic 600 years ago
Are you having in a dumb moment?

40M isn’t feasible, where are they going to go in Africa?
What nation is taking in even 1M people?
We don’t share a culture with Africans anymore, all that’s going to cause is killing on both sides and millions of Africans and African Americans flooding into Europe.
Bad idea.

Suddenly...the whites will need someone to do the shitty jobs and demand you back in.

Absolutely, they can send the Mexicans and illegals as well, we’ll take them.

most is in the midwest but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot in the south. And yea you're right you're not telling them to leave you're pushing them out

Nope, we don't get along with Africans, our culture is too different.

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Pay that 150k to the white families to leave the south, lower property taxes for white families in the north, move them into the newly vacated ghettos, not all the suthen pridt! in the world would pass that up.

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I agree that economic incentive would be prudent. Those that refused, well, go ahead and stay. I doubt that they will fare well under the United States of Wakanda, though. I think that one way or another 99.9% would leave. I'd be willing to abandon those too stubborn to see the greatness of a newly white USA (sans Dixie).

Are you being pushed out of the south side of Chicago, Baltimore, Compton or any other ghetto? No.
stop being dramatic and standing in the way of our mutual progress.

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You were given your own country called Liberia. Blame your ancestors for not leaving nigger.

I'm glad someone has sense.

If you don't support the succession of African Americans from the union all of your complaints become invalid.

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>mutual progress
gtfo of here dude you don't think people were pushed out of those areas by the crime and poverty? A man is tied to his land and Southerners don't deserve to have their land co-opted by an unproductive class that can be deported somewhere else.

Or we just send all blacks to Liberia like last time?

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This idea will turn the American South into Liberia 2.0. No thanks.


Liberia only went tits up because of the native Africans took over the state, Liberia was actually of actually working country before then. Though it was still shitty by white standards.


Though I should also mention that I don't believe that we should give them the south. Ship them to Haiti, they are smarter than the natives so they should actually make the country somewhat functional

1. Give up Dixie as a black ethnostate.
2. Deport all blacks, Hispanics, and natives there.
3. Give them agricultural machinery and guns.
4. Build a wall around Dixie with only two ports of entry.
I'm cool with it: they get $250mn in ag mech and $5mn in AR-15s, we let them collapse in on themselves while the Democrats die from a lack of voting base.

Southerners have had 150 years to make the south great, it's still a shit-hole compared to the north.
You all will be given 150k a family, low taxes, low rent, and many possible places to move in the north.
There's nowhere that you can deport 40M people to.

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Niggers don't want an ethnostate. They were offered Liberia and refused to take it. They refused to work with the American Colonization Society. They refused to cooperate with Lincoln when Lincoln offered them one. They refused to work with Marcus Garvey to forge an ethnostate. The Nation of Islam claims to want an ethnostate yet despite their wealth and decades long existence has put zero effort into making that happen. Niggers have had a chance over and over and over for their own ethnostate and in reply made it loud and clear they want to live in white countries instead.

Ever heard of Tulsa, Also known as black wall street?

Wealthy Blacks lived in harmony until a white woman accused a 10 year old boy of rape and it was burned to the ground.

>>Southerners have had 150 years to make the south great, it's still a shit-hole compared to the north.

How many states have you been too? They all have shit holes called metropolitan areas. There are in fact more up north.

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Florida, Alabama, Missippi, Texas (literally the nicest IMO), South Carolina.
There were many communities destroyed by whites during that time, the wall and weapons are for our protection.

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What name are you running under so that I can vote for you.

You should be lynched, disgusting nigger.

>The South
wew lad

That's not going to happen my pale hateful friend, we're discussing peaceful solutions to our issues.

isn't that already happening though?
but yea i agree with that idea since it supports an ethnostate for both sides

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it definetly wouldn't be peaceful, it would be the equivalent of when india and pakistan split apart and the millions of muslims and hindus killed each other to take each other's land

if you remove north carolina since it's still 70% white, you can call it a win-win situation considering that half of the south remains intact.

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>surrendering the ports
just fucking take it all back, send them back to africa

if you're going to do it, do it right

I actually think it would be great if someone on the “far” right would come out in favor of reparations. It would send the Republican Party into a tailSPIN being wedged between. The Republicans are controlled opposition and need to be reminded to court the far right or feel our brunt.

as a descendant of slaves, you can move to Liberia.

Liberia waa created specifically for that purpose

How do you plan to move 40M people to Africa?
What country are you going to take them to, and what country is going to agree to take in millions of foreigners.

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Several African countries passed laws to make it easier for American blacks to move and get citizenship. The problem is practically no one's taken up the offer.

You're making a mess of your own argument. If we were to give you any land, ALL OF YOU GO. You're not leaving behind those you don't want. Furthermore, where ever you were sent, it must not have any farm land for you to fuck up. We would have to dismantle any nuclear power plants in any area to which you were sent because your people have proven to be incapable of managing free housing projects. We're not trusting you with nuclear fusion. As far as arming you- no. Anytime the white man doesn't keep his boot on your neck, you idiots immediately turn anywhere there are more than a few of you into a warzone. And finally, you are 13 percent of the population, you do not need the entire South. If California were reworked enough maybe you could have part of Southern California, and we would just wall you off. Or possibly send you all to Puerto Rico. As far as two ports of entry, why? You said it yourself, you dont like us and we don't like you. After separation, you won't be coming into our areas. Ever. With the possible exception of foreign ambassadors (for when your new nation falls into mass starvation in two months of its founding, so you can ask us for gibs and we can laugh in your face and suggest you reinvent peanut butter again)

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>How do you plan to move 40M people to Africa?
We spend about a trillion a year on welfare.
Let's say we take half of that figure for the next 20 years or so (10 trillon) and say we use that to transport them to Africa. Is that enough to arrange one-way boat tickets to Africa?

Even if we dropped to 50 percent white here, even if we dropped to 40, do you understand how hilariously easy it would be for the white population to eradicate you? Whites are very complacent right now as a whole. But remember, every single time our two peoples have butted heads, you've lost. I'm not belittling you, but your people just aren't very capable

What if we just printed more money, bought an African country/land and sipped them all off there with reparations money.
They get reparations
we losee blacks
we get to pretend our money has value
and we get a free African colony once they kill themselves because they're retards

It would work because once they're all there, we cut off the cash and medicine, and food. Maybe invest it in installing European regimes that actually care about Europeans and guard the borders/cleanse their lands.

With bullets.

I just did the math. Half of the annual welfare divided by 40m people is 12,500 per person. I genuinely believe that is we 4 years worth of that up front and just paid it out to transport and give a stipend to the migrants/their new nation(s). We could do as you suggest at go back on our word but what would that really accomplish. This way we can part on amicable turns and there can't/won't be bullshit down the line about how we mistreated anyone or took advantage of them. Have official ceremonies and public addresses where representatives shake hands and make nice and it will go down in history as a mutually beneficial arrangement and no jew tricks can be used later to paint us as villians.

Its simple delayed gratification. Continuing at the staus quo for one more presidential term is a small price to pay for the future prosperity of our nation.

No one is going to Africa, you should've forcibly sent all of us there after the civil war, that ship has sailed (tehe).
You people are full of jokes, no one is butting heads with you, you're butting heads with a sub-replacement population and half of your own group that would rather fight you than any other ethnic group.
The civil war wasn't Africans vs Whites, it was whites killing whites.

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If the south is all black then who is gonna fuck the white bitches?