Can we talk about this traitor?
>New college campus free speech laws
>In the laws it says anti-semitism will now be illegal using the govt definition of anti-semitism
>govt definition includes any CRITICISM of Israel as anti-semitism
You literally can't talk about Israel or AIPAC anymore starting soon or you can get kicked out of school and possibly arrested.
Thanks Zion Don.
Zion Don
God bless our greatest allies!
President Kushner strikes again
>>In the laws it says anti-semitism will now be illegal using the govt definition of anti-semitism
wait really
Kushner as well as his college "buddy" who went to a Rabbi school in Israel and sued somebody for calling a Jewish woman "smelly."
He's 28 years old and now works for Trump. kek.
Avi Berkowitz
watch the video for a basic gestalt
just curious, why do you care about school
>God bless our greatest allies!
Tranny discord shills btfo.
Tired of winning yet?
Miss me yet?
>Can we talk about this traitor?
I'd rather not. It's all a reality TV show, you know. I mean, you might not have thought that back in 2016 since you were probably in your 20's and I can forgive you for being naive, but if you haven't realized that by now, well, I feel bad for you, son.
Just die, goyim.
>all these leftist cope threads
Yeah talk shit about Israel and Zionists as a sitting US president and see how long you live.
You niggers can keep playing retard but you know damn well the only other option is a full blown civil massacre. Be patient.
As for the leftists just trying to demoralize us, it's not working. I'm simply growing more extremist. We'll start calling for lynchings if you don't shut the fuck up.
Zion Don is a traitor!
>We'll start calling for lynchings if you don't shut the fuck up.
dogs who bark don't bite
fuck off spagetto shit
Obama founded ISIS along side Hillary creating the mudshitskin crisis...
So the new "free speech" executive order is in reality an anti-free speech executive order.
What an evil, traitorous piece of shit Trump is.
>elect a New York real estate developer whose daughter is a convert to Judaism and who keeps bashing Iran in his speeches
>surprised when it turns out that he is heavily pro-Israel
>if Trump does everything that the jews want that means he's really doing what they dont want1!!1!1!!
>trust me goy its only 6000000 dimensional underwater dreidel spinning, trust the plan!
What is that website where you can take YouTube videos and mirror them on the site before they get shoad, and you can download the videos as well?
He's not just pro-Israel (bad enough) He is pro Jew World Order. Pro Jew ownership of the United States. The guy is a COMPLETE TRAITOR.
>Any talk about Zionism, zion don, or AIPAC and israeli meddling in US politics is off topic
wtf user
Hooktube, it got shoah'd too though.
Can't mirror, but everyone should be uploading to Bitchute.
What is the phone number that we're gonna use to call these lynchings? Is it international? Are roaming charges involved? This sounds like alot of work, maybe we should just sit on our ass and post on anonymous message boards about how badass we are even though we are big pussies in real life.